Ride on the Crazy train (short)

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You were on the cold bench . Waiting for the train

The early morning fog was heavy, and the light rain was starting to come down more .

It was around 7am

You had a 5 hour train ride, you were meeting your parents who were out at a cabin for a family reunion that you were going to

Just as you were dozing off, you heard the announcement of the arrival and grabbed your things and headed in the train

You decided to pick a seat near the back

A lady came by and offered you coffee, you politely took it and thanked her.

Soon after you drifted asleep


You woke up, and checked the time. It was now 10 am

Your arrival time was 1:40pm

What woke you was the sudden stop of the bus

You decided to take the chance to use the bathroom

You looked in the mirror and fixed yourself up. You tried to make yourself more presentable, due to the sleep that caused everything to smudge or frizz

Walking back to your seat, you notice someone in the seat next to you who was facing your direction

The train got 5 people additional to the 4 you saw in the beginning

You decided not to pay attention, you chose to read instead . You picked up a book called t-

"The Stand.. That's a great book"

You looked where the voice came from

"That's the original Stephen King hard back , how'd you get your hands on something like that?"
The man across from you seemed intrigued by your choice of literature

"It was passed down through my dad, he was a big reader"
You smiled and decided to glance around his area

He was on a laptop , next to a bag and a guitar case in front of him in the other seat.

"How long have you played guitar?"
You asked, still looking at your book

He gave a small smile noticing your unfamiliarity to his work

"Honestly my whole life. I started young. Well, I guess around 15 which wouldn't be my whole life but... I'm a lot older now. Feels like a life time"

He began rambling which caused you to smile while listening to him stumble on his words

"Hey, don't down play yourself. That's around the age where life really starts and you can make your own decisions. Seems like you made a good choice "
You looked back at your book not wanting to make eye contact

"Yeah, I feel like it was the best choice"

It got quiet again, and you read a couple pages before you saw him look at you a few times, as if he was wanting to speak

You decided to give in.

The man wasn't bad looking.
He seemed way older than you, maybe in his early 50's . But he looked really good for his age, he had curly hair that was silver with some brown hidden

He honestly was really attractive.

"I'm y/n by the way"

He began to smile wide at your invitation to conversation

"I'm Kirk, you have a really pretty name y/n"

You smiled and thanked him

"When's your next stop ?"

"It's not for a few hours, you could come sit if you'd like " you motioned to the seat in front of you.

He took a moment to gather his things and came over and sat

"So what brings you on this crazy train " he began typing in his computer while giving a few glances

You gave him the rundown of the plans and he explained how he also was visiting family

You looked at. Some stickers he had on his laptop

"You're a Karloff fan?"
You pointed to the stickers

He tipped his laptop down to look for himself

"Yeah.. I'm a huge collector of anything horror related. But anything vintage is usually my go to"

"Attractive and educated" you nodded and smiled to yourself

"You think I'm attractive?"
He was caught off guard by your response

"Of course, you're well into the same things as me, you're very polite and witty. Not to mention the hobbies you have. Plus you have pretty eyes and a really nice smile" you tilted your head toward the end of your sentence
He laughed a little to himself

"I have pretty eyes?" He seemed to get flustered bit

Which was adorable due to the age gap

You nodded

"So, you're not turned off by the age gap?"
He seemed to not believe my reasons to his good looks

"Not at all, I'm 25. If you meet anyone around my age that's a guy. Their either a dead beat, or they're still in their parents house getting drunk in the basement. It only means I have more maturity that raises the bar for my preferences in men . If you get what I mean"

He definitely got what I meant

Kirk gave a devilish smile and put his hand on your thigh under the Table

"Hey, I'm gonna be in the bathroom if you wanna meet up in 5"

You watched as he got up , hands bushing your shoulder as he walked pass

"Fuck it"

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