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There was a slight bit of ambient sound in the background. It was... Calming. Relaxing, even.

Waves crashing onto the sandy beach, the seagulls chirping as they made landfall on some nearby trees, and indistinct chatter from some people nearby. Soon, groaning was heard.

Fluttering their eyes open was a young man with slightly tanned skin, his eyes an icy blue as it was met with the bright sun. He brought an arm over his head, shielding his face from the bright sun as it shined down upon him. The chattering soon morphed to that of bright laughter and joyful chats, the young man leaning up. He brushes some of his slightly wavy hair, which reached all the way down to the top of his neck, a few bangs in the way of his face.

His face weathered, his exposed arms showing healed cuts and marks that showed signs of battle. But he wasn't in any sort of conflict. Instead, he had cast his icy blue gaze down to the beach below him.

On the sandy shore, he could see many figures. One was a teenage girl with bright pink hair, holding onto a young girl, a toddler, which held almost the same features as him. Black hair with blue eyes like his own. And behind the two girls, a toddler, a boy, with raven black hair and red eyes chased after them, a gleeful smile as he laughed. Just seeing the three, he couldn't help but feel his lips twitch upward, a feeling of happiness welling up within him.

Watching the three were two women, one a year or two older than him with the other about a year or so younger. The eldest woman had black hair like himself, which went along down her back, her skin tanned with golden yellow eyes. The other young woman had short, chin-length, light red hair and cyan eyes, along with a white headband. The cyan-eyed girl brushed some of her hair behind her ear, watching the three girls with a smile, along with the yellow-eyed woman. Looking over to a nearby palm tree, resting under it's shade were two others. One of them was a girl with auburn hair and lime green eyes, her hair put into a ponytail as she looked down at the figure resting by the tree with a bright smile. The figure by the tree would sigh occasionally, his spiky blonde hair flowing with the wind, his golden yellow eyes annoyingly looking up at the auburn-haired girl. Although, his expression would soften up every once and a while.

Over by the shoreline, there was a group. One had green hair that stood next to a woman with silver hair, the two hand in hand as they stared off into the distance. Just a few feet away from them, a pink-haired girl with pink eyes was screaming and chasing after a auburn-haired woman, who had a lollipop in her mouth as she laughed cheerfully, running away. Watching the two was a young man with brown hair and green eyes, a young boy and girl sitting atop his shoulders as he sighed with a smile. And lastly, at the foot of the small hill the icy blue-eyed man sat upon was another couple and a child. The woman had black hair as well, styled into twin tails as she stood next to a blue-haired man, who had a arm wrapped around the girl's waist. Holding onto the girl's hand was the small child, presumably the couple's. They looked happy.

As the icy blue-eyed man gazed down below with a soft, fond smile on his face, he soon leaned back as his expression relaxed. He felt two arms silk around his neck, gently bringing his head back into their chest, the person's arm resembling to that of porcelain. He reached up, grasping one of the figure's hands, feeling it intertwine with his as soft, smooth, porcelain skin made contact. The figure then spoke, it having a soothing voice of a woman's. 

He knew. He knew that every time he heard this woman's voice, his whole entire world would light up. His heart would flutter as he felt a certain warmth begin to well within his chest, the man sighing contently.

"What are you smiling for?" The woman asks in a whisper, her tone soothing and calming to his ear.

The man kept smiling, "It's just... This life of ours... I love it."

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