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What is vibrating?!

I stretched my hand around my bed and felt my phone vibrating. I turned it around and looked at the screen to see it was 6 am.

Oh yeah. I had to wake up Isabella.

I groaned and stretched as I got out of bed.

I pulled a t-shirt on, walked out of my room and headed down the hall to her room.

I knocked twice and no reply came.

She's asleep, dumbass.

I opened the door and saw a note behind the door.

I know you probably knocked but entered when I didn't answer. I told you my room is fully soundproof, even the door. If I don't wake up, sprinkle some water on me, the glass is on my bedside.

Haha, really great. She managed to embarrass me even when she's asleep.

"Isabella, wake up. Its already past six." I said to the unconscious girl in front of me.

"Bell." I poked her back but she didn't respond.

I reached my hand to shake her up but pulled away when I came in contact with her skin.

She was boiling hot.

"Bell, wake up." She was unresponsive.

I was about to go call Jason when her phone ringed.

It was her mom.


"Isa, good morning." Her voice was heard.

That's where Isa got her sweet voice.

"Mrs. Becker,"

"Where is Isabella?"

"She's asleep but-"

"So you're the boyfriend." She mumbled lowly.

"No, Bell has-"

"Is she okay?"

"She has a fever." I replied.

"I suspected so. Go into her closet and open the first drawer at her table. Take two paracetamols and give her. But make sure she's conscious. Then get her a heating pad and a cooling pad. Did she seem stressed yesterday or did something happen that caused her to be stressed?"

"Maybe the test she has in 20 minutes from now."

"Aha. Smart kid. So here's the thing, Isa always gets a fever at the start of her bio week. So you are gonna have to take care of her since she failed to anticipate this happening like the rest of the time. I'm trusting you with my daughter's help. If you need help, get help from your brother in law. Bye Lucas."


What the hell?!

How did she know my name? And how the hell did Jason become my brother in law?!

I sprinkled the water on her, waking her up. I swear I saw the water evaporate of her.

"What time is it?" She asked in a weak voice.

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