CHAPTER 5: First Day, First Doubts

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Simon's POV:

"Good afternoon," said the man in a low tone.

He stood with a straight posture in front of the classroom, greeting all the students as they entered his room.

"By way of introduction, my name is Professor Richardson, however, you may address me as just professor, or Mr. Richardson."

"Can't we just call him Richard instead?" mumbled Bo-Carter, who was sitting on the other side of the classroom.

His comment earned a bunch of sniggers from his surrounding pals, and an eye roll from myself, of course.

"Now, this school is like any other school e-"

"Except for the fact it looks like a freakin' prison," Bo chuckled quietly, yet again earning those snickers.

Mr. Richardson caught that comment - thankfully - and sighed, shaking his head in dismay.

"Well, I guess we all know who the class clown is," he huffed, as he shot a death stare at his adversary. "I think you owe me an apology. NOW."

"S-sorry, Mr. Richard," he mumbled.

"That's more like it. Now, as I was saying, before I was RUDELY interrupted... This school is like any other school, except it is designed for only the most hard-working and intelligent students who have the capacity to endure this high-level learning."

And after a long boring introduction - I sadly must admit, I fell asleep halfway through - he began teaching a subject I rather enjoy: chemistry... But then again, I enjoy pretty much all lessons, excluding art and performing arts subjects.

After a good two hours of science, the lesson concluded.

"Your science prep is due for next lesson," Professor Richardson finished. "That is all. Good day, everybody. Dismissed."

The students hastily rushed out of their seats and escaped the classroom, as if they were prisoners being held hostage. I mean, it's not like that's actually true. That's ridiculous.

I walked casually down the hallway, when Jeanette gently tapped my shoulder from behind.  We often stuck together since it was our first time being away from family and home.

"Hey, Simon!" she smiled. "Did you watch the latest episode of Jailbreak?"

"Yeah!" I replied. "Damn, wasn't expecting that school to be some testing place! I never understood why they called it 'jail' break. Until we found out the school was the jail they were referring to!"

"I know! I was shocked to see all those poor kids being tested for those horrible things! Like, yeah, they're smart and all, but you can't study them like that, especially without their consent!"

I fumbled around for my timetable, to see what subject I had next. 'ITP. Doctor Octavius. Medical Room 4.'

What on Earth does that mean? I thought to myself.

Jeanette sensed my confusion. "E-everything okay, Si?" she questioned worriedly.

"Well, actually..." I presented the piece of paper in front of her. "Any idea what subject 'ITP' is?"

She scratched her head in bewilderment. "N-no... and why is in MEDICAL Room 4?

The two of us stood there, dumbfounded, before finally coming back to our senses.

"I guess I'll found out when it gets there. For now, let's go find our friend groups," I said, eager to not waste another minute of our small and precious break.


Jeanette's POV:

Simon and I were resting in our dorm room, after a long day of school. We were working on our endless piles and piles of prep, homework, and whatnot. It seemed never-ending.

Back at school in our home town, I found the work there extremely easy, and I would fly through the lesson. It was a breeze. Now I'm at the Elite, I feel like I'm actually beginning to work hard, on some tough work. I guess it was kind of fun to finally work on something challenging, but then again: who likes work? Except from workaholics, I guess.

While working through my math prep, I inevitably stumbled upon a difficult question.

"Hey, Si?" I called out.

"Y-yeah? What's up, sis?"

"Could you, um, help me with this prep? It's confusing me."

"Sure thing, Jeanette."

He hopped onto my bed, and reviewed my work with me.

As I made eye-contact with him - as one does in a conversation, obviously - I casually looked deep into his eyes, and saw something... there were crimson-red cracks on his eyeballs, and there was a twinkle in them that showed... fear, or something.

Maybe I was overthinking it. Although, I should probably ask, just to be sure. It wouldn't hurt to check.

I cleared my throat, and rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. I felt like an idiot: what if everything was completely fine, and I was just overreacting?

"Um... ahem. A-are you alright, Simon? You seem e-exhausted, by the looks of it."

"Huh? Y-yeah, I'm alright, I guess," he said, while beginning to rub his head which seemed to hurt.

"Do you have a... h-headache?"

"Uh, maybe..." he whispered nonchalantly. He started rubbing his arm now, itching it constantly. "Anyways, subtract x from 34, and you'll get... what was it again?"

There was a weak crack in his voice as he spoke.

"A-are you sick?"

"I-I... I don't k-know... I-"

"WHAT? How can you NOT know if you're ill or not?" I snapped in his face, later feeling bad about doing so. "S-sorry, I..."

Simon started rocking back and forth, almost falling off the bed. Luckily I grabbed his wrist in time.

"S-Simon? Simon!" I held his face. "Simon, look at me. Are you OKAY? Is everything alright?"

"Y-y-yeah... I'm fine... just a bit light-headed."

"You should go to the school nurse, if there even IS one in this prison."

"I did," he said weakly. "S-she gave me some medicine... drug, I think it was."

"Well? Did it help?"

"I mean, if I'm being honest..." he looked around, before lowering his voice: "if anything, it made my headaches worse.

My eyebrows furrowed in concern at his words.

"Anyways, enough about MY problems. Let's just get on with this prep."

"Simon, don't be silly! My prep isn't nearly as important as you."

I hopped off my bed and grabbed a box of paracetamol tablets Dave packed for us in case we ever got I'll.

I filled a glass of water and handed a tablet and the glass to him. "Here, Simon. This should help with the pain. And if you need anything else, I'm here for you."

"Thanks, Jeanette."


What was going on with Simon? Something was up, and I intended to make it MY business to figure out what.

It was only our first day, and... I was starting to get my first doubts, or something.

The students hastily rushed out of their seats and escaped the classroom, as if they were prisoners being held hostage. I mean, it's not like that's actually true. That's ridiculous.

"You should go to the school nurse, if there even IS one in this prison."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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