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matt's pov

"MATT, WHAT THE fuck?" nick slams open the door to his room, not caring if the door hit the wall harshly.

matt looks up from his phone. "what nick?" he says annoyed at his brother, and trying to ignore his presence. 

"why did ava, adara, and camryn just leave? also why are you fighting with ava again?" he emphasizes the end of the sentence "you've been an asshole lately." nick says, grabbing the youngers phone out of his hand when he realizes he wasn't paying attention to him.

"what was that for!?" matt says annoyed, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

"are you even listening to me!?" nick asks angrily. matt again rolls his eyes at nick.

"i said, you've been a real asshole lately, fighting with our friends all the time, especially ava what is up with you two.." nick speaks to himself at the end before then continuing yelling "they all just left because of you!" annoyed at matt, he doesn't stop scolding him "i actually wanted to hang out with them, but thanks to you they left!"

"nick! shut the fuck up, and stop yelling at me! i don't give a fuck if they left." matt's now yelling as well. trying to grab his phone as nick holds it high up, out of his reach.

"whatever, chris wants to go to fucking mcdonald's, will you drive us?" nick asks , trying not to grin when matt lets out an angry 'fine'. matt grabs his phone and gets up. 

"lets go" matt rolls his eyes, but secretly he wasn't really mad because he hadn't ate in awhile and his stomach was growling

they get in the car and after a short drive, arrive at one of their favourite fast food stops.

"drive thru, or do you want to eat inside?" matt asks pulling up to mcdonald's. they all agree on going inside. once he had parked the car, they all go inside. chris is the first one to enter, pulling open the single entrance door and breathing in the delicious sent of fries.

chris' mood changes as he spots something and immediately turns around. "uhm guys.. i think i want the drive thru instead.." chris says trying to push them out of the mcdonald's.

"why?" matt, and nick ask at the same time, then nick then sees why he wants to go.

"oh.. yeah me too, let's go to the drive thru.." nick says helping chris with pushing the middle out

"guys what the fuck? i want to eat inside." matt says trying to push past them. he was not giving up that easily until he figured out what was wrong. after a minute of pushing and talking matt into leaving, nick and chris finally get their stubborn brother out of there.

"matt i said let's go to the drive thru!" chris says, spinning matt around, and pushing him to the car.

"ugh fine i don't know why-" matt stops as he spots what they're all yelling about.

camryn pov

camryn catches matt's eye from inside the building. oh god oh god. what are they doing here!? panic rises inside as she instantly looks away, and tries to figure out an excuse to get out of here.

"uhm.." she says uncomfortably, scratching the back of her neck. "can we leave guys, i actually want to go to a different restaurant." camryn says. adara looks confused until she looks to where camryn's head is nodding, signaling to look to the right.

"yeah- me too! cmon let's go!" adara says grabbing ava's arm, and pulling her out of the other exit.

"but- i wanted to go to mcdonald's.." ava says trying to get away and loosen adaras grip on her arm. ava tries to turn her head, with a puzzled expression on her face.

"too bad, we'll go anywhere but mcdonald's. you pick!" camryn says convincing her to leave. she follows them to the car. ava nods her head hesitantly, wondering why they were so persistent on leaving, as she climbs into the passengers seat.

"guys?" ava asks, looking at camryn and adara who look undeniably nervous.

"why are the triplets here!? is that why you made me leave?" ava says confronting them about it when camryn and adara both share a tense glance.

"uhhh... no?  we just wanted to go somewhere else! right camryn?" her other best friend says. camryn nods her head quickly, playing a fake confused act and coming up with something like 'what..? the triplets are here?' but ava wasn't paying attention as she gets out of the car, and strides up to the triplets who are just standing out front of the mcdonald's.

"what the fuck are you doing here?" 


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