Part 2: The Bitches

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"Hey Simon! Guess what I did!" Alvin yelled at Simon victoriously. "I got bitches!"

Simon looked over and saw Alvin with a small tiny man. "Oh my god you actually got bitches."

"Yes sir." Alvin said smugly. "Now, a deals a deal. Gimme the solja boy Gameboy."

"Ah ah ah Alvin," Simon said, wiggling his finger, "I said if you got BITCHES. That right there is a bitch, singular. Not a bitches, plural."

"Plural deez nuts in your mouth." Alvin said smugly and confidently.

Levi stared in confusion at Alvins poor excuse for a comeback. "What?"

"You know what Alvin," Simon said, "you surprised me tonight. You got a bitch. And I am a chipmunk of my word, so I will give you this." He then put something in Alvins hands.

"Woah... Is this a solja boy Gameboy game?!" Alvin asked excitedly.

"Yep." Simon said with a smile on his face.

"Wait so you got me a solja boy Gameboy game but not a solja boy Gameboy?"




"Actually," Levi joined in, "I know someone who has a solja game whatever, you could have his if you'd like."

"Really? You'd do that for me?" Alvin asked.

"Yeah. Just come with me tonight and I'll grab it for you. He'll be fine if you take it for a bit." Levi responded. "He better be." He whispered.

"What was that?" Alvin asked

"Huh? Oh nothing. Here the party's about to end, I'll take you to the place and we can get it."

"Alright then. See you guys, and fuck you Theodore!" Alvin said.

"Wh- I didn't even do or say anything, I literally just got here." Theodore said as he came back from using the bathroom.

Levi brought Alvin over to Erwin and Hange. "Hey, eyebrows, foureyes. This guy's coming along with us."

"OOOOOH!" Hange said excitedly. "Does shorty have a booooyfrieeend??????"

"Hange I will take your glasses and shove them up your ass." Levi said angrily, yet slightly red in the face.

"Jokes on you I'm into that shit." Hange mockingly said.

"Right that's enough." Erwin said. "Also, what the heck Hange?"

"Relaaaax Erwin, it's a joke... but I do have some experimenting to do now." Hange said, looking up at the ceiling with their fingers on their chin.

"Hange shut the fuck up before I shove my foot down your throat. Or would a sick weirdo like you be into that too?" Levi said.

Hange gave Levi a wide smile. "Maybe."

"Right!" Erwin butted in, eager to change the subject. "It's getting late, let's head back now, the party is ending anuyways. Get all the scouts and tell them we're leaving."

"Yes sir." Hange and Levi said in unison. Levi took Alvin with him as he gathered up the scouts.

As Levi gathered up the scouts, Alvin had two thoughts in his mind. I wonder which one of these little shits has the solja boy Gameboy. And, That Hange person, what did they say about me? Levi's boyfriend? You know, I kinda like the idea of that...

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