Boy Meets Girl.. Again

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-His view

"I wonder if she even remembers me? Should I go see her? It's not like she would be able to resist me. After all I am a king. What's not to like?... Ah I'm kidding myself again. How about I'm 1000 years old? How about the fact I'm not alive? Who wants to love someone who will never age? Who wants to love someone who's full of evil? I wish people didn't see me as a monster. I'm not a monster. I don't have a soul, but I do have a heart. Marsh, stop thinking about love, you know how it works out. You fall for them, they grow up, they die. And that's how it is. That's how it is, Marshall, and it's never ever going to change. Though, if I'm not living for even momentarily joy, what am I living for?..." My thoughts ramble on.

Living for a thousand years, you get to know yourself. I know that nothing ever ends well for a monster. I don't kill people anymore. It only leaves me feeling empty despite my full stomach. I want to see life, not death. This is hard when you are dead, though. I'm a vampire. And not only a vampire, but the vampire king. The only way to have love forever... I can't bear doing. It would leave me feeling worse than losing my love. I once loved, long ago. Her name was Ellie. Ellie Smith. She was beautiful. Everything about her was beautiful and I couldn't believe she liked me back. Then one day things turned, big time. I was only a prince, then. 1000 years later, look at me now. I wear the same clothes practically every day because it's exhausting keeping up with the world's fashion. I'm alone in a cave.

I sigh and plop down on my bed. Next to me is my base guitar. I think about playing but am interrupted by noise outside my house.

"Intruders?" I think. No one should dare come here. Not when my head's a mess like this. I go down the ladder to my tv room and sneak out the back door. I float up to the roof to spy who it is. To their luck, it's only Fiona and Cake. They run up to the door looking like they're racing. They're always having way too much fun. I like them. I like Fiona. She's just not into me. Oh well, though. It's not like I love her. We're just friends. I stay hidden while they reach my door. Fiona knocks quietly and Cake pushes her aside and knocks real loudly. I hear her say

"You have to knock louder than that, Fio!"

"Marshall has bat ears, Cake." Says Fiona.

"Oh yeah, aha!" They both laugh. I stay on the roof.

"What are they even doing here? What do they want?" I hiss under my breath. I decide to just wait it out up here. It's not as if either of them have a very long attention span. Mine is quite large. I have all the time in the world to wait here.

"Grrrrrumblee" My stomach says loudly. The cave amplifies it with an echo.

I face palm and hold my stomach. Maybe I can't wait here forever after all. I peek over the edge of the roof and see them. Fiona is in a fighting stance and Cake's tail is fluffed out.

"Fiona, let's get out of here!"

"No way, what if Marshall is in trouble?" Shouts Fiona

Why does she care? I'm already dead, I'm not afraid of dying.


"GRRRRRRUMBLEE" I've really got to eat more often. Below, Fiona kicks my door down and Cake runs in after her. I see a blank piece of paper next to me so I decide to write her a note. But since I don't have a pen, I use my finger nail and poke into my skin. Blood drips onto it and I use it as ink. I write: To whoever reads this, I'm not home.

I lick the spot on my arm where the blood is coming out to try to get it to stop bleeding. I float down to the front door and drop the note. I fly out to the cave entrance and sit at the top of the cliff. It's dusk right now. The town of the Arsenics is off in the field next to me. It's called Armenian, I believe. In contrast, the little town is lit up with light against the darkening sky. She lives there. That's all I know about her, though. Other than the fact she's utterly gorgeous. Sometimes I go there at night when the Arsenics are all asleep and I walk around their town. It's a lot like my old little town. It all feels so right. I would stay for a couple hours, looking into the shop windows with my hands in my pockets. I always leave before the sky begins to brighten. I don't want to risk being seen. They might chase me with pitch forks like in the good old days.

Below, Fiona and Cake walk out of the cave. Fiona hops atop of Cake and they run off home. I assume they found my letter. My stomach grumbles once more in protest and I decide to go Tree Trunk's apple orchard for a snack.

I'm too tired to walk, so I float. I'm there in short time and I don't bother asking Trunks. I look around for deep red apples. They're the most filling. I find a wooden bucket and grab 7 or so good apples. I head back to the cave carrying the bucket. I take the path through the woods because it's faster, but halfway home I'm too hungry to wait. I set the bucket down and grab an apple. I bite into it, but I don't actually eat the apple. I suck the red from it, leaving it grey and mushy. I drop it on the floor and reach for another one when a stick snaps to my right. My head snaps up and I yell

"Who's there? You don't wanna mess with me, guy, this is a game you don't want to play." I hiss and stand on the ground, my arms out to my sides ready to attack. "Come out or I'll find you!"

A figure slowly steps out from behind a tree. He's wearing a long hood that's a royal blue color. It covers his face and body. He puts his arms out waving them.

"Please don't hurt me, I didn't mean to scare you" Says the... girl?

"Who are you?" I say putting my arms down.

"My name... Is Micran."

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