8. Mash-Up

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How the hell was she going to fix this?

To give some context, Coach Sylvester told Santana about her conversation with Cataleya. Santana waited days to see if Cataleya would mention anything about it, but Cataleya never did, which pissed off Santana.

The problem was that Santana wasn't mad in her usual way. Normally, whenever Santana was angry at Cataleya, she would explode, voicing what angered her and then threatening to go all Lima Heights on Cataleya.

But this time it was different.

Santana was giving Cataleya the silent treatment, which was driving Cataleya crazy. Cataleya would rather have Santana yell at her than have Santana ignore her.

That was why she spent the night before baking Santana's favorite cookies. She tried giving Santana the cookies in the morning, but Santana got a ride from someone else. She even tried going to Santana's locker to give it to her, but Santana managed to avoid Cataleya.

It was almost time for free period, and Cataleya knew of the one place she would be able to find Santana: the choir room.

As Cataleya was headed to the choir room, she saw an opportunity that she couldn't help but want to involve herself in: Karofsky slushying Finn.

"What the hell, Karofsky!?" Finn yelled as he pushed Karofsky to the lockers, right in front of Cataleya's locker to be exact.

Seeing that she could give Karofsky a piece of her mind, Cataleya decided that she needed to go to her locker.

As she was walking there, she felt someone pull her away. She saw that it was John—someone from the boys' soccer team—who was guiding her away with Maria—her teammate—right next to him. "John, get the fuck off me!"

Maria spoke up. "John, don't do that. Cat, you look like you were about to start problems with Karofsky, and we can't have that. Not when we have a game coming up."

"Start problems? I was just going to my locker!" Maria stared at her in disbelief. "Fine, maybe I wanted to have a nice conversation with Karofsky."

"Exactly! Look Cat, you don't have to fight everyone's battles. Finn's a big boy. He could handle Karofsky on his own."


"BUT nothing." Maria cut in. "Now where do you need to go?"

"The choir room." Cataleya mumbled.

"The choir room? Isn't that where glee club hangs out?" Cataleya stayed quiet. "Didn't coach tell you to stay away from that club?"

Cataleya shook her head. "No, she said I had to prioritize the team, which I'm still doing. And I don't understand why it's such a big deal; glee club doesn't affect the way I play. Besides, Abby's back, so I'm back on the bench." For Cataleya, that was such a relief.

"Fine, just don't get caught. I don't want to hear coach's mouth." Maria hesitantly responded. "My class is on the other side of the school. John, you think you can handle taking her there?"

"Yeah, I got this." John reassured Maria. "You go ahead; I'll see you later."

"Thanks! You're the best!" Maria gkissed himon the cheek and left. John began to blush, which led to Cataleya smirking. "Don't even."

"Don't what?" She asked with feigned innocence, the smirk never leaving her face.

"You know what."

"But I don't! I mean, you could be talking about how you turn into a tomato whenever Maria touches you? Or how it's exhausting seeing you two dance around each other when it's obvious that you two like each other."

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