Chapter Nine: Only Misinformed

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When I got back into the common room that night I was met with dozens of questions. I felt like a celebrity. Avalon pushed everyone aside and got to me first,

"You saved a baby dragon? That is wicked cool! How did you do it?" 

"It was just a potion, honestly anyone could have done it." I shrugged. 

I answered a few more questions and then began following my friends back to our room, when I felt a cold hand on my shoulder.

"Elowen, can we talk?" Draco asked. 

"Oh, um, sure." I replied, waving at my friends to go ahead without me. He led me to the couch and we sat together. 

"What you did with that dragon today, it was extraordinary" 

"Thanks Draco, but really it was just a simple potion. It didn't even require enchanting." I tried to remain humble, but deep down I knew it was super fucking cool.

"Such a shame though, that you did all of that just for them to kill it anyway." He sighed. 

My heart stopped. 

"Pardon?" I croaked.

"Yeah, we can't have dragons on school grounds, and it being the breed that it was, there's no way any kind of professional could get here before it grows too much and becomes a danger. Merlin knows how Snape got his hands on it in the first place." Draco explained. 

"No, no, no, no, no. Dumbledore said he was going to take care of him. I mean, it's Dumbledore! I'm sure he'll have it sorted. There's no way he'll die. Not with Dumbledore looking out for him." 

"My father