Chapter Seven

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And the bonfire turned out to be the palm trees burning when they awoke the next morning. Eleanor was thrown off Jack as he stood up, eyes wide and screaming for his rum. Smoke plumed up in spirals in the sky. Eleanor coughed, sitting up and dusting the sand off her Navy jacket.
"No! Not good! Stop! Not good!" She could hear Jack shouting towards Elizabeth. Eleanor pushed herself up from the beach and jogged lightly towards Jack and her sister. Jack looked frantic and horrified, but it was the look on her sisters face that told her she was going to be having one hell of a scolding later. "What are you doing?!" Jack exclaimed, waving his arms up and down at the sight before him. The burning rum. "You burned all the food, the shade! The rum!"
Elizabeth nodded, "Yes, the rum is gone."
"Why is the rum gone?" Jack whined.
Elizabeth's face turned vicious as she looked at Jack, "One, because it is a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into complete scoundrels," she aimed the last line at her sister, who cringed away slightly. "Two, that signal is over a thousand feet high. The entire Royal Navy is out looking for Eleanor and I, do you really think that there is even the slightest chance that they won't see it?" She walked towards Eleanor poking her in the shoulder. "We will be talking about this later," she hissed before walking off to sit on the sand.
"Great," Eleanor muttered, closing her eyes for a brief moment. When she opened them again, Jack was looking at her.
"But why is the rum gone?"
Elizabeth called back at them, "Just wait, Captain Sparrow. You give it one hour, maybe two, keep a weather eye out and then you will see white sails on that horizon."
Jack took out his pistol, aiming at Elizabeth's head. Eleanor gasped in shock, placing herself in front of her sister with a defiant expression. "Jack," she said, warningly. He shook his head, putting the pistol down before storming off in the opposite direction, leaving Eleanor to watch him. She looked back at her sister, knowing that she was wanting to discuss her actions, but Eleanor was in no mood for a lecture and ran after Jack.
"Jack!" Eleanor called. He slowed his pace but didn't turn around to look at her. Eleanor sauntered up to his side. "You weren't really going to shoot her, were you?"
Jack continued to look straight ahead, "She burned the rum."
"You'll live without rum," Eleanor stated. Jack looked sharply at her as if what Eleanor had said was an utter outrage. She rolled her eyes, "Don't give me that look, Captain Sparrow. You'll live."
Jack shook his head, exasperated, giving a scornful look behind him at what Eleanor could only imagine was Elizabeth, before he fell backwards onto the sand in annoyance. Eleanor rolled her eyes at just how dramatic he was being. She sat beside him and they both stared out at the sea for a few moments. Silently, Elizabeth rested her hand over Jack's. She took it as a good sign that he didn't pull away or say anything against it. Instead he started to brush his finger along the back of her hand. Then he frowned.
"What are you thinking about Jack?" Eleanor asked, still looking out at the sea. She was going to add, 'hopefully not about rum', but thought that it would only ruin the small peaceful moment between them.
Jack didn't answer straight away. "This – er – Norrington bloke – "
"Yes?" Eleanor said, warily.
"He did seem rather fond of you back at Port Royal," Jack stated. He looked over at Eleanor, registering her set jaw and firm eyes. She seemed to be trying very hard not to look at him.
Eleanor nodded, watching a seagull fly across the sky, "That would be because he asked me to marry him."
"But you said no," Jack finished.
Eleanor sighed, "I didn't give him an answer."
"So you will?" he said. Eleanor became very aware of his hand holding hers all of a sudden.
Eleanor turned towards him, "What do you want me to say, Jack? That I will or will not marry him?" Jack connected eyes with her and for a moment Eleanor thought she saw someone who actually cared about the answer. But then that person was gone and the cocky Captain Jack Sparrow was back. Eleanor looked down at their fingers. "I never dreamed about having a family or being a wife to a respectable man, expected to raise the children and promote the good family name." There was a sense of bitterness behind her words, and Jack thought, in that moment, he thought she was more open towards him than ever before. "I will not be forced to marry. It will be on my own terms and by my own choice," she finished firmly.
Jack was silent for a moment, his hand slowly moving from Eleanor's and resting on her thigh. "So this Norrington, he won't be – what's the word – any competition, eh?" There was a wickedness behind Jack's eyes and Eleanor wanted to both punch him and kiss him.
"Why, Jack Sparrow," Eleanor grinned, "are you jealous?"
Jack scoffed, "Hardly." He shifted his body so he was almost leaning over Eleanor.
"Prove it," Eleanor challenged, her eyes flickering between his lips and eyes.
"Is that a challenge?" Jack asked.
"Definitely." Eleanor didn't wait for Jack to react. She grabbed his shirt and pulled him down on top of her. Her lips collided with his own and within moments they were sprawled across the sand. When they broke apart, Jack looked rather stunned.
"Even better without the rum," Jack smirked.
Eleanor sat up, brushing off the sand, "What did I say? You can live without rum."
"Aye, but can I live without such fine the company?"
Eleanor shook her head, "I doubt it – "Then she spotted something along the horizon.
