A New Roommate and a Stolen Boat

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After talking everything through, Finn and Frankie were in a much better place. They were back to visiting each other every weekend, calling each other whenever they could, and just being overly affectionate, according to Kayla. Penny, on the other hand, was thrilled that Frankie was finally happy.

"We can go on double dates now!" she shrieked when Frankie told her roommates that she was officially Finn's girlfriend.

"Count me out of that," Kayla muttered, rolling her eyes slightly.

"Oh, hush, you're just bitter because Brian hasn't called you in three months," Penny retorted, sticking out her tongue.

"Hey! Don't bring Brian into this!"

Frankie laughed at her bickering roommates, sitting back in her chair and watching the madness unfold.

"Oh, by the way, Jacqueline is coming to New York!"

"Really?" Frankie asked excitedly. "When?"

"At the end of the semester."

"Why then?" Kayla asked, brows furrowed.

"Um..." Penny averted her gaze, looking almost guilty.

"Penny," Frankie said slowly, "what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything! I swear!"

Frankie and Kayla glanced at each other, communicating with their eyes, when it finally clicked.

"Oh, my God!" Kayla exclaimed.

"Jacqueline is moving in!" finished Frankie.

Penny shrugged her shoulders, giving her friends a sheepish grin. "Surprise?"

The Stars Hollow girls were shocked, to say the least. Their mouths were agape, and they stared at Penny, not blinking.

"Oh, good lord, just blink! It's creepy!" Penny exclaimed, standing up and walking over to the kitchen.

"You didn't think to mention this?" Frankie asked, following her friend.

"I meant to! It just...slipped my mind?"


"I'm sorry! I'm just so excited! We haven't lived in the same state in two years, and she's been wanting to move to New York ever since she visited us last year. She finally got the money together, and I told her that she could stay here. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But, if you think about it, I'm giving you notice."

"Not much notice," Kayla mumbled.

"And we already told the landlord that we're renewing our lease, so we can just put Jacqueline's name on it then. It'll be less rent for all of us!"

Frankie looked over at Kayla and bumped her shoulder. "That is true. Less rent would be nice."

"And she's already found a job at a graphic design company, so she's not coming here jobless."

"Well, I like Jacqueline. So, I'm fine with it."

Kayla groaned, throwing her head back. "Fine. I'm still mad at you for not talking to us about this though," she scolded Penny, wagging her finger at the bubbly girl.

"I'm sorry! I'm really, really sorry! I just –"

"Forgot," Frankie and Kayla said in unison, laughing.

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