Vow Renewal

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"So, Grandma and Grandpa have reconciled, and they're having a vow renewal next week?" Frankie asked as she rifled through her closet.

"Yep. I'm Grandpa's Best Man, mom's Grandma's Maid of Honor, and they want you to officiate," Rory said as she walked through the halls of her dorm building.



"Wow, okay."

"So, you'll do it?"

"Yeah. I'll call them later and let them know."

"Great! Isn't this exciting?"

"Yeah, for sure. Um, Rory, I'm sorry to cut this short, but I can't seem to find my pointe shoes, and I'm meeting up with my partner for a rehearsal. Can I call you later?"

"No worries. Good luck, and I'll see you next week!"

"Sounds good. Bye."

Frankie hung up, tossing her phone onto her bed, then proceeded to throw all her clothes onto the floor.

"Looking for these?" Kayla asked, standing in the doorway.

Frankie looked over, letting out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! Where were they?"

"My room. I think you left them there a couple days ago when you got back from class."

"You're a lifesaver, and I love you." Frankie kissed Kayla's cheek, grabbed her bag, then bolted out the door to the subway station.

That night, she called her grandparents, informing them that she would be honored to officiate their vow renewal. Emily and Richard were delighted, and told her she would be wearing a dress. Frankie groaned internally, but told them that she would. She then asked if she could bring a date.

"Are you seeing someone?" Emily asked excitedly.

"Sort of?"

"Sort of? What do you mean 'sort of'?"

"We've been hanging out for a while, I just don't know if we're seeing each other."

"I don't want to know what that means," said Emily, letting out a heavy sigh. "We'll see next Saturday, and you'll be wearing a dress. Goodbye."

"Wait! You didn't –" Frankie started, but was cut off by the dial tone. "Okay, then."

"You want to bring Finn to your grandparent's vow renewal, don't you?" Kayla asked, wiggling her eyebrows. She had heard Frankie's side of the conversation from her place in the kitchen.


"Oh, my God! Yay! Are you two finally exclusive?" Penny exclaimed, skipping out of her room and joining Frankie on the couch.

"We haven't talked about it."

"Why not?" Penny and Kayla screeched in unison.

Frankie held up her hands in defense. "I don't know! We haven't seen each other in a while, and it hasn't been the right time."

Kayla scoffed, marching over to her roommates and standing in front of her best friend. "Right time, my ass. You're just scared."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are! You're a big girl. Ask the hard questions."

"What if I don't know what I want?" Frankie exclaimed, standing up and pacing around the living room. "What if I don't know if I want a relationship? What if I do, and then my heart gets broken all over again? I can't go through that again, Kay. Jess leaving broke me."

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