Crashing Prom pt.1

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Kirks pov

"Guys it's not that hard, we need promo, someone our age who can relate to us and make us more seen!"
You tried to tell the guys

The four of you walked to the cafeteria , getting in single file line with your trays

"Dude, forget it."
Tom was shut out from any other option rather than doing another bar set

"I almost got the shit knocked out of me last time. I'm not going back to 'The Lady Wheeper'"

You laughed at the time Tim got hit so hard by the barkeep that he pissed his self

"Good thing is was just the piss that got knocked out of you then" You joked

The four of you laughed which made the lunch lady's all glare at you

"All I'm saying is, I'm down with Kirks idea. We need promotion, we need a place and a big enough space where there's enough people" Keith joined in on your idea

"Exactly what I'm saying guys"

"And how the hell are we gonna find someone, and a place like that?" Tom asked

The four of  you stood at the back of the cafeteria looking into the crowded room

You all spotted a girl yelling on a chair

It was y/n.

"As you all know, I'm head of the committee with this years annual prom. Get your asses up cause PROMS TWO WEEKS AWAY!, get your tickets now! Two for $40 one for $25"
You all watched as the principal tried to take the mic

You all gave each other a look

"Well gentlemen, we got our place"

"And our girl" you gave a look of approval to the group
Who cheered their way to the table
You and the guys were walking in the hall after lunch, trying to figure out a plan

"So , Kirk. The mighty ring leader. What's the plan"

" well, the best plan is no plan. We all have gym with her 5th period. So we'll just see how it goes then. If she realizes it's too scripted she'll never help us. She'll get weirded out. So best bet is to be natural about it "

"You sure about this kirk?"

"Yeah how do you know she'll even help us"

"Trust me"

——————Later that Day ————-—————————
Your pov

It was 6th period , you were in gym. Todays activity was volley ball

"Alright, there's 20 of you, so you know the drill. Find your team of 5. Let's get in groups! " the P.E teacher blew his whistle making you wince

You looked around to find a group to play with. Your best friend was gone today, she's usually who you get in groups with.

You noticed a group of girls signaling you over
You began to walk to them when a group of 4 boys appeared out in front of you

They didn't say anything instead just kind of looked at each other trying to pick someone to say something

"Do you guys need help with the rules or something?" You we're genuinely confused about the situation

One of the guys pushed the other in front, slightly harder than expected cause he tripped into you

"Woah, Kirk. You good?" You laughed while he quickly stood himself up

"Kirk?" The boy questioned me

"Yeah? That is your name right? We have Bio chem together 7th period"

"Yeah, we were all wondering if you could maybe join our group? We honestly suck ass"

You looked over at the girls and back to the boys

You waved the girls off , and decided to team with the boys

"Alright, if your on my team then I need you guys to really focus"
—————————-  time skip —————————-
Kirks pov

P.E was over and I couldn't be happier

Our team lost in second but it was actually pretty fun, y/n gets along with us pretty well

You walked into the locker room, and began talking again to the guys

"Seems like Kirky here has a crush"

Tom began to tease you

"I do not" you lied

The guys began to mock you
"Oh did you say Kirk?" , "sure I'll go get you some water" , "your such a good volley ball player" , "wow your ass looks so good in those shorts y/n"

They all began to laugh. 
You scoffed
"I never said her ass looked good. I'm not a creep" you defended yourself

"Well sure, maybe everything else was true. But your eyes said it my man. Every chance you got you looked"

"It's true Hammett, she's hot but don't get too wrapped up. We're just now getting somewhere with this music stuff. We're just getting in her good graces and that's it"

You rolled your eyes

"Anyways. I completely forgot I have 7th period with her. I'm just gonna ask her then "

"All I'm gonna say is, todays the deadline. If she doesn't work out, we're moving on. Deal?"

You were lost in your thoughts

She really knew me?

The locker door slamming is what brought you back to reality

"Did you hear me? "

"Yeah, Deal okay?" you agreed

Part 1/4

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