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Micran spend the next day alone in her room. Occasionally a guard would peek their head through the door just make sure she was still there. This annoyed Micran and she would shout at them,

"Can't a girl get a little privacy?!"
"This is ridiculous," she thought. How can her mother and father expect her to marry a stranger? They must know to some degree that she likes someone else. Especially her mother. "Why else would she come into my room and talk about the stable boy?" She thought.

It was a long day full of complete nothingness as she sat in her room staring out the window. She stared at Marshall's cave.

"By night time I'll be out of here." She said under her breath, glancing backwards towards the door.

The hours creeped by and all that Micran could do to entertain herself was to read some of her childhood stories. She picked up A gigantic book bound with a deep red leather cover. On the front was engraved with gold "The Frog Who Could Fly"

She looked up from her book to look out the window. She jumped up, "night time already?!"
Now she was nervous. "Where is Marshall?" The thought imagining everything that could have gone wrong.

"Psst." She heard from behind her. It was Marshall at the window. "This is a two-story floor, I guess he can fly pretty high then." She thought.

"Psssst!" Marshall impatiently hissed again. He waited for her to open the window. "Come on let's get out of here!" He said.

With a second of hesitation, she began to crawl out her window. She got into Marshall's arms again, trying not to be awkward. She loved being in his arms. The only thing she couldn't understand was why he was so cold.

Marshall flew Micran back to his house, and set her down after the big puddle. They both walked the rest of the way. When they settled in on the couch Micran told Marshall all about what happened last night, and what her parents said. "If you hadn't come for me, I would still be locked up in my room, and next week I would be forced to marry a stranger!"

"That's just crazy talk, M!" Said Marshall looking angry. Micran admired her little pet name.

Just then they hear a knock at the door. Micran Frantically gets up and hides in the closet. Marshall goes to answer the door already knowing who it was.

"Marshall's home!" Shouts Fiona. Cake never did like Marshall too much, but after he planted some catnip in his yard, she for gave him for all that other stuff. "You got any food?" Asked Fiona letting herself in.

"Uhh yeah." Said Marshall tossing her an apple. "Hey Fio..? It's not really a good time." Said Marshall scratching behind his head.

Cake could smell something. She ran across the living room and began sniffing around. In the mean time Fiona got up in Marshall's face and started poking his cheek.

"Gah, what are you doing? Stahp!" He said swatting her hands away. He wanted to get Cake to stop snooping around his place but Fiona was too busy doing whatever it was she was doing. Marshall's face took a turn for ugly and he hissed at her. Fiona pulled her hand away and brushed off the whole incident, beginning to eat her apple.

"Ah ha!" Said Cake at the closet door. I smell rainbow popcorn in here! Where you hiding it from us, Marshall?" She flung open the door to see Micran. Everyone paused. They all took turns looking at each other for 5 seconds. Instantly they all started talking

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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