Chapter Eight

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  It was night as Eleanor sat at the helm of The Dauntless. The wind blew around her hair, matching the thoughts that seemed to spin within her mind. She was confused about what to do. She felt like a hypocrite, telling Jack she would not marry, however accepting Norrington's proposal to save her sister's happiness. She was no longer sure what to do and felt like she was a lost boat, floating aimlessly in a larger sea.
She was engaged. Engaged to a man who was nice but not...Jack.
"So getting married, eh?"
Eleanor jumped. She had been so lost in thought that she didn't even realise someone had snuck up behind her. She let out a small breath. He leant on the railing beside her. She gave a sad smile. "That's what it looks like."
Jack gave her a wicked grin, though she could tell that his eyes hid sadness behind them. "Looks like we won't be sailing the seas together after all."
Eleanor stared back out at the sea, a frown on her face. She heaved a sigh, "All I've ever wanted is to travel. To find new places and meet exotic people." She looked towards Jack. "I guess it will only ever remain a dream."
Jack slid closer to her and Eleanor felt her skin tingle by the warmth his body emitted. "Well, love, all I would suggest is – and this is going to sound really cliché –" He leaned towards Eleanor, his breath brushing against her skin, "...follow your heart."
Eleanor shivered. She turned to her eyes towards him. "I...I can't."
Jack moved away from her slightly and Eleanor felt the loss of his warmth. "I don't blame you," he said. "I understand why you did it. For your sister."
"She'd do that same for me."
"I don't doubt it," Jack nodded. "However, is it the right way to go about it, love? That is the question you have to answer yourself."
"And what do you think's the right thing is?" Eleanor asked.
Jack grinned, "I'm a pirate. Everything I do is for myself." His eyes flickered towards her lips. "And I have wanted to do you real bad."
"Jack – "
"It's too bad," he said, standing up from the railing. He gave her a half smile. "I would have liked sailing the seven seas with you." He turned and disappeared, leaving Eleanor to feel a pang in her heart and guilt in her gut. Eleanor lost track of how long she sat staring out into the darkness but it had to be at least two hours before someone else came to join her.
"You alright?"
"Honestly?" Eleanor shook her head, looking back out into the dark sea. "I don't even know."
Elizabeth, who had an uncanny way of knowing what Eleanor was thinking, sat down beside her. She didn't make any move to comfort her sister, which Eleanor was thankful for. For a little while they just sat like that. Two girls staring out at the sea, like they used to do when they were younger and travelling with their father. "I know why you did it," Elizabeth said after a while. "And I just want to say thank you." Eleanor looked at her sister. "And you don't have to worry about anyone important overhearing," Elizabeth smiled. "Norrington and Jack have left with a crew to find Will."
Eleanor have her a small smile, "I couldn't exactly leave Will behind."
Elizabeth smirked, "Yes, but somehow I do not believe that was your only motivation."
Eleanor nodded, "We both know the other reason." She looked pointedly at her sister.
Elizabeth blushed. "All the same...thank you."
"I did what needed to be done," Eleanor shrugged. However, she didn't feel overly happy about what that decision now meant. She was glad Will would be saved, but somehow she felt like she had only condemned herself.
"I know," Elizabeth sighed, "you never intended to marry." Eleanor gave a light chuckle. "I want you to be happy."
"I will be," Eleanor said. She was convinced she would be...someday. "Just...not yet."
Elizabeth paused, thinking about how to tackle her next point of conversation. "Elle, we need to talk about what happened on the island."
Eleanor gave a half smile. "It had to happen someday." She looked behind her, ensuring that no one could hear.
"You...and Jack – "
Again, Eleanor gave a small, but sad laugh, "He was going to show me the world."
Elizabeth frowned, "He's a pirate, Elle. I know you've always been in love with the idea of pirates – I am exactly the same – but this is different. We are from a different world."
Eleanor turned to her sister. "But we don't have to be." Elizabeth only continued to give her a hard look. "It doesn't matter now, anyway," she sighed. "I am engaged to a man whose main mission in life is to kill every pirate he faces."
"Norrington is..."
"Different," they both said before bursting into small giggles.
" you – do you have feelings for him?" Elizabeth whispered.
"I'm not sure," Eleanor admitted. "I believe they were turning into something along those lines."
Elizabeth sat in silence for a while, thinking over what her sister had admitted. "Maybe," she said tentatively. "Just maybe, you should follow what your heart says."
"I don't know what it says."
Elizabeth smiled, "I think you do."
"Even if it costs Will his life?"
Elizabeth shrugged, "Who said it had to be before we saved Will."
Eleanor grinned, "Oh, Eliza, you cunning girl. Once could almost say that was the thinking of a pirate."
Elizabeth smirked, "Maybe we aren't so different after all."
Suddenly Gillette and one of the other crew members took Eleanor and Elizabeth by the shoulders. "You have to come with us, Missies."
"Unhand me!" Eleanor cried, stumbling slightly. "How dare you!"
"What do you think you're doing?!" Elizabeth exclaimed.
They continued to drag the two girls, kicking and screaming towards Norrington's cabin. "Sorry, but it is for your own safety."
"Get your hands off me!" Eleanor cried out. "When the Commodore hears of this – "
"It was his order, ma'am."
"What?!" Eleanor snapped.
"We have to tell him!" Elizabeth said. "They're cured. They cannot be killed."
"The pirates!" Eleanor gasped.
Gillette simply nodding to placate them whilst opening the door and shoving them inside. "Don't worry, miss, he's already informed of that. A little mermaid flopped up on deck and told him the whole story."
He shut the door on their faces. Eleanor and Elizabeth both started to bang and kick at the door with all their might. "This is Jack Sparrow's doing!" Elizabeth screamed.
Eleanor had to agree with her. "That bastard," she muttered in between forceful hits.
"We have to get out of here," Elizabeth yelled, hitting the door even harder.
An idea suddenly struck Eleanor and she pulled Elizabeth away. "Wait...let them think we're stewing about how unfair it all is." She looked over the room and pointed towards the window. "Maybe we need to see just how well we can tie our knots." Elizabeth grinned.


