CHAPTER 3: Next Stop - The Elite

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"WHAT?" cried Alvin in disbelief.

"Y-you're l-leaving us?" Theodore snivelled, a few shiny tears dripping from his eyes.

"Relax, Theodore," Simon reassured him. "It's just for one semester."

"An entire SEMESTER?" cried the melodramatic princess (care to guess who?). "That means you'll be gone for AGES! Who's gonna fix my internet problems?"

Jeanette rubbed the back of her head.

"Really, Britt? That's all I'm useful for?"

Brittany cleared her throat. "No, no! Of course I'll miss you for other reasons beside the internet. I mean, there'll be no one to fix the shower, right?"

"Oh brother."

A thought suddenly popped in Alvin's mind.

If Simon's not here, he thought, I can do whatever I want! He won't be here to boss me around anymore! Am I selfish for thinking that?

"Whatcha thing 'bout, Alvin?" Brittany smirked.

"Huh? Oh- I- Nothing. Just thinking about how much quieter it'll be around here with Simon gone."

"You're not good at a lot of things. And lying's one of 'em."

"Gee, thanks, Britt."

"Pleasure's all mine."

Brittany held Jeanette's hands: "I'll text you every day, okay, sis? Tell me how it is there. Got it?"

"Got it."

Dave walked towards the two.

"Are you sure this is what you guys want? I mean, it's a big decision to make. It'll change your whole life, you know."

"Absolutely, Dave," Simon confidently answered, which gave Jeanette the strength to answer, too.

"Y-y-yes, Dave."

"I sense the tension in your voice, Jeanette. It seems like you're a little hesitant in wanting to leave."

"You know what?" she began, "If I'm gonna chase my dreams, I better start now. I mean, when else is this huge opportunity going to appear suddenly out of thin air? I HAVE to do this, Dave. For my career. Besides... I'll be with Simon. He's the best."

"Aww, thanks, Jean!" he smiled.

- - - Time for Boarding School - - -

Jeanette's legs trembled as she clutched onto her purple suitcase, while Simon grabbed onto his. They said their final goodbyes to the Chipmunks, before stepping foot into the black SUV that had come to take us.

Next stop: The Elite.

Jeanette's POV (Point of View):

I removed the dull shades from the window, and looked outside.

The driver rolled his window down, scanned an ID card, and the barriers opened. Either side of the car were electric fences, and barbed wire.

Everywhere I looked, I could see black SUV cars, much like ours, parked. There were men dressed in suits and ties, talking to each other - seemingly in code.

This one guy started talking into his sleeve: "Copy that. Henderson, are you there? Reference code: Tango, Delta, 702."

This place looked... strange. It had the appearance of some nuclear power factory, or even a prison? No. I'm being crazy. I have to think rationally.

It wasn't the most welcoming place in the world, I surmised, but I'm sure it would get better. It just that... I'm having trouble believing that it would...

Simon's POV:

This place looked like it was not a boarding school, but some secret service like the FBI, or MI5 even.

I looked over my shoulder at Jeanette, who was just as confused as I was.

We got out of the car, greeted by some not-so-friendly guys. We were each given an ID card with our name and picture on it, which would give us access to the 'facility'.

"Thank you for the ride, sir. Drive home safely," I said out of courtesy to the driver.

He narrowed his stony wolf-grey eyes at me. He then began to chortle manly, a cloud of fresh cigar leaving his mouth.

"Home? Haha! HAHAHAHA! Oh, you ARE a funny man. Nobody working here goes HOME. Those who work at The Elite, STAY at The Elite."

His amused expression turned deadpan. "Some advice for you, son. Watch out for the blue scar."

My teeth chattered, though it was warm weather.

"W-w-w-what? Excuse me, sir, but could you clarify -" And he walked off, still laughing hysterically.

Jeanette clung onto my arm.

"S-Simon? What is he talking about?" she asked softly.

"Don't worry," I whispered back. "I'm sure he's just messing with us."

"'Those who work at The Elite, STAY at The Elite'. What does that mean?"

"I told you, he's just joking around. You know us guys; we love to mess with people's heads... Though, I can't lie: that was pretty strange..."

Watch out for the blue scar.

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