Chapter Ten

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Eleanor, now back in the comfort of Port Royal, clenched her fists and bit back a scream as she was forced, along with Elizabeth, to attend the public execution of Captain Jack Sparrow. She was also just as confused as before about her feelings towards Jack and her fiancé, Norrington. However, if anything time apart from Jack allowed her heart to grow fonder. Especially since he was about to be executed.
The sun was warm as it blared down upon Eleanor and Elizabeth. Each watching with great apprehension at the scene before them. Jack stood, with a noose around his neck, awaiting for the executioners to drop the floor beneath him. It was a thought that caused tears to swell in Eleanor's eyes.
"Jack Sparrow," the presiding official over the execution announced, "be it known that – "
"Captain," Jack muttered through gritted teeth. "Captain Jack Sparrow." His eyes had found Eleanor's and he could not take his eyes away from her face. If he was to die, his last image was going to be her face.
"...for your wilful commission of crimes against the crown. Said crimes being numerous in quantity and sinister in nature," the official continued to announce, "the most egregious of these to be cited herewith – piracy, smuggling..."
Eleanor shook her head, staring into Jack Sparrow's eyes, "This is wrong." Elizabeth nodded.
Governor Swann looked towards his sisters with a guilty expression, "Commodore Norrington is bound by law, Eleanor." He nodded towards Norrington. "As we all are."
"...impersonating an officer of the Spanish Royal Navy, impersonating a cleric of the Church of England..."
Jack grinned, "Ah, yes."
"...sailing under false colours, arson, kidnapping, looting, poaching, brigandage, pilfering, depravity, depredation, and general lawlessness. And for these crimes you have been sentenced to be, on this day, hung by the neck until dead. May God have mercy on your soul."
Elizabeth grabbed onto Eleanor's sleeve, causing Eleanor to look at her sharply. She followed the direction her sister was looking to see Mr Cotton's parrot sitting atop one of the flag poles. Eleanor looked quickly towards Jack, noticing the man with a feathered hat getting closer towards them. It was Will.
"Governor Swann," Will said, bowing politely. "Commodore, Eleanor." He breathed Elizabeth's name, "Elizabeth." She looked at him with a shimmer of pink on her cheeks. "I should have told you every day from the moment I met you. I love you." He then turned on his heel and started walking through the crowd. Elizabeth was frozen in shock, her mouth agape and eyes wide. It seemed Governor Swann was also at a loss for words.
"I can't breathe," Elizabeth said, swaying slightly.
"Lizzie – "
She fell backwards just as the drums for the execution began. Eleanor was glad for the distraction she couldn't bear to see him dead.
"Elizabeth!" Her father yelled, bending down with the Commodore to help her.
"Move!" a voice yelled. Eleanor looked up quickly to see Will throw one of his swords just as Jack fell. It stuck in the wood below Jack's feet, giving the pirate a foothold. Eleanor let out a breath she did not know she was holding. She hurried to wipe a tear from her eye. Elizabeth sat up straight, staring at the scene as Governor Swann and Norrington stood to attention.
Will had cut Jack free and the pair of them were now battling their way to freedom. They fought against Norrington's men, until they were trapped in the exact same spot that Elizabeth had fallen a few weeks ago. Suddenly, they were all surrounded, swords pressing against Jack and Will. Eleanor hurried behind Norrington, knowing that his men would allow her through to the scene.
"I thought," Norrington told Will, "we might have to endure some manner of ill-conceived escape attempt but not from you."
Eleanor connected eyes with Jack and found herself unable to look away. She knew in that moment that her feelings for Norrington was nothing compared to what she felt for Jack Sparrow.
Governor Swann stepped forwards and looked rather grim. Elizabeth linked her arm through Eleanor's. "On our return to Port Royal, I granted you clemency." He shook his head. "And this is how you thank me? By throwing in your lot with him? He's a pirate!"
"And a good man," Will said, his face was determined and he looked as if he was willing to prove that to every man before him. Elizabeth looked as if she was going to burst from love. Jack made a gesture to those around him, mouthing 'That's me', before looking back at Eleanor. "If all I have achieved here is that the hangman will earn two pairs of boots instead of one, so be it." Eleanor and Elizabeth gasped in horror. "At least my conscience will be clear."
Norrington stepped forwards, "You forget your place, Turner."
"Its right here...between you and Jack," said Will, firmly.
Elizabeth unhooked her arm from Eleanor's and walked beside Will. "As is mine."
Before she knew it, Eleanor had also moved to take a step forwards but Norrington put his arm out. "Eleanor – " Eleanor glared at him, hoping to make him feel a twinge of guilt for who he was threatening with the noose. She pushed past him and stood behind Will and beside Jack. She brushed his side with her dress and did not care that their hands were touching.
