Part 3: The Soljaboy Gameboy

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It was now 2am, all of the scouts were asleep in their rooms. The only two two that seemed to be awake were Levi and Alvin.

"Right," Levi whispered to Alvin, "all we have to is sneak into his room and borrow it for a bit."

"Alright that seems simple enough." Alvin whispered in response. "Are you sure this Eren Yeager guy will be fine with us taking it?"

"Huh? Oh yeah sure. He WILL be fine about it."

"Why did you capitalize will?"

"Stop breaking the fourth wall, we're at his room."

As they inched closer to the door they heard the sounds of a video game. Levi pressed his head against the door to hear better. Alvin just stood there.

After a while, Levi was tired of listening and just busted down the door.

The now broken open door revealed three scouts. One had brown hair and had the Soljaboy Gameboy in his hands. Another had short black hair, a scarf on her neck, and had another Soljaboy Gameboy in her hands. The third was a boy with a blonde bowl cut, who was fast asleep on top of a few pillows on the floor and a blanket over him.

"Captain Levi!" The brown haired boy yelled out, Alvin assumed that this was Eren Yeager, the boy with the Soljaboy Gameboy. "What are you doing in here?! Why'd you kick the door down?!"

"The videogame thing, give it up." Levi said sternly to Eren.

"Wha- no! This was given to me by mom before she was eaten by a titan! That damn titan. If titans never existed, everything would be perfectly fine! But-"

Eren then proceeded to go on a long monologue about how he was gonna kill every single titan and leave the walls and explore the world. While he was distracted, Levi waddled over and swipped the Soljaboy Gameboy away from him, ran back outside of the room, and somehow unkicked down the door.

Eren was still rambling about how he wanted nothing more than freedom and the death of all titans, still unaware that the captain had taken his precious Soljaboy Gameboy.

The girl next to Eren, Mikasa, knows Eren will begin to cry profusely when he finally realizes that the tiny bitch Levi took his mom's Soljaboy Gameboy, so she begins to hug Eren. Shortly after, he realized, and started crying.

Mikasa would have revenge for Levi making Eren cry like a little baby. She would make him pay.

Party Rock (Alvin the Chipmunk x Levi Ackerman)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن