Chapter 2: The beginning of "friendship"

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MC announced the winner from each grade and told that they have to make team and the winner from each grade will be the team leader and will decide who will be in his team. The winners all got excited. There were some who envied being winner 'cause then they can have the rappers they liked in their team, some wanted to join their favourite rapper team.
It was selection time. Selection started from Pre-grader winner Ye-chan.
"I want the person I admire most to join my team, that is Byung Ho hyung"
1st grader winner Min seok chose Yeon-Seo in his team as his first contestant.
While the selection was going, Vinxen was kind of sad in a corner as no one chose him. As he was a pessimist, he couldn't help but have negative thoughts in his mind.

It was Haon's turn to choose his first team member. Vinxen was looking at him in anticipation. After listening to Haon's rap he wanted to be in his team.
Isn't he gonna choose me? Vinxen thought

"This friend, I like his vibe so much.",Haon started speaking
"Is it Bang Jae min?", Others wondered
Is it not me ? Vinxen thought
"You might hate me but let's be friends.", Haon continued, "The first person I choose for my team is Lee Byung Jae"

The moment Vinxen heard Haon calling his name, he became both shocked and surprised. He kind of felt Haon will call him but also thought maybe he will not. He felt the happiest at that moment. It was the first time Vinxen was seen with such big genuine smile, at least on the show..

"I like him more now. I want to work with him", Vinxen thought

Vinxen went to the stage. They both shook their hands and Vinxen stood in front of Haon, grinning from ears to ears

 They both shook their hands and Vinxen stood in front of Haon, grinning from ears to ears

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They were to choose other members for the team. They began discussing. But the ones they wanted were taken by others

It's ok as long as I have Byungjae on my team we will win, Haon thought
(Yes baby you don't need anyone except for Byungjae 😏)

Finally they chose 6 other members and 4 teams were formed.

It was at this moment that MC announced that they had to fight within their teams and not with other teams.

They were all shocked.
But what was more shocking was what MC said next
"Only half will make to next round. That is to say among 8 members of a team only top 4 will survive"

"What! We have to fight amongst ourselves"
"Aren't we gonna fight with other teams"
"Min-seok team looks strongest, poor Min-seok though, will he even make it given his team being so powerful"

Haon felt somewhat sad. He thought, "I was the one to choose them and now I will have to fight with them"

Byungjae seeing Haon worried, said ,"It's okay We will make it to the next round for sure, together."

Haon smiled, "Yeah we will go to next round together"

Haon in his mind,"Let's go to finals together"


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