CHAPTER 2: Getting Accepted

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Three weeks earlier...

"Settle down, everybody!" Miss Smith yelled.

Everyone continued gossiping amongst themselves.

"Be quiet, or I'll double the amount of homework!" Everyone immediately stopped talking. "Huh. Works every time. Now, open your books to chapter 15. We will discuss history today."

Alvin whacked his head against his desk.

"History? Ughhhh..." he groaned. "I'm gonna be history in a minute if this class goes on forever... and ever..." He stared at the clock.

"Something you want to share with the class, Alvin?"


Miss Smith's call snapped Alvin back to reality.

"Uh, nothing, Miss Smith."

"Good. Now you better listen up, or else YOU'LL be history."

The students shuddered at this thought.


"Three... two... one... YES!" Alvin punched the air.

History was finally over. The students jumped out of their desks to quickly leave the classroom, when Miss Smith said: "STOP! I need the following students to wait behind at the end... I have a list of the names... oh, where is it?"

She fumbled about with papers on her desk.

"Ugh! MORE time? The last thing I need is to stay at school longer than I need to."

"Alvin, maybe if you actually PAID attention in lesson, you'll actually LIKE school," Simon explained.

"HA! Me? Liking school? In your dreams, Seville."

"Aha! Here it is!" Miss Smith held the sheet in the air in triumph. "If I call your name, please come to my desk."

"Please don't call my name..." Alvin hoped. "Pleeeaaaseee..."

"The following must wait behind: Kevin, Warren, Bo-Carter-"

"Damn, Bo!" Alvin jeered. "Imagine staying in school longer!" He blew raspberries at his nemesis.

"Oh yeah?" he responded. "Imagine NOT HAVING A BRAIN!" He earned a bunch of 'oohs' from the class.

"QUIET!" Miss Smith snapped. "I'm not done. Also, Bruce, Cheesy... Simon, and Jeanette. That's all. The rest of you can go."

"Uh-oh, someone's in trouble!" Alvin sniggered.

Simon elbowed his brother.

"OW! That hurt, you know."

"That's the POINT."

"I-I wonder what that's for," Jeanette whispered softly.

"I'm sure it's nothing," Simon replied. "Come on, Jeanette, let's go."

"We'll meet you guys outside!" Brittany called out to them.

"Okay, Britt!" they both squeaked in unison.


"I wonder why Simon and Jeanette were told to stay behind," wondered Eleanor.

"It's probably for some dumb smart thing, or something," Alvin figured.

The Chipmunks just stared at him and laughed.

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