"Maybe once we get off this god-forsaken island," Jack said, staring intently at the buttons on Eleanor's jacket as if he could wish them open, "we could travel together for a while. I'll show you the sea. Teach you real pirating wa – "
"You've got to be kidding me." She jumped to her feet.
Jack looked slightly offended, "Well, if that's all – "
"No," Eleanor said, rolling her eyes, "look!"
Jack followed her gaze and groaned. "There'll be no living with Elizabeth after this."
On the horizon was the approaching ship, The Dauntless. Eleanor took a deep breath. There was only one man who would be commanding that ship.
Eleanor was going to have to see Norrington sooner than she thought. And she was hardly even dressed.

A life boat arrived at the shore and the three stranded passengers made their way towards the ship. As soon as Eleanor was about to climb up she realised that she was only in a Navy jacket. She turned to Jack behind her with a fierce frown. "After you."
"No," Jack grinned, "I insist, after you."
"No way, Sparrow," she hissed. "I know what you have on your mind and that is a no from me." She motioned towards the ladder. "Up you go."
"Ladies first," Jack said, infuriating Eleanor further. She went to knee him but he quickly jumped away. "Well, if you put it that way..." he began to climb.
Once Eleanor emerged onto the deck of The Dauntless she gasped in surprise to see her father smiling at her. Elizabeth had already hugged him and beside her, looking proud, was Norrington. Eleanor smiled at her father. However, her father was looking rather embarrassed by his eldest daughters clothing. When she looked over at Norrington she saw that he was trying very hard to focus only on her face. Gentlemen, she thought, they struggled very much with propriety.
"Eleanor!" her father exclaimed. "What happened to your – er – clothing."
She shrugged, "Pirates."
Her father gulped, looking over at Norrington slightly unsure of what to say to that. Norrington looked uneasily over at Jack. No doubt he thought that Jack had something to do with Eleanor's missing clothes. He didn't say anything though, before he called to his Lieutenant.
"Bring some clothing for Miss Eleanor and Elizabeth!" His Lieutenant rushed away.
"I am very glad you are both alright," Governor Swann said, a smile on his face. He hugged his two daughters before looking over at Jack with a frown. "Elizabeth, you must tell us everything that has happened." Eleanor waited patiently, adding small comments, as Elizabeth recounted what had happened upon the Black Pearl. Norrington had silently moved so that he was standing beside Eleanor and it did not go unnoticed by her.
"I am quite glad you are unhurt," Norrington said, in a soft voice, to Eleanor. "I feared – "he cleared his throat, not looking Eleanor in the eyes. "I was worried for the worst." His eyes shifted towards Jack, "Pirates are not to be trusted."
Eleanor hoped that Norrington didn't notice the glances Jack was sending her or the blush that seemed to tint her cheeks whenever they connected eyes. Worse, she hoped he never found out about what had transpired with Jack and her on the island. It would break Norrington's heart.
"I was capable of taking care of myself, James," Eleanor said, her voice was calm, but she tried to emit an aura of 'I-am-an-independent-lady'.
"Of course," Norrington rushed to say. "I was – I was just worried about you."
Eleanor nodded, smiling at him. "Well, thank you. I needed to save my sister." She looked over at Elizabeth who was still talking to their father. She was expressing her worry for Will and his bravery in searching for her. Eleanor knew how important Will was to Elizabeth...and vice versa.
Norrington cleared his throat, "Well, rest assured she is now safe."
"But Will is not," Eleanor said, firmly. Elizabeth cut into their conversation, pleading with Norrington.
"We have to go back, Commodore," she insisted.
"We will make head towards Port Royal." Norrington started to walk up the stairs towards the stern.
Elizabeth looked outraged, "But we've got to save Will!" She looked aghast at her father for help.
He shook his head, "No. You're safe now." He nodded towards Norrington. "We will return to Port Royal immediately, not go gallivanting after pirates!"
Elizabeth looked as if she was going to tackle Norrington to the ground if he didn't agree to turn this ship around and find Will. Jack was watching the scene with keen interest and Eleanor could see the dire fear in her sister's face that they might just leave Will behind. Elizabeth exclaimed, "Then we condemn him to death."
Governor Swann looked saddened by that prospect, but he didn't change his decision. "The boy's fate is regrettable, but, then, so was his decision to engage in piracy."
"And what about me?" Eleanor said. "Am I not as guilty as he?" Norrington looked down at her with a small frown. "Please. Will owes Elizabeth and I a great debt."
"He did it to rescue me!" Elizabeth exclaimed, her face looked frantic. "To prevent anything from happening to me."
Jack stepped forwards, addressing the two men. "If I may be so bold as to inject my professional opinion." He glanced quickly at Eleanor who was curious as to what his plan would be this time. "The Pearl was listing near to scuppers after the battle. It's very unlikely she'll be able to make good time. Think about it." He paused for dramatic effect, hoping that Norrington would take the bait. " 'The Black Pearl." It was hard to tell if Norrington was convinced. Eleanor thought most likely not. "The last real pirate threat in the Caribbean, mate. How can you pass that up?"
