Sparing and the call

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Daisy/Skye POV

Leaving the cockpit, Daisy heads for her bunk to change. Pulling her hair up into a horsetail as she walks towards the kitchen to get two water bottles. Having what she needed, she moves out from the kitchen, past the common room and towards the stairs, feeling Ward's eyes following her has she passes the common room. She can feel that something is wrong, the way he looks at her makes a chill run through her body. Deciding she should worry about that later; she takes a deep breath to put herself in the right mind setting for what is about to go down. As she starts to walk down the stairs to the cargo hold, she sees that Melinda has already placed out the mats.

"I took a water bottle for you too."

She informs the older woman as she reaches the last step, which makes Melinda turn her attention towards her. She nods her head towards one of the seats to the side and Daisy moves over, placing both down before she moves towards the middle of the mats, face to face towards Melinda. We spend almost a minute looking at one another, smiling, Daisy takes the first move, her smile growing larger as Melinda easily blocks her attack. They keep this training up for an hour and a half, keeping a good pace. She's happy to see that all of her training has paid off, seeing as she can easily keep up with Melinda. Feeling that they are both done, they look at one another, a small nod of their heads, they jump away from one another.

Taking in a few deep breaths, she forces her pulls down before she moves for the water bottle. As she walks, she can see that they have gotten audience, which makes her roll her eyes. She grabs the other bottle and hands it to Melinda as she walks towards her.

"Thank you for this, I really needed this."

She thanks her, and Melinda nods her head as an answer.

"Your good, a lot better than last time we meet."

Melinda tells her after taking a sip of water.

"Well, I was just a rookie when we first meet, no wonder I wasn't as good back then."

Daisy says with a roll of her eyes, but she smiles towards her water bottle. Seeing that Melinda shakes her head slightly before nodding it towards the matts.

"I took them out, you put them away."

She informs as she starts to move towards the stairs. Rolling her eyes, Daisy puts down her bottle.

"Well, this doesn't take me back at all."

She mumbles to herself, but she does what she is told and starts to take away the matts. Feeling that she is still being watched, Daisy stops with her work and turns around, eyes narrowed.


She asks, which makes Simmons and Fitz turn around, turning their attention back to what ever they were working on. Ward looks at her with the same look that sent a chill through her earlier. She quickly moves her eyes away from him and sees the goofy smile, making him look like a proud father, a thought that she quickly put out of circulation. That time was over. She turns her attention back to the matts and starts to pull them away once more. Once finished, she grabs her bottle and heads for the stairs. A warm shower is exactly what she needs right now.


Rubbing her hair with a towel, she is careful that her glasses are still on properly as she moves towards her bunk to change into something more comfortably. The moment her door closes behind her, she can hear the familiar sound of Highway to hell from her phone and she rolls her eyes, but a smile starts to grow. Dropping down on the bed, she grabs her phone, not even looking at the id of the caller.

"What? Missing me already Iron Ass?"

She asks, feeling how she is relaxing.

"You know I do Tremors! It's quite boring here without you around."

Tony answers her and Daisy rolls her eyes, but her smile grows.

"So, what, you guys have just been sitting around doing nothing since I left or something?"

"We have patently been waiting for your call, for information on how things have gone."

"Why? You guys have a bet going or something?"

She asks, already knowing the answer to her question.

"Really? What do you take us for?"

Tony answers, which makes Daisy roll her eyes.

"Because I lived with you all for three months, I know fully well how that house works, just as I know you have a secret crush on Caps ass."

She answers him, her smile turning into a grin, and she can almost see the terror in Tony's eyes.

"How... What... I..."

Tony starts to say, not able to finish any of the words he is trying to say, and Daisy can hear how someone is laughing in the background.

"It's your own fault, you all drinking and playing Truth or Dare isn't your best idea."

She informs him, and the laugher grow closer to the phone.

"Nicely done Rookie, you managed to break Tony even if you're not even here."

Hearing Natasha's voice, Daisy smiles, knowing that she has taken Tony's phone ant but it on speakers so all of them can hear exactly what is being said.

"So, how did it go?"

"Everything has gone well; they don't know who I am... or rather who is under the mask. Well, if you don't count Agent May, but she knows everything since before too so."

Daisy tells them, she knows that she never told them that she has informed Melinda more about her past, but that is something they can talk about the next time they meet face to face.

"Mel knows?"

Clint asks, jumping into the conversation and Daisy rolls her eyes.

"Yes, the only thing I can at the moment, she has known for a while about my past, but she has never informed anyone else on the team."

"Well, that's what Mel does."

Clint tells her and Daisy finds herself nodding once more, hearing the familiar sound of an incoming mission, Daisy let's out a sigh.

"Well, I need to go. We got a mission is incoming."

She informs her team before ending the call, making sure to end it before either of them can answer, seeing as if she let's them keep talking, it will be hard to end it. She was surprised over how much she is missing them already. Moving the towel from her head, she pull out some clothes she can wear before leaving her bunk and heads for the command centre, seeing that she isn't the last one there at least. 

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