Meetings and Goodbyes

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Frankie's finals were done on a Wednesday, so she scheduled her meeting with the Pennsylvania Ballet for Thursday, and took the train that night to Philadelphia. She told Jess about the possible opportunity, and he was thrilled for her. He insisted that she stay with him that night, which she accepted gratefully, and he picked her up from the station.

"Are you excited?" he asked as he drove them back to Truncheon Books.

"I am. I don't know what will come of it, but it's exciting to think about. I don't want to get my hopes up, though, in case I completely screw it up."

"You're not gonna screw it up. They're gonna love you."

The following morning, Jess drove Frankie to her meeting at the Pennsylvania Ballet, and waited for her in his car. After three hours, Frankie finally emerged from the building, a huge smile on her face.

"So," Jess started, walking towards the girl, "how'd it go?"

Frankie ran up to him, flinging her arms around his neck and kissing him.

"That good, huh?" he said with a smirk as they pulled away.

"They want me to audition, which I was expecting, but they liked me. And I love the space, it's beautiful," she gushed, her smile from ear to ear. "Plus, the city isn't so bad."

"And what about the people in said city?"

"I mean, I'm sure I'll meet some cool people if I move here," she teased.

Jess gasped in mock offense. "I'm hurt. I thought I was a cool person."

"You? Cool? Please. You've never been cool."

He narrowed his eyes, pointing a scolding finger at Frankie. "You're on thin ice, Francesca. You want to walk to the train station?"

She giggled, shaking her head. "No, I don't."

"Then take it back," he said wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I take it back. You're very cool. The coolest, even."

"Thank you."

Frankie grinned and chuckled, shaking her head as Jess opened the car door for her, then began the short drive to the train station.

"I'll call you," she said, leaning over the center console to kiss his cheek. "Thank you for letting me stay with you."

"Any time. I always have space for you."

"I'll see you soon?"


Frankie smiled and climbed out of the car, grabbing her duffle bag, then proceeding into the station. Jess watched her leave, wishing he could go with her. With a heavy sigh, he saw her disappear into the crowd, then drove home.

She finally arrived back in Stars Hollow late that night, slipping into the dark house quietly, thinking that her mother was already asleep. When she awoke the following morning, and didn't hear Lorelai or Luke, she became concerned.

"Mom?" she called out.

"Frankie! You're home!"

"Ms. Patty?"

"Hello, dear," the dance teacher said, enveloping her former student in her arms.

"Hi. How are you?"

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