Crashing Prom pt.2

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Kirks pov

After the locker room talk, you went about your day as usual

7th period came around.

You walked into class and went to your normal table.
To no surprise it was in the back of the class.

You saw y/n at the table diagonal from you with a spot open beside her . 

A lot of the kids were gone due to the Band field trip.
So neither of you had a partner .

You fought with the angel and devil on your shoulder wether to go up there with her or not.

Mr.Pontious walked in, making you back out even further.

For most of the class, we had to read and finish in class home work.
It was about 5 minutes left of class.  And still haven't managed to talk to her.

You took a deep breath, and closed your book

"Fuck it" you whispered

You went to stand up , and so did the teacher

"Mr. Hammett, do you have a question?"

"No sir. Just stretching "
You quickly sat down feeling embarrassed

"Um. Okay. Anyways class, because of the band trip, and us being behind. This assignment should only last about a couple days if that. Work on this at home. I'll pair you up. Give you a topic and bring it back to me when it's finished"

You were never gonna be able to ask her now.

You watched as the teacher walked through the aisles and handed out papers, putting some people In pairs.

He got to her table and began quietly talking to her

You couldn't make out what he was saying

He turned to you and waved you over

"Mr. Hammett, you'll be working with y/n. And please... actually participate"
You rolled your eyes at the teacher and gathered your things and sat next to her

"So, Mr. Hammett" she mocked

You chuckled at the terrible impression

"Would you want to work at your house or mine?"
She asked

"Mines cool, my dad has a ton of health books from college so something in there could help us "

"That's good because..."

She took the paper and read the topic

"Because we have 'what foods have the same effects as drugs' so let's hope he has something in there about this"  she giggled at the insane topic

You smiled , looking at her. You never noticed her dimples before
Or the way her freckles go across her nose

"You have a really nice smile Kirk" 

You snapped out of your thoughts

"Uh, do i?" You couldn't decide wether to feel insecure about her noticing your crooked teeth or confident that shes complimenting you

"Yeah, you always have "

Before you could compliment her back , the bell rang breaking the silence

"Well, I'll see you later Kirk"
You watched as she got her books and walked out the room getting greeted as she walked out

———————————time skip ———————————

Kirks pov

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