Royal Responsibilites

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-Her view

"I can't stand this town." I think while being lectured by my dad. I just got home from work. He's yelling at me about how I'm 18 now and I should be married. He says I have responsibilities. He says him and my mom need to retire; that they're "too old," when they're only 40 something. "I wonder what he's doing?" I think, my short attention span getting the best of me.

"Are you even listening?" He raises his voice.

"Yeah yeah, of course." I roll my eyes and look at the stairs. I want to go in my room, and sleep forever.

"You know, I've found a prince and I think it would be best if I set up your marriage."

"W-what? W-why would I want to marry some prince I don't know?" My thoughts race back to him. "You know what? I'm going to bed." I say stomping off to my room.

"Wait, Micran! Come on, he's really nice—and cute!!" He yells after me. I run in my room and slam the door shut. I hold my hands there against the door afraid it might open again.

I sigh and look out my window. I can clearly see the cave from here. Some nights I see him walking around our town. It's sort of creepy, but I assume it's his nerves. Maybe he thinks no one will like him? Who knows. I bet he doesn't know I see him walking around here. He only comes at night making sure no one sees him. It's like through all my years he hasn't changed in appearance. But I've seen him around all the time. Once I thought he saw me, because he looked at my window and ran away. I used to not believe in magic until I saw him floating. Everyone in town thinks people who use magic is evil so I never mention him or what I've seen... But I don't think he's evil.

I hear footsteps leading to my room and turn around quickly "Oh god I bet he's bringing up my bouquet for the wedding now." I sigh.

"Micran?" My mom says opening the door.


"I know what you're thinking. I didn't want to marry your father when I was your age, too." My head springs her way.

"..." I was going to say something but didn't. She's just annoying and lazy and doesn't even deserve him. My dad may be annoying sometimes but I love him a lot. I've always thought my mom married him for his money. Her story doesn't sound right for some reason.

"I was dating a boy when was forced into marriage. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love your father and you," Yeah yeah... "But I always wonder what would happen if I had disobeyed and married my stable boy."

"............." I sigh and look out my window.

"...Tomorrow morning I can take you out to look at dresses if you'd like."

I swing around "What, no! Ugh, just, can I go to sleep?" I say impatiently.

"Goodnight." She gets up and leaves without another word. I plop down on my bed and close my eyes.

I can hear a soft yelling outside. I get up and look out the window. It's about dusk, now, and I can see Fiona and Cake running just outside the town gates. I yell out to them, "Where are you guys going?" They both stop running and look around.

"Oh hey Princess!" Shouts Fiona.

Cake uses her magic to stretch her body up to my window, carrying Fiona on her back.

"What's up PM?" Says Fiona.

"Just wondering what you guys are doing." I said leaning on my window sill.

"We were just going to see if Marshall is home. There's a party in the cloud kingdom." You can come too, if you want!"

I laugh a little and say "Eh, parties aren't really my thing." And scratch the back of my head stepping back a bit.

"That's okay, see ya later, then!" They both ran off to his house. I snuck out of my room and grabbed the royal cloak. I creeped down the stairs and out the door. I headed towards the woods.

I walked for a good mile with no destination in sight. I just need some alone time away from everyone to think. I don't want to be married to some stranger just to fulfill the blood line... a life where you can't freely love isn't a life worth living.

Lost in thought I stumbled across Tree Trunk's orchard. I took a break and sat down on a fallen tree. I sat put my face in my hands and looked at my feet.

"I wonder what would happen if I went to his house right now to talk to him?" I thought. I dismiss the idea because I know I'd never be brace enough to follow through.

I got up to leave, figuring dad would sent out the whole town if he realized I went missing. I started forward when I heard someone coming. Instinctively, I hid behind a tree.

I peeked out slowly.
"Is that... no... could it be..." I thought stepping a little closer. "SNAP" I stepped on a branch and went back behind the tree. "Shoot."

I heard him yell- er, hiss out, "Who's there? You don't wanna mess with me, guy, this is a game you don't want to play."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I think

"Come out or I'll find you!"

"Oh geeze" I think stepping out from the bushes hiding my face. I still don't know who this is. I wave my arms and say "Please don't hurt me, I didn't mean to scare you." I'm a little afraid of this guy, but with that he calms down a bit.

"Who are you?" He says, and with hesitation I tell him

"My name... Is Micran." I pull back my hood so I can see him properly. I don't even care if he reports me to my parents— it is him. I step back staring at him. He has a look of complete shock on his face.

"WHY IS HE HERE?" I think now running away. I look behind me to see if he's following me but I don't see him at all. Because of the distraction, I trip on a tree root and land on my hands and knees.

"Agh..." I say getting up.

"So... Micran." I get up to see his face inches from mine. I jump and almost fall again but he catches me. "You sure do have a habit of falling." He says hesitating to let me go. I steady myself and say

"What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" He repeats. He brings an apple to his face but doesn't eat it. Instead he tosses it to me and I look down at it. Red and shiny. I look up and start "What's—" But he's not there. I turn around, but still no Marshall. "Hello? Marshall?"

I figure he's gone and I hold the apple up to the sky and place it in front of the moon.

"How... Do you know my name?" He says from behind me. I turn around and say

"Stop doing that!"

"Stop doing what?"

"Your... magic."

"... What do you know about magic, Miss Micran?" he smiles and floats up putting his hands behind his head and laying back like he's relaxing. He sort of makes me mad. Nothing like I expected. "Ignoring his own question, he says "Why did you run from me?" Slightly frowning but getting back his smirk quickly.

"I... I have to get back home; my parents should be looking for me by now." I say looking past my shoulder towards home.

He starts to say something but I ignore him and start walking.

"Hey wait up!" He shouts after me. "why.... why don't you come by my place? Its pretty sweet."

I stop walking. I think about the wedding, and my parents. "I'm... not sure that's the best idea."

"Aw common, I know you'll like it." He says. "Stay here for a second." He flies over and grabs something. A bucket of, apples? He comes back over with them and says "Come on." I follow him because it's the way to my house. That's why.

We walk in silence the whole way there. When we reach the field though, I keep following him. Why not just look around his house for a second? What's the worse that could happen?

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