Another Offer

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Jess arrived in New York a few days after his call with Frankie. She met him outside her building, and they walked into the apartment together. Kayla was sitting on the couch reading, but Frankie knew it was just a cover; she was trying to spy on them. Penny and Jacqueline were also spying from the kitchen.

Frankie led Jess into her room, then excused herself, walking back out into the living room as she closed her door.

"You guys are so obvious," she whisper-yelled at her friends.

"What are you talking about?" Penny asked innocently.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, Penelope."

Penny gasped, placing a hand over her heart. "You never use my full name."

"Oh, she's mad mad," said Kayla, eyes widened slightly.

"I'm not mad. I'm disappointed. I expect more than a book and making lunch as covers for your undercover activities," Frankie stated with a grin, then turned and entered her room again.

"Everything okay?" Jess asked.

"Yeah. I was just telling them I was disappointed with their spying."

"I noticed that. Not very inconspicuous."

"Right? It was so obvious."

Jess grinned, stepping closer to Frankie and wrapping his arms around her waist.

"What's got you so smiley?" she asked, locking her hands at the back of his neck.


Jess eventually made his way back to Philadelphia when Frankie started school again. They both were starting to get a little anxious about the phone call from the Pennsylvania Ballet; Jess, because he wanted Frankie to move to Philadelphia, and Frankie, because her future was on the line.

Frankie was walking home from the subway after class one evening when her phone rang.


"Francesca Gilmore?"

"This is she."

"I'm calling from the Paris Opera Ballet. You did a ballet intensive with us a few summers ago."

"Yes, yes, hello. How are you?"

"I'm well, thank you. We wanted to extend an invitation to you to come and dance for us starting in January. We've kept an eye on you, and your progress and evolution as a dancer has been outstanding. We would like you to dance with our company for at least a year. Once the year is up, we can discuss your future with us, but we're hoping you will think about our offer."

Frankie blinked, processing the man's words. "You want me?"

He chuckled. "Yes, Francesca. We want you to dance for the Paris Opera Ballet. We don't expect an answer right now, but don't take too long to get back to us. I understand that it's a big decision. You'd be moving to a different continent, and you'd be leaving school. It's a lot to think about. If you wouldn't mind giving us your answer in the next two weeks, that would be wonderful."

"Yeah, uh, yes. Of course. I'll give you my answer in two weeks."

"Wonderful. We look forward to hearing from you."

"Thank you!"

Frankie walked home in a daze, her head in the clouds. She felt like she was floating as she entered the apartment.

"You look high. Are you good?" Jacqueline asked, peering at Frankie from the kitchen.

When Frankie didn't respond, she walked into the living room, stopping Frankie from moving anywhere. "Frankie. What's up?"

"I got a call," she breathed, her voice sounding far away and whimsical.

"Okay, you got a call. From who?"

"The Paris Opera Ballet."

"Holy – that's good right?"

Frankie nodded slowly. "They want me."

"Frankie! That's huge!"

"They need an answer in two weeks."

"Woah, that's soon. You think you can give them an answer?"

"I'd start in January, and I'd be there for at least a year."

Jacqueline paused, cocking her head as she gazed at Frankie. "Is that something you want?"

"I think so. I mean, I've been waiting for the Pennsylvania Ballet to get back to me for months now, and I was ready to drop everything and move there."

"But that's different. That's only, like, two states away. A few hours by car or train. You'd be in the same time zone as your family, and you could visit them easily. Paris is a whole different ballgame."

Frankie nodded, finally coming down from the clouds. "Yeah, it's completely different. It's an amazing opportunity, but am I ready for that?"

Jacqueline shrugged, placing a hand on her friend's shoulder and squeezing gently. "That's something you'll have to figure out. No one else can make this decision for you." She turned towards the kitchen, but paused and spun back to Frankie. "Talk to people about this. Teachers, friends, family. Everyone who's opinion means something to you. It might help."

"Thanks, Jaqueline. You always know what to say," Frankie said gratefully, giving the girl a warm hug before entering her room to begin the decision making process.




In case you didn't see my post last night, I've been having a terrible few days when it comes to traveling. I thought I would be home yesterday, but I was stuck in the airport for 10 hours and it's been hell trying to get home.

Anyways, I had drafts saved for the days I would be away visiting family, thinking that I would be back home to write more on Sunday. But, flight delays and cancellations, as well as sleep deprivation, has made that very difficult.

I wanted to get something out to you guys because it felt almost criminal to not post something today, so I wrote this last night. I honestly don't know if it's any good, but I know that it's really short. I'd usually proof read and edit 1,000 times before posting, but I'm seriously about to fall asleep. I'll be back to posting the regular length chapters tomorrow, but I couldn't leave all of you hanging.

If you read all this, I'm sure I'm rambling, but I'm too tired to care at the moment. Thanks for tuning in and I hope you like the mini chapter. <3

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