Chapter Five

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Eleanor climbed up the side of the ship, pulling herself up onto the deck. Her heart felt heavy as she looked around at Gibbs and the rest of the crew. They had left Jack, helpless and in possible danger, back on the island. Eleanor had to believe that he would somehow weasel his way out of anything remotely life threatening...but she still felt guilty. She turned around to help Will and Elizabeth on board.
Once Elizabeth saw the crew surrounding them, she instantly shrunk back into Will, a flash of horror crossing her face. "Not more pirates."
Gibbs stepped forwards, a smile on his face, "Welcome aboard, Miss Elizabeth."
Elizabeth frowned before realisation seemed to dawn on her, "Mr Gibbs?"
Gibbs grinned back at her, before looking towards Will, "Hey, boy, where be Jack?"
"Jack?" Elizabeth said in surprise. She looked at Will and Eleanor. "Jack Sparrow?"
Will looked over at Eleanor with a small frown. Eleanor gulped, feeling rather guilty about the circumstances that they left him in. "He fell behind." Will placed his hand on the small of Elizabeth's back, before leading her away. Eleanor decided to let them have a few moments alone together.
Gibbs seemed to be rather conflicted about what to do without Jack. Finally, under the oppressing eyes of the crew, he came up with his decision, "Keep to the code."
Eleanor took a deep breath, walking towards the railing of the ship. "Weigh anchor!"Anamaria called. "Hoist the sails! Make quickly, divvies." Eleanor ignored her call, instead continuing to look out over the water. She looked back at the cave, with a slight pang of disappointment in not seeing Jack stumble out of it.

Back on the Isla De Muerta, Jack had been dragged in front of Barbossa, who was less than happy to find Jack Sparrow and not Elizabeth. The crew of the Black Pearl surrounded Jack and Barbossa, as each captain glared at one another. Jack's head was throbbing slightly from where Will had hit him, but what hurt him the most – much to his surprise – was Eleanor's obvious disappearance. She had her sister now, he had to admire her courage to stick to the pirate code. Maybe she was more like a pirate than he gave her credit for. Right now, that didn't matter as Barbossa looked like he was about to kill him.
"How the blazes did you get off that island?" Barbossa's voice echoed off the cave walls.
Jack smirked at him, that gleam of knowing something Barbossa didn't in his eyes. "When you marooned me on that godforsaken spit of land," Jack explain, "you forgot one very important thing, mate." He leant backwards, his smirk turning into a patronising grin. "I'm Captain Jack Sparrow."
Barbossa did not take lightly to being teased. He sneered, "Ah, well, I won't be making that mistake again." He turned around, "Gents, you all remember Captain Jack Sparrow?" he called to his crew. They all grunted in response. "Kill him." The pirates all cheered, pointing their guns and pistols at Jack.
Jack suddenly spoke, the tid-bit of information which could save his life. "The girl's blood didn't work, did it?"
Barbossa stopped in his tracks. He rolled his eyes, "Hold your fire!" The pirates grumbled, reluctantly, lowering their weapons. Barbossa turned around to look at the man he despised, "You know whose blood we need?"
Jack grinned, "I know whose blood ye need."
After a silent boat ride back to the Black Pearl, Barbossa and Jack locked themselves awar in the captains cabin. Barbossa knew that Jack would be coming up with some devious way to deceive him, but he also knew that Jack had information that was vital to their crew.
"So you expect to leave me standing on some beach with nothing but a name and your word it's the one I need and watch you sail away in my ship?" Barbossa scoffed, listening to Jack's plan.
"No," Jack grinned. "I expect to leave you standing on some beach with absolutely no name at all, watching me sail away on my ship and then I'll shout the name back to you. Savvy?"
Barbossa gritted his teeth, "But that still leaves us with the problem of me standing on some beach with naught but a name and your word it's the one I need."
"Of the two of us, I am the only one who hasn't committed mutiny, word is the one we'll be trusting," Jack said, flourishing his hands. He walked around the cabin, looking at everything that used to be his. He grabbed an apple off the table. "Although...I suppose I should be thanking you because, in fact, if you hadn't betrayed me and left me to die, I would have an equal share in that curse, same as you." He bit into the apple, relishing the cold look on Barbossa's face as he watched Jack. "Funny ol' world, innit?" He offered the rest of the apple to Barbossa, but continued to eat it when Barbossa stood up.
One of the men rushed into the room, "Captain, we're coming up on the Interceptor."
The two captains rushed out of the cabin and onto the deck. Jack ran in front of Barbossa, standing in front of him at the bow, blocking any view he had of the Interceptor. "I'm having a thought here, Barbossa. What say we run up a flag of truce?" he widened his eyes and tilted his head towards the ship. "I scurry over to the Interceptor, and I negotiate the return of your medallion, eh? What say you to that?"