"By remembering that I serve others, Mr Sparrow, not only myself," Norrington said, turning to continue across the ship.
Eleanor looked over at her sister and saw the horrible expression of sadness. She knew in that moment what she had to do. She gripped her sister's hand and took a deep breath. She looked over at Jack, ensuring he caught her eyes. She tried to send him a message saying 'sorry' but he frowned in confusion. "James, I beg you, please do this. If not for Elizabeth...then do it for me." Eleanor took a deep breath. Norrington turned around to look at her, curious as to what she was going to say. Then Eleanor said the words that locked her fate in chains. That caused all the Port Royal ladies dreams to come crashing onto her shoulders. "As...a wedding gift."
There was a stunned silence from the ensemble for a moment as Norrington looked down at Eleanor with surprise. He took a few steps down. Her father looked delighted, "Eleanor...are you accepting the Commodore's proposal?"
Eleanor connected eyes with Elizabeth, hoping her sister understood she was doing this to her. She refused to look at Jack. "I am."
She heard the strain in Jack's voice as he clapped in mock excitement. Eleanor knew, even if he didn't want to admit it, that he cared for her...and she had to admit that she had strong feelings for him too. However, those feelings would never be able to ignite again. "A wedding!" he exclaimed. "I love weddings...drinks all around!" Norrington frowned down at him. Jack sighed, extending out his arms, "I know. 'Clap him in irons', right?"
Norrington glanced over at Eleanor one more time before addressing Jack, "Mr Sparrow, you will accompany these fine men to the helm and provide us with the bearing to Isla de Muerta." Elizabeth looked as if she was going to explode with happiness. She squeezed my hand and mouthed the words 'thank you' as Norrington was distracted. "You will then spend the rest of the voyage contemplating all possible meanings of the phrase 'silent as the grave'. Do I make myself clear?"
Jack nodded, "Inescapably clear." He looked over at Eleanor, who was trying to avoid his gaze, before he followed the men towards the helm.
"May I speak to you in private, Miss Swann?" Norrington asked Eleanor.
Eleanor nodded, "Of course."
"Maybe I should chaperone," Governor Swann chuckled.
Norrington smiled, "That will not be necessary."
He offered out his arm to Eleanor, who swiftly took it and began to follow his lead towards the Captain's quarters. He closed the door behind them, and turned slowly towards her. It was slightly dark within the room and Eleanor suddenly felt rather awkward beside Norrington. That was not something she had experienced before. "Well – um – "Norrington said. "I am very happy with your decision, Eleanor." He looked at Eleanor with something that made her heart pang sadly: love. Or at least something as close to love as Eleanor could think of: adoration. She didn't know if she could feel that way...maybe she would just have to learn. It may be something that came over time. "However, I fear that it was made out of rash haste for your sister."
Eleanor looked up at him, registering his strong jaw and handsome face. Could she learn to love this man? "James, I – "
"I would understand completely if that was the case," Norrington said, pacing around the room. He seemed to be on a roll and Eleanor did not feel like interrupting him. "You are a loving and fiercely compassionate young lady," he complimented. "To think of your sister and protect her happiness would only improve the admiration I have for you and your character – "
"James – "
"And I would not wish unhappiness on you," Norrington said. "I want to make sure that you have accepted my proposal for the right reasons." He turned to look at Eleanor now. "I believe that I can make you happy."
"James..." Eleanor sighed, she walked towards him, stretching out a hand and placing it on his cheek. She looked up into the eyes of the man she was not destined to marry. He was attractive, sure. He was a respectable man who any woman would wish to marry. She ran her thumb along his cheek and felt Norrington's intake of breath. "I am going to marry you." Eleanor never broke a promise.
Norrington smiled, leaning into Eleanor's hand. It was the sudden urge to test her attraction that brought about Eleanor's next move. Within a second Eleanor had leant closer to Norrington and brushed her lips against his. She broke away only slightly, looking up for his reaction. "That's – er – highly inappropriate," Norrington muttered, though he didn't seem angry nor willing to move to an appropriate distance. Eleanor moved her hand so it rested over Norrington's heart. She could feel it beating faintly under his clothing. It only reminded her again that she was wearing only a jacket. "I should – stop," he muttered, but he didn't carry his words through. He kissed Eleanor harder than before, allowing a brief and tender moment between the newly-engaged. They broke apart as someone knocked on the door. "Just a minute!" Norrington ordered. Eleanor stepped back, her cheeks were red and flustered and she had to admit that kissing Norrington wasn't all that bad. He was no Jack – that was for sure – but she could hardly expect the Commodore to have the same experience as Captain Jack Sparrow. Norrington gulped, "Maybe we should have had a chaperone."
Eleanor blushed deeper, "And maybe I should find some clothes."
There was another knock. Norrington cleared his throat, straightening his jacket, "Excuse me, Eleanor." He looked at her affectionately. "We need to set course..." he looked back at her before opening the door. "We'll find Will."
Then she was left standing alone, hot and flustered, in Commodore Norrington's quarters, half-dressed and engaged, with her feelings no-less confused than they had been moments before.

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