"Eleanor! Elizabeth!" Governor Swanna yelled. "Lower your weapons." No one moved. "For goodness' sake put them down!" Finally the guards conceded and lowered them.
Norrington looked at Eleanor as if she had doused him in cold water. No doubt he was confused, but the look on her face as she looked at Jack would have been enough to make assumptions. "Is this it? This is where your heart truly lies?"
Eleanor nodded, "I'm sorry, James." She turned her head to look at Jack. He was staring back at her with astonishment. "It is." He grasped her hand in his.
In front of them, Elizabeth and Will were holding hands too and looking much more lovey-dovey. Eleanor leaned towards Jack and whispered, "Maybe we can sail the seas together now?"
Jack grinned, "As soon as I get us out of here." He turned back towards the guards and her father. Governor Swann looked like he's been punched in the stomach. His eldest daughter, one who had always loved pirates, could love none other than a pirate. "Well! I'm actually feeling rather good about this." He looked at the Governor. "I think we've all arrived at a very special place, eh? Spiritually...Ecumenically...Grammatically?" he tilted his head and shrugged. He then turned to Norrington. "The best man won, ay?" he grinned towards Elizabeth, "Elizabeth would never have worked between us, darling. I'm sorry, but your sister is just much more attractive." Elizabeth frowned in confusion, whilst Eleanor gave a small chuckle. "Will...nice hat." He ran towards Eleanor, scooped her up in her arms and hugged her fiercely. He whispered in her ear, "Meet me at Tortuga in three days. I'll be waiting." She nodded. He leapt backwards before leaping onto the stone wall. "Friends! This is the day that you will always remember as the day that –" he fell backwards and into the ocean below.
The idiot, Gillette, stepped forwards with a cruel grin on his face. "Idiot. He has nowhere to go but back to the noose." Norrington was staring blankly in front of him. Eleanor felt a small pang in her heart. She had caused this. "What's your plan of action?" Norrington didn't reply. "Sir?"
Governor Swann looked at Norrington with a sad smile, "Perhaps on the rare occasion pursuing the right course demands an act of piracy, piracy itself can be the right course."
Norrington nodded. "Mr Turner."
Will stepped forwards, "I will accept the consequences of my actions."
Norrington unsheathed his sword and Eleanor feared he would strike out in anger. "This is a beautiful sword. I would expect the man who made it to show the same care and devotion in every aspect of his life.
"Thank you," Will said, taking Elizabeth's hand.
"James..." Eleanor said, but he turned away from her.
"Commodore!" Gillette yelled. "What about Sparrow?"
Norrington paused, looking towards Eleanor. "Well, I think we can afford to give him one day's head start." The guards looked slightly dejected and confused but left.
Eleanor tried again. "James."
He turned towards her, unsmiling. "Eleanor."
"I am so so – "
He held up a hand, "Please do not apologize, Eleanor. I asked if this was what you wanted and you have finally decided." He looked down. "I only hope that it will not be you being hanged next." He then turned and walked away.
"So," her father said, standing beside Eleanor, "is what you've chosen for yourself? A life in love with a pirate you can never marry?"
Eleanor smiled, "Who said I couldn't marry him."
Governor Swann's eyebrows rose, "Eleanor, if you marry him you'll be an outcast for the rest of your life. I will not be allowed to see you." He looked towards Elizabeth and Will who were embracing. "It is bad enough your sister has chosen...a blacksmith. You do not need to ruin yourself."
Eleanor smiled, hugging her father, "I've always wanted to sail the seas, and I'll find my own way to do it. Without the pillaging and thieving." Governor Swann did not look convinced. Eleanor laughed. "It's alright, Father. I'll survive. I never needed pretty dresses anyway."
"No. You never have."

Three Days Later: Tortuga
Eleanor, dressed in a tight leather corset, loose pirate top and tight pants sat casually in The Faithful Bride. Her boots were on the table, as she took a sip from her pitcher. A hand brushed her shoulder and she spun around to see Jack standing there. She leapt up from the seat, spilling her drink on the floor, and threw herself into his arms. His arms instantly wound around her waist. "You came?" he sighed.
"You thought I wouldn't?"
"I didn't know what I thought," he admitted.
She pulled back to look at him. "I choose you, Jack. I'll always choose you."
"And you'll have me," Jack grinned, "until you no longer want me."
"Then let's sail the seven seas together," she lowered her voice seductively, "Captain."
Jack grinned before lowering his head and kissing her with every emotion he had ever felt. Eleanor and Jack. Captains of the Black Pearl.

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