Barbossa looked coldly at Jack, before sneering, "Now you see, Jack, that's exactly the attitude that lost you the Pearl." Barbossa's smile widened. "People are easy to search when they're dead." Jack's grin turned upside down as he looked over at the Interceptor. What about Eleanor? Barbossa nodded towards one of his men, "Lock him in the brig."

Eleanor stood on the bow of the ship, "THE PEARLS CLOSING IN!"
Gibb's head snapped up and looked out over the water. Anamaria was steering the ship, a determined look on her face. Eleanor knew that it was hopeless, we didn't have enough wind nor speed to escape the clutches of the Black Pearl.
Elizabeth ran up from below deck, Eleanor noticing that Will was not with her. Was that a good or bad sign?
"Hands aloft to loose t'gallants! With this wind at her stern, she'll carry every sail we've got," Gibbs called out to the crew.
Elizabeth ran to Eleanor's side, confusion on her face, "What's happening?"
"The Black Pearl, she's gaining on us."
"This is the fastest ship in the Caribbean," Elizabeth said, shaking her head in disbelief.
"You can tell them that after they've caught us," Anamaria said, gritting her teeth as she fought against the wheel.
"You forget, Eliza, the Black Pearl is the fastest pirate ship. The Navy needs to take a few pointers from it," Eleanor said.
Elizabeth shook her head, trying to think about another course of action. An idea seemed to pop into her head, "We're shallow on the draft, right?"
"Well, then can't we lose them amongst those shoals?" Elizabeth suggested.
Eleanor turned her head, catching onto the train of thought of her sister, "That could work. We could outrun them for long enough.'
Anamaria seemed to hesitate before she called, "Lighten the ship, stem to stern!"
"Anything that we can afford to lose...see that it's lost!" Gibbs called to the crew. Instantly, everyone set to work, tossing barrels and anything else that weighed the ship down, over the side.
Will looked out at the Black Pearl watching as it still came closer. He turned to his head, luckily, to see them about to throw the cannons over the edge. He put his hand on them, "We're gonna need that."
The oars of the Black Pearl had come out the bottom and were helping it move faster along the shoals. "It was a good plan," Anamaria called out, "up til now."
Eleanor shook her head in frustration, "There has to be something we can do!"
"Gibbs!" Will yelled, hurrying up the stairs. Elizabeth and Eleanor watched him as he looked determinedly around. "We have to make a stand. We must fight! Load the guns!"
"With what?"
"Anything. Everything!" Will insisted, his face confident and desperate all at once. "Anything we have left."
Gibbs nodded, seeing the reason behind his words, "Load the guns!" The crew responded instantly, taking up forks and other objects. "Take shot and langrage. Nails and crushed glass! With a will!" Eleanor looked over the railing, watching as the Pearl still continued to gain ground. "The Pearl is going to luff up on our port quarter. She'll rake us without ever presenting a target."
"Lower the anchor on the right side," Elizabeth shouted. Eleanor's head snapped around to look at her sister. "On the starboard side!"
Will raised an eyebrow, "It certainly has the element of surprise."
"That just may work," Eleanor grinned, a sense of hope flitting back into her heart.
"You're daft, lady! You all are!" Anamaria cried out, a disbelieving frown on his face.
Those words seemed to spark some kind of recognition in Gibbs and he instantly took to the plan. "Daft like Jack! Lower the starboard anchor! Do it, ye dogs, or it's you we'll load into the cannons!" The crew instantly worked to lower the anchor.
Eleanor looked over at Anamaria, who was still gripping onto the wheel. "Let go," she exclaimed. She did and right away the ship started to swing about.
Everyone was rushing about, trying to ready the canons. Eleanor was gripping onto the side, ensuring that Elizabeth was beside her. She had no intention of losing her sister again. The Pearl came to the side of the Interceptor.
Will shouted to the crew, "Keep us steady now. Now!"
Eleanor cried out, "FIRE!" just as they could hear Barbossa over at the Pearl. No matter how man canons they fired, the Interceptor was taking more damage than the Pearl was. Eleanor was dodging canons as they blasted past her, leaping aside as the railing splintered and flew within inches of her face.
"We could use a few more ideas, lass," Gibbs called out.
"Your turn," Elizabeth fired back, helping Eleanor back to her feet.
"We need us a devil's dowry," Gibbs grunted.
Anamaria stepped forwards, pointing her pistol at Elizabeth, "We'll give them her."
"Over my dead body," Eleanor threatened, stepping protectively in front of her sister. Eleanor drew out a dagger and pointed it towards Anamaria for extra emphasis.
Will shook his head, "She's not what they're after."
Elizabeth and Eleanor both looked around at Will, the same thought in their heads. "The medallion!" Will's eyes widened, as they noticed Elizabeth's neck bare with no chain on it.
"It's below," Elizabeth muttered.
Will leapt down the stairs, and scrambled to the lower deck, leaving the women to fight it out on top. Eleanor gasped, pushing Elizabeth aside as they grapple hooks were thrown onto the deck – one nearly hitting her. All of a sudden a pair of boots landed in front of Eleanor, and she looked up from the floor of the see Jack grinning down at her.
