Part 5: The Crowd

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It was early morning when the news broke out. Top cadet Mikasa Ackerman and the great captain Levi were about to fight each other. It was unspecified when, where, and how they'd fight, but despite this, there was excitement among the scouts. Two of the scouts, however, were worried for their friend. They talked about it amongst themselves in the cafeteria.

"I know Mikasa had a short temper when it came to you," the blonde boy, Armin Arlert, said to his friend Eren, "but to pick a fight with Captain Levi over a game console is insane!"

"It's not just a game console!" Eren said slightly annoyed, almost yelling at Armin. "It's my mom's Souljaboy Gameboy! She gave it to me before she got eaten by a titan! That damn titan! If titans never existed everything would be perfect! I'll-"

"Eren you're ranting again." Interrupted Armin, concerned he'd have to sit through another one of Eren's rants about titans for the millionth time.

"R-right, sorry. But I definitely agree with you on that second part. Mikasa is too overprotective of me! Now she's going up against Captain Levi because of me! I don't know if she's just stupid or if there's some other reason, but that's a serious over the top thing to do, even for her."

"HEY! The fight's starting! It's happening outside!" A scout yelled out. With this, everyone quickly began jumping out of their seats and rushed outside, including Eren and Armin.

Outside, a crowd formed around Mikasa and Levi as they faced each other with cold, dead stares. Alvin's stupid ass was also there I guess.

"Why did you agree to this?" Alvin inquisitively asked the shortstack.

"I'm bored of teaching titans a lesson." Responded Levi, still facing Mikasa. "Time to teach this brat who she's messing with."

Opposite of Levi, Eren and Armin were able to push their way through the crowd to Mikasa.

"Mikasa!" Eren yelled over the nosies from the crowd. "Come on you gotta back out of this! This is a stupid thing to to fight Captain Levi over!"

"Eren's right!" Armin also yelled. "While you may be the strongest person we know, Captain Levi has had years of experience, and may even surpass you in skill and odm mobility!"

"It's fine, I'll win this." Mikasa said, still facing Levi. "Besides, we're not using odm gear."

The crowd around them was estatic. Talking and cheering spread throughout it, bets being placed and popcorn being stuffed into mouths. (Idk if they had popcorn in Paradis but let's pretend they do)

Suddenly, the two contenders began walking towards each other. The crowd erupted with excitement, cheering for both Levi and Mikasa bellowed throughout the yard.

"What's going on out there?!" Erwin said, peering out from his office window and looking down at the commotion.

"Didn't you hear the news?" Hange said, binoculars afixed to their eyes as they peered down. "Levi and Mikasa Ackerman are fighting."

"They're what?!" Erwin said concerningly, almost yelling at Hange. "We have to stop them! What if someone gets hurt?!"

"I'm sure they'll be fine." Hange said, still staring through the binoculars. "Besides, they don't have their odm gear with them, so most likely there won't be any bloodshed. Unless of course they're having a fistfight."

Back to Mikasa and Levi, the two finally reached each other. They both stood at least a foot away from each other, their dead glares attempting to intimidate the other. They started for a moment, then swiftly sat down. The crowd became confused, unsure of what was about to happen.

Suddenly, Levi pulls out a small plastic bowl apperatice. It appeared to be some sort of small stadium. Then, the two of them flung their fists into the air in sync, both of their hands holding some sort of circular object. Eventually, they loosened their grips on the objects to reveal to their audience what was in their hands.


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