Chapter 13: Homecoming

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I was so excited to see the station in the distance that I jumped up and ran to the door so I could be the first one out. 

As much as I felt at home at Hogwarts, there was nothing like my actual home, 12 Grimmauld Place, where I would be returning as soon as business wrapped up at The Burrow. Dad said it would only be about a week or so. 

The train screeched to a stop and I flew out the second the door slid open. Frantically, I looked around for Papa and Molly, dragging my trunk behind me as I wandered aimlessly. 


"Papa!" I screamed as I ran into his arms, "I did it!" 

"You did! I couldn't be more proud of you, darling." He squeezed me tight. 

Another set of arms enveloped us paired with the scent of old books and spicy cologne. My whole family was together at last. 

It was one of the happiest moments of my life. 

We waited for Harry and the Weasleys and then made our way back to The Burrow. 

Arthur had a make-shift dinner waiting on the massive table for us when we arrived. We ate and giggled at Molly's passive aggressive remarks about the food, then Fred and George serenated us with their yearly recap song, which was surprisingly remarkably detailed to the point where I no longer felt the need to ask anyone what had happened to Ginny in the Chamber of Secrets, and decided to drop the matter entirely for my own sake and hers. I was admittedly terrified of the idea of the Dark Lord's return, but I heard Dad mention that the idea of that was still up for debate, and that was enough to soothe my thoughts for the rest of the summer. 

The "business" only ended up lasting about three days, and before I knew it I was snuggled up in my own bed with my own blankets and pillows and stuffies. I had missed the feeling of being at home. Hogwarts was wonderful, and the burrow was heavenly, but there was nothing quite like being back in the house I grew up in. That feeling of complete comfort was something that couldn't be matched or surmounted. 

I laid in my bed, my pillows and blankets placed perfectly forming a nest shape just how I liked it, listening to Dad and Poppa's muffled banter and scratchy record playing downstairs. Perfect contentment. 

Until the sun came up and the boredom set in. 

I had forgotten the quiet realities of being an only child. When Poppa went to work, and Dad was shut away in his study there was only so much a 13 year old could get up to. 

After I had watched cars go by and made up intricate lives, attempted to make a brand new flavor of tea, wrote letters to all my school friends, skimmed through my new school books for the next year, and painted my finger and toe nails to the best of my ability, I decided to go exploring. This house was so big, with so many rooms I wasn't allowed in, rugs I wasn't allowed to look beneath, boarded doorways, roped off staircases, locked and shackled cabinets, covered paintings, and an attic that was explicitly off limits. It was truly only a matter of time before my curiosity got the best of me. 

I decided to start in the boarded off room that was closest to mine. I chose this one because the boards only covered the middle section, and there was enough room that I could slide my hand between them and twist the doorknob, then slide underneath the boards into the room completely undetected. 

I tiptoed to the door and placed my hand on the cold metal of the knob, then applied pressure and waited for it to click. No such luck. The door was locked. Of course it was. I didn't let this kill my determination, however. Further investigation revealed that the doorknob was identical to the one in my room. So if I were to "accidentally" lock myself out of my room and convince Dad or Kreature to give me the key, it would most likely unlock both doors. 

I nonchalantly walked back into my room and closed the door. Then I waited a few moments in case anyone was listening to my footsteps before I opened it again, turned the lock, and closed it behind me. Then, I went to the bathroom as a diversion and came back. 

"Oh no!" I exclaimed as I jiggled the locked handle. "Dad? Kreature?" 

"Yes, Master?" Kreature croaked as he trudged up the stairs.

"Do you have a key to my door? I seem to have locked myself out." 

"Alohomora." Kreature spat. 

The lock clicked, and then another one. Kreature had been standing perfectly between both doors and the lazy wave of his hand had unlocked both doors. 

"Silly me, I forget not everyone is forbidden from using magic outside of school." I did an innocent giggle. "Thank you, Kreature. You can go back to whatever you were doing now." 

Kreature grunted and started slumping back down the stairs.

I watched him go before trying the knob again, this time it swung open.

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