"Jack..."Eleanor whispered, before she took his outstretched hand and got to her feet. Without even thinking she threw her arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly. "You're alright!" Then she seemed to realise what she was doing. She quickly stepped away, ignoring his look of surprise, before clearing her throat and helping Elizabeth to her feet. She could feel her cheeks burning and ignored the incredulous look thrown to her by Elizabeth.
"Jack!" Gibbs exclaimed, walking forwards with a smile.
Jack thrusted a canteen towards him, "Bloody empty." He then turned towards Elizabeth. "Where's the medallion?"
"Wretch!" she screamed, raising her hand to slap him.
He quickly grabbed her wrist, smirking, "Ah, where's dear William?"
"Will..."Elizabeth muttered, before pulling her arm free of Jack and running towards the entrance to below deck. The mast had fallen and trapped Will inside. "Will!"
"Elizabeth!" Will called from below.
Eleanor gasped, rushing to her sister's side. She glanced at Jack one last time before he darted after Barbossa's monkey. She tried, with her sister, to move the mast. But it was simply no use. The mast was far too heavy.
"We can't move it," Elizabeth cried, looking down at Will as he struggled under the grating.
Suddenly, arms wrapped themselves around Eleanor and Elizabeth's waists, pulling them backwards and away from Will. They both screamed and fought against the arms dragging them, all the way onto the Black Pearl. Elizabeth was shaking with fury but there wasn't anything Eleanor could do. Eleanor and Elizabeth was thrown in with the other members of the Interceptor crew. One of the mangy pirates, Elizabeth called Pintel, pointed a pistol at them. "If any of you as much as thinks the word "parley," I'll have your guts for garters."
A canon fired from the ship and hit the Interceptor. Within moments it blew up, raging in flames. "Will!" Elizabeth screamed, leaping forwards to stare at the flames. Eleanor was stock still her eyes wide and mouth agape. She was far too slow to stop her sister from charging towards Barbossa and trying to attack him. "You've got to stop it! Stop it!"
Barbossa took her by the shoulders, pushing her off him, "Welcome back, Miss. You took advantage of our hospitality last time," He grinned down at her. "It holds fair now that you return the favor." He pushed her over towards the rest of his crew, who grabbed her with delight.
Eleanor sprung into action. She leapt forwards with her dagger in her hand, "Don't you dare touch her!" she screamed, slashing the dagger towards Barbossa.
With very little sweat, one of Barbossa's crew took Eleanor from behind, disarming her. "Look here, men," Barbossa called out. "Looks like we have Miss Swann's sister." The crew cheered. "Now, it seems we have the whole set." He nodded towards the man holding Eleanor, who grinned, pushing her towards the crew as well. She screamed out as she felt the strong hands of the pirates tugging, touching, and pulling her about. She could see Jack staring at them with a frown, but he was unable to do anything.
"BARBOSSA!" A familiar voice shouted out.
"Will!" Elizabeth gasped, staring up at Will as he stood on the railing of the Pearl. He was sopping wet and held a pistol in his hand. He looked like an avenging angel, as he stared down at Barbossa and every member of his crew who was touching the Swann sisters. He leapt down from the rails and pointed his pistol at Barbossa. "They go free."
Barbossa was slightly confused, "What's in your head, boy?"
"They go free!" He repeated firmly.
Barbossa looked delighted, "You've only got one shot, and we can't die."
"Don't do anything stupid," Jack muttered to Will.
Will ignored him. "You can't," Will agreed. He took a step backwards, leaping onto the ropes. "But I can." He pointed the pistol at himself.
"Like that," Jack sighed.
Elizabeth and Eleanor struggled in the grasps of the crew. They were both shaking their heads in fear of what Will was going to do.
"Who are you?" Barbossa spat.
Jack leapt in front of Barbossa, his hands up as he hurried to rectify the situation, "No one. He's no one. A distant cousin of my aunt's nephew twice removed. Lovely singing voice, though – eunuch."
Will, wasn't playing Jack's game, "My name is Will Turner . My father was Bootstrap Bill Turner. His blood runs in my veins."
"He's the spitting image of ol' Bootstrap Bill come back to haunt us."
Elizabeth shook her head, trying to make him stop. He was digging himself a hole. They'd kill him as soon as they could.
"On my word do as I say, or I'll pull this trigger and be lost to Davy Jones' Locker," Will threatened, leaning over the edge of the ship.
"Name your terms, Mr Turner," Barbossa asked.
"Elizabeth and Eleanor go free."
"Yes, we know that one. Anything else?" Barbossa raised an eyebrow.
Will looked over at the crew, seeing Jack point towards himself, "And the crew – the crew are not to be harmed."
Barbossa grinned, deviously, "Agreed."
And that's when everything turned to shit.

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