CHAPTER 4: Chipmunk Diaries

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Jeanette's Diary...

Dear Diary,

A thousand thoughts rushed through my head as I contemplated the fact that am I actually doing this: I'm going to go to the place I've been dreaming about since I was a little kid!

I was going to have to leave everybody behind, though. I'm definitely going to miss Dave - he's a big part of my life. Also, I know Brittany's not PERFECT, and she can be pretty damn selfish - goodness, who am I?! - but she has a heart of gold. And that's what I love about her. Plus, I'm beginning to miss the bitterness of Eleanor's sarcasm. (Wow! I can't believe I said that!)

But I've got Simon with me. He's my everything. He's the best brother anyone could ever ask for! He takes care of me like nobody else, and I love him for that. I can't return the favour, but I can certainly try.

He always tells me to dream big. Real big. A wise munk once told me: "The sky's not the limit, 'cause there's something called 'space', filled with planets, stars, and so much more. Why limit your goals to the sky? Reach for the sun, the burning fire within your soul."

Anywho, I have to go. But I promise to get back to you on my first day here at The Elite. Until then, take care, beloved diary of mine.

Yours forever,
Jeanette, a Causal Dreamer xx <3

Simon's Diary...

Dear Diary,

First of all, why am I even keeping a diary? It's LAME! Hold on... I'm starting to sound like Alvin - that can't be good.

Truth is, I miss him. Even though he can be EXTREMELY annoying and a gigantic pain in the neck, he's still my brother, and I love him no matter what. What to say about cute little Theodore? He never fails to brighten my day, and I love the kid to pieces. And Dave... dear ol' Dad. Ever since the day he took us in - well, in hindsight, we refused to leave his doorstep - I've just shared this unexplainable connection with the loveable man. A connection that's too hard to get rid of.

I'm not the kind of guy who gets all emotional, sheds tears, and all that. But I'll admit: this experience is a real eye-opener. Maybe my feelings are a lot stronger than I thought! Nonetheless, I'm going to have to tame these waterworks. I won't shed a tear in front of anyone.

Why am I writing my thoughts in a book? Damn, this "leaving home" thing is making my mind go crazy. And I've never used such informal language! The things boarding school can do to you... MAN.

But I have nothing to worry about, because Jeanette's with me. She's all I need. She's amazing, she's my world, and I love her to the moon and back. There's nothing like having a sister who... really understands you, you know?

I have to say, I am a mentor to her. I teach her things no school would bother to mention, and I'll be there for her when days get dark. And she'd do the same for me. There's nothing more I could wish for, to be honest with you, dumb diary.

Also, I am clueless as to why this little thing bothering me so greatly, BUT, when the driver dropped us off to the academy, he gave me some piece of advice I still don't understand.


Like I'm supposed to know the heck he's talking about.

Anyways, why on Earth am I babbling on a dead tree? Well... I guess it felt a tad good to get these rushing thoughts down on paper.

Anyways, I've got to go. I'll write to you on my first day - if I finally decide having a diary is even worth it.

How do you even end a diary? Ugh.

"Yours", I guess?
The Smart Guy, Simon T_T :/ •|'^_^'|•

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