3b. Acafellas II

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As Cataleya was finishing up her homework, someone rang the door to her home. When she went to check to see who it was, she wasn't anticipating seeing Santana on the other side of the door. 

"I thought nights were spent with Brittany." Cataleya commented as she opened the door for Santana.

"I can't come over to visit you?" Santana asked with a bit of an attitude. Cataleya gave her a look. "Fine, Brittany was busy and I don't want to see Puck."

"Why, did Puck do something? Do you need me to kick him in the balls?"

"What is it with you and kicking guys in the balls?" Cataleya just shrugged. "And actually, I broke up with him. His credit score is atrocious." As much as Cataleya wanted to jump up and down, she hugged her friend instead.

"I didn't even know you can have a credit score at our age. But still, you deserve someone way better than Puck. One day you're going to meet someone who's right for you. Until then, you want some empanadas or ice cream?" Cataleya was getting up to get their comfort food.

"Hoe, do you even have to ask?" Cataleya laughed at her friend and went to grab the empanadas she made recently. When she came with them, Santana gave her a smile. "You know me so well."

As they were eating, Santana remembered a certain discussion they didn't finish. "So how come you and Mike were hanging out the other day?"

"Damn, they should change your name to snoopy because you're so nosy." Cataleya muttered.

"Just answer the question."

"Fine! He saw how bored I was so he kept me company. That's it." She left out a lot of details since she knew how private Mike was with dancing. "I don't get why it's such a big deal."

"Because I thought you hated everyone from the football team." Santana remarked.

"I mean I hate the football team as a whole, but there are some players who are decent human beings. Mike being one of them."

"He is one of the better ones." Santana agreed. "He's cute too." She said in a suggestive tone, which made Cataleya sigh loudly.

"Here we go again. You know you do this every time I talk to a guy; can't I just be friends with him?"

"All I said was that he's cute; I don't know why you're getting so defensive. And let's say that you were to date him, at least it'll stop the rumors that you're gay."

Since Cataleya rejected every guy who asked her out, people began to make rumors that she played for the other team, which she didn't care.

"So what they think I'm gay, let them! Who cares what they have to say; I have nothing to prove to them. Anyways, there's nothing wrong with being gay." Knowing about Brittany and Santana's relationship, Cataleya wanted to make sure her friend knew that.

"I'm just saying. Something could happen there. I see it—my psychic Mexican third eye—sees it."

"Yeah, like how it saw me do this?"

"Do what?" Right then, Cataleya smacked her with a pillow, which began a war between them.

That night, they spent it like how they used to when Cataleya first came to Ohio. They talked, played games, danced to Paula Abdul's Cold Hearted, then they watched Love and Basketball.

As they watched the end credits, Cataleya said, "That's what I want."

Santana looked at her incredulously. "You know, you actually have to say yes to a date then, right?"

"I get that, but I'm not going to say yes if I feel nothing for the person. I want to be able to feel something for the person—that connection. Don't you?" Santana stayed silent, thinking about a certain cheerio.

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