Chapter Three: Except for that.

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"Hey dad!" I announced to the empty classroom. "Dad?" Where was he? I had officially survived the first three months of school and I couldn't wait to tell him everything. I wish I had been able to visit him more often, but I didn't have Defense Against The Dark Arts until after Christmas, and it was really difficult to find time for everything. All my interactions with him had been in the corridors and never really consisted of anything more than "I love you"s, and the whole "Are you okay?" "Yes" exchange. It was proving very difficult for me to balance everything and find time for what was truly important. Surely he would understand. 

"Winnie?" He said, emerging from his office "My girl! How are you doing?" He pulled me into a tight hug. He smelled like home. 

"I'm good! I miss you loads, I'm really sorry I haven't been able to come talk with you." I apologized. 

"Not a worry, my dear. Are you alright? Doing well in your classes? Making friends?" He asked, checking the usual boxes. 

"Yes, I'm doing just fine with all of that." I grinned proudly. 

"How is Ginny? And Harry, Ron, and Hermione?" He asked. 

Woah. I hadn't seen, heard from, or really thought about any of those people since the first week, and worst of all, didn't realize it until now. Hadn't even met the famous Hermione Granger. How did this happen? Dad noticed my distressed silence and answered the question for me.

"Not Slytherins?" 

"Yeah," I admitted "I really only hang out with people in my house now." 

"I was the same way." He gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder, "Just remember who's important to you, and don't shut them out, you hear me?" 

"Yes. I'll do better." I looked at the ground, ashamed of myself. "I guess I really am a Slytherin. Just as egocentric as the rest."

"Don't you dare speak of yourself that way." He furrowed his brow. "Being a Slytherin does not say a thing about your moral character. You are a Slytherin, and a damn good one at that, because you know what you want and you know how to get it. That is a gift that can be twisted in the wrong hands, but you are Elowen Fawna Black. We named you Fawna as a tribute to two of the purest, most selfless souls your father and I ever had the honor of knowing." Harry's parents. Lily and James Potter. I was always very inspired by their story, two people so in love that even their Patronuses completed eachother. A stag and a doe. He continued, "You are good. Do you understand? You will do so much good." He took my hands and kissed them. "Now, tell me everything." 

I sat on the table with my legs crossed, (a thing I always did. Poppa used to call it my "Peter Pan Pose") and unpacked absolutely everything that had happened. My tiny crush on Avalon, the Pansy Parkinson issue, Ondie's relationship problems, the loose snake in the girls dormitory, everything.  It felt so good to share it all with him. I've always had a very open and honest relationship with my parents, and never felt the need for any kind of secrets. 

When I finished all of my tales, he smiled at me and stood up. "I'm so glad to hear it. Your Poppa was right, you are kicking ass. I couldn't be more proud." 

"Thank you, Dad." He walked over and gave me a kiss on the forehead. I wished I could stay there in his office forever. It was the first time since arriving at Hogwarts that I was really able to let my guard down and feel truly safe and comfortable. Nothing to prove, no one to impress, just Dad and I. 

When I headed out of his room, I had a renewed sense of courage. I was ready for whatever this school would throw my way next. 

"Hey Elowen!" 

Except for that.

"Oh Draco, hey. Erm, what's up?" 

"Nothing, it's just, I was wondering if you were going to be at the quidditch match tomorrow." He put his hand to the back of his neck. This was something I had noticed about him. He had this primal instinct to cover is neck whenever he was nervous. But why would he be nervous now? 

"Oh right," I started "No, I probably won't be. I don't have many friends on the team and the rest of my friends don't think its really our 'scene.'"

"Well what about Ron? And Harry, Fred, George, you know, your people? and.. me." I could tell he was fighting to maintain eye contact.

"Those guys haven't spoken to me since I got sorted into Slytherin, and I don't know if Pansy would be too keen on me showing up for her boyfriend." I folded my arms. 

"Her boyfriend? That's hilarious." Draco laughed

"Is it?" I questioned.

"Elowen, I haven't been her boyfriend since the day you and your friends stood up to her. She's completely vile."

"Oh." I searched for more words but none would come.

"Anyway, I think you should come tomorrow. I think you'd have fun. Even if it isn't your 'scene'. And, well - er, it would mean a lot to me. Okay bye." His hand flew back up to his neck as he rushed past me. 

"Bye, Draco!" What did that mean? Does he like me? Should I say something else? I turned around to see him hurrying down the corridor, "I'll see you there," 

He turned around with a big grin on his face. Smug little bastard.

"See you there"

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