The Cave

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I revised some stuff in the first three chapters but since this is years later the writing style will be a little different and I'll be writing in 3rd person omniscient. Sorry lovelies!

As they got to Marshall's cave Micran became more and more anxious about being out so late. Marshall could see this and was constantly talking to her and telling (bad) jokes to try and ease her mind.

"It's just up ahead" said Marshall doing a flip in the air.

His magic confused and amazed Micran. She wanted to know so much more about how it worked.

"You know I could always see this place from my town." Micran said trying to remain calm, cool, and collected (not the case). She was tripping over her words let alone her feet.
Marshall looked over at her.

"She's so beautiful." He thought realizing he was staring. His stomach growled but he didn't think it was a good time to "eat" in front of her.
"What would she ever love about a monster like me." He thought looking off into the sky.

Now it was her turn to keep the conversation going. "Sooo.. how long have you lived here?" She asked as they walked through the cave entrance.

Marshal knew he couldn't tell the truth right now so he quickly said "uhh couple years." The voice continued in his head, "a couple hundred years that is."

They came across a large puddle and Micran stood at the edge while Marshall mindlessly floated across.

"Uhhh I could use a little help" said Micran and Marshall turned around to see the helpless princess defeated by a puddle of water.

"What's the matter? Afraid to get a little dirty?" He said with a wink.

Annoyed, she started to turn around and walk back out.

"Oh common I was just kidding..." said Marshall as he quickly came up behind her, scooping her into his arms.

"What are you doing?!" Screamed a wriggly Micran. "Put me down!"

Hovering above the puddle Marshall looked down and back at her. She did the same.

"You better not--" started Micran before Marshall dropped his arms, but she did not fall. Instead she clung to him much like a terrifying cat would. For just a moment Their faces were only an inch apart. Their breathing slowed, and they looked into each other's eyes. Micran's face turned a bright red and Marshall regained his clutch on her before quickly bringing her to the ground.

"...You're a jerk." Said Micran still frazzled. Her heart was pounding. Marshall grinned and looked away.


Once Marshall had given her a quick tour of the house, they settled in his living room. (Haha get it? "living" room).

"So I don't get it, why do you float? How?" Asked Micran."

"You must have a lot of questions." Said Marshall. "But I don't really want to answer any right now." Before she could protest he reached for his bass guitar.

"You play?" She asked. Instead of words he let his music do the talking. With a strum of his hand he was off. Micran was amazed at how fast he could play. The music he was playing was nothing like she'd ever heard. He started to slow down and played a beautiful melody. One she knew. An old song her mother would sing every new year. Marshall heard it every year even years before her mother was queen. It was a tradition he had grown to love. Micran started to sing the words while he played, causing him to stop.

"...Sorry." Said Micran.

"No, no! It's just... your voice is beautiful." Marshall blushed at his own gooiness. "Or whatever.." he recovered.

A loud noise interrupted them. The sound of bells rang in the distance. Micran bolted upward.

"That's the towns emergency bells! They must have noticed I left! I have to leave. Now." Said Micran frantically running towards the door.

"Hold on," said Marshall. "get on my back I'll get you there faster." Micran looked at him and paused

"... they can not see you." She said after a moment. With that she hopped on his back enjoying the brief closeness, and he zoomed up into the night sky.

"This is amazing!" Shouted Micran. Marshall decided to show off with a couple tricks before quickly taking her home. He stopped a bit outside of the town gates making sure not to be seen.

"This is far enough, thank you so much Marshall... I had a really great night tonight."

"Will I be able to see you again soon?" Asked Marshall.

"I... I don't know. I shouldn't have left, they'll be very mad. Come back tomorrow night meet me at my window." With that she ran off towards the village, and Marshall headed home. Both of their heads swirled with the events of the night. Marshall could tell that if he had blood in his body he would be blushing.

Micran returned home to a crowd of angry and tired people.

"Here she is!" shouted one of them

"Can we go back to sleep now?" Asked another.

Her mother and father raced towards her looking furious.

"Where the hell have you been? Do you know how worried we were? We woke up the whole town to find you!" The family felt glares from the crowd listening.

"Sorry everyone, this won't happen again. Everyone can return to their homes and go back to sleep." Declared the King "As for you, Micran, you can answer to your mother."

Micran slowly turned towards her trembling mother. Her mother had never looked so furious.

"I try to sympathize with you, Micran, I really do. But this time it is unforgivable. You know your duties and you know your responsibilities. There is no escaping your destiny. And this is why the wedding will be in one week. You are not to leave the towns gates, and you will be under constant supervision."

Micran stared blankly at her mother. Was all this real? How could all this be happening so fast? How can her mother do this to her? Doesn't she understand from her love with the stableboy?

"Mom--" she started before her mother cut her off.

"Guards escort the young princess to her room immediately." Before Micran knew it, she was being dragged up to her room. She resisted them, but they were much stronger than her. She was locked into her room. Micran ran to her bed and started crying into her pillow. "This isn't fair," she thought, eventually drifting off to sleep.

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