Summer Lovin'

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Frankie had finished up school in Boston, packed her belongings, and moved back to Stars Hollow after Sookie and Jackson's wedding. Rory had left for a summer internship in Washington DC with Paris before her sister had gotten back, so it was just Frankie and Lorelai in the house. Lorelai had tried to talk to Frankie, to apologize for her behavior and the things she had said, but Frankie held too much resentment and anger towards her mother for the apology to have any meaning. She needed to let it go, at least partially, before they could have a productive conversation.

Shortly after Frankie moved back, she and Jess took the bus to New York City for Frankie's dance competition. She only wanted Jess there since she was barely speaking to her mother, she didn't know what to say to her father, her sister was out of the state, and she hadn't talked to her grandparents in months. The bus ride gave them time to talk, something that they desperately needed.

"So," Jess began with a chuckle as the bus took off from the station in Hartford, "I know we've talked a little bit, but I think we need to really talk."

"I agree," Frankie said, angling her body towards the boy so she was giving him her undivided attention.

"The car accident?" he asked, trying to gauge where to start. When the girl nodded, he took a deep breath and thought back. "Alright. Luke asked Rory to tutor me because I was flunking out of –"

"You were flunking out?" Frankie exclaimed, cutting Jess off. She didn't have this information before, so the revelation was shocking.

Jess gave her a look, and she immediately put her hands up, then gestured for him to continue. "Luke asked Rory to tutor me, and we took a break to get ice cream. I asked if I could drive, she agreed, and when we were driving back, a dog ran into the road. I swerved, car got totaled, your sister broke her wrist, and Luke sent me back to my mom."

"Wow," Frankie breathed, feeling horrible for Jess. He was demonized by everyone for the accident, and it was obviously still bothering him.

"I made sure she was okay. I want you to know that."

"I know."

Jess nodded, letting out a breath. "Now, uh, why I didn't call. I didn't think you'd want to hear from me. Especially after I yelled at you that night."

Frankie smiled softly and grabbed his hand. "I know you were stressed and upset, so I don't blame you for yelling. But when you didn't call, that hurt, you know?"

"I know. And it hurt me not to call, too. I just didn't know what to say."

"I get it."

There was a silence before Jess spoke again. "The day of your mom's graduation, Rory came to see me."

"What?" Frankie exclaimed, stunned and confused. "Why?"

"I don't know. But she skipped school. She took a bus from Hartford and ended up in New York."

"What the hell?" Frankie muttered.

"Nothing happened. We went to a bookstore and a record store, walked around a little, and then she took a bus home for Lorelai's graduation."

"She didn't make it back in time."

"Seriously?" Jess' eyes were wide.

She shook her head. "Missed the whole thing. I left to head back to Boston after so I don't know when she got home."

"Damn," he mumbled, gazing down at his feet.

Frankie could tell he was feeling guilty. "Hey, that's not on you. She made that choice."

"I guess." He shrugged and looked up at Frankie, her kind eyes giving him reassurance.

"Um, okay. Last thing I think we should talk about," Frankie started.

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