Pintel pushed Will along the dark and dank cave corridor. "No reason to fret. It's just a prick of the finger, a few drops of blood." Will raised his eyebrows at the pirate.
"No mistakes this time," Twigg grinned. "He's only half-Turner. We spill it all!" He chuckled as they walked past, Will being dragged along with the crowd.
Pintel looked over at his friend, Ragetti, "Guess there is reason to fret." They both burst out laughing. The cave opened up into the big cavern that contained the cursed Aztec gold. All the crew of the Black Pearl gathered in front of Barbossa, who held Will by the arm over the gold. Barbossa glared over the pirates, his rotting teeth flashing into a grin. Will was struggling to get away as Barbossa pulled out a knife and held it at Will's throat. "Begun by blood..."
"Excuse me..."
" blood un – "
"JACK!" Will yelled, spotting the pirate as he pushed his way through the pirate crowd.
Barbossa froze. His beady eyes staring at Jack in disbelief. "S'not possible," he muttered.
"Not probable," Jack agreed.
"Where's Elizabeth?" Will asked. "And Eleanor?"
"They're safe, just like I promised," Jack said, walking aimlessly towards the Aztec chest. "Eleanor's all set to marry Norrington, just like she promised." There was bitterness to his words. "Elizabeth's waiting safely on the ship, just like he promised. And you get to die for her, just like you promised. So we're all men of our word really except for Eleanor and Elizabeth who are, in fact, women."
Barossa scowled at Jack, "Shut up! You're next." He leant in to slit Will's throat again.
"You don't want to be doing that, mate," Jack said, waving his hands around.
"No, I really think I do," Barbossa insisted, moving again to slit Will's throat.
"Your funeral," Jack said, backing away.
Barbossa gritted his teeth, rolled his eyes and looked back at Jack. He really was a fool for small tricks. "Why don't I want to be doing it?"
"Well, because the HMS Dauntless – pride of the Royal Navy – is floating just offshore." Barbossa's eyes widened only slightly. "Waiting for you." Barbossa looked like he was ready to slit Jack's throat instead. Jack hurried to explain, "Just hear me out, mate. You order your men to row out to the Dauntless. They do what they do best. Robert's your Uncle, Fannie's your Aunt, there you are with two ships." Jack stood beside the chest now, grinning at Barbossa. His eyes were dancing with excitement. "The making of your very own fleet." Barbossa raised an eyebrow. "'Course you'll take the grandest as your flagship, and who's to argue? But what of the Pearl? Name me Captain, I'll sail under your colours, I'll give you ten percent of me plunder and you get to introduce yourself as...Commodore Barbossa. Savvy?"
Barbossa growled, "I s'pose in exchange, you want me not to kill the whelp."
Jack gave a nonchalant shrug, "No, no, not at all by all means, kill the whelp. Just not yet. Wait to lift the curse until the opportune moment. For instance..." he scooped up a few of the gold medallions, "after you've killed Norrington's men..."he drops one back in with a plop, "every..." plop, "last..." plop, "one." Plop.
"You've been planning this from the beginning," Will said, outraged. "Ever since you learned my name."
Jack nodded, "Yeah."
"I want fifty percent of your plunder," Barbossa snapped.
"Twenty-five," Jack grinned. "And I'll buy you the hat. A really big one...Commodore."
Barbossa hesitated for a moment before a horrible smirk crossed his face. He held out his hand, "Then we have an accord."
"All hand's to the boats!" Jack yelled, spinning around with excitement. He suddenly realised what he had just done. He looked over at Barbossa who looked at him askance. "Apologies. You give the orders."
"Gents...take a walk," Barbossa grinned. The pirates all chuckled, walking out of the cavern.
"Not to the boats?" Jack asked, tilting his head to the side.
Barbossa merely grinned at him.

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