Update #2/The end.

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Hi everyone, I'm back. Kinda.

I wasn't actually gone for very long, I'm just lazy and shy. I only had my internet turned off for two weeks, and that was a couple months after the last update. I just didn't really wanna come back for a few reasons.

One of them was this book. I thought about taking it down, simply because I don't like it, but I was checking its stats, and saw that it was the favored book out of my two posted ones (it had over 1000 engaged readers...)

So, I wanted to thank everyone for giving my book so much love, you have no idea how much that means to me. I honestly didn't think this book would get as much love as it did. So thank you.

One of the other reasons I didn't want to return is because my wifi is garbage, and I wanted to wait until I could get that fixed. I never did, but I got tired of waiting. So, I'm not sure how well Wattpad will function with my doodoo connection...

other reason is because i hate people and didn't wanna talk, but ya know. i wanted to write haha. I also haven't been super into Sonic lately, as it's not my favorite franchise. I mainly only write about Dragon Ball, or my original story. I also am just not very good at writing and finishing fanfictions. I don't have the motivation, and I also just have a job and life haha.

but anyway. I'm back, sort of. I probably won't write in this book again, so I'll put it on an indefinite hiatus on the off chance I get inspired to write or rework this book. I may post other fanfictions unrelated to Sonic, but I'm not sure about that either. I started one yesterday that I'm kind of enjoying, but I'm not sure I can finish it.

Anyway, maybe when the new game comes out, I'll be more inspired to write Sonic stuff. Until then, this book is probably done. Sorry I couldn't finish it, I just didn't enjoy writing it, like, at all.

So, anyway, I still probably won't be very active, I just didn't want to end this without explaining. I don't go on Wattpad much, and I still hate talking, so I won't reply to anything lol, but just know that I see all your very nice comments, and I love seeing people enjoy my work. Have a nice day, everyone. Thanks for enjoying my books.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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