Part 4: The Smoochening

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"You suck ass at this." Levi responded after watching Alvin die for the fifth time on his soljaboy gameboy soljagame.

"It's not my fault they made the level so difficult!" Alvin retorted, once again restarting the level.

Alvin continued playing, Levi watching, as he attempted to beat the boss that he kept dying too. Of course, however, Alvin not only sucks ass, he also sucks at video games.

"That's bullshit!" Alvin yelled angrily, throwing the soljaboy gameboy onto the bed that they were both on.

"Oh my god." Levi sighed disappointedly, "It's a simple boss, I've seen chopped up titans that can play better than that."

"Well if I'm so bad it why don't you give it a try?" Alvin challenged Levi.

"Sure. Maybe I can teach you a thing or too about being good at this pointless bull shit."

Levi picked up the soljaboy gameboy and hit the restart button and began playing.

Alvin watched from behind Levi and was amazed at what he saw. Levi was absolutely destroying the boss's ass.

Once the boss was defeated and the level had been completed, Levi tossed the soljaboy Gameboy at Alvin, who starred in amazement.

"That was amazing!" Alvin said in amazement. "How are you so good at that?"

"Well," Levi started, "you gotta confiscate stuff sometimes as a captain. You also get pretty bored as a captain sometimes. So, I guess I've had some practice."

The room went silent. Levi and Alvin stared at each other with wonder as they absorbed the beauty of one another with their eyeholes.

Suddenly, both their heads moved towards one another, as if they had a mind of their own. Their lips became closer and closer until they finally collided with one another, resulting in kiss scene number 2.

They kissed for a few seconds before they pulled away from one another. Both stared in bliss at one another.

"Wow." Alvin said, breaking the tender silence. Levi was slightly annoyed by it, but had a small grin form on his face as well.

Suddenly, the door burst open. Both Alvin and Levi snapped their gaze towards the broken door, which revealed a black haired girl with a scarf. It was Mikasa, and she looked pissed.

"Ackerman, what the hell are you doing?!" Levi angrily and confusingly asked.

"You made Eren upset." Mikasa threateningly said, "and now you're gonna pay..."

Party Rock (Alvin the Chipmunk x Levi Ackerman)Where stories live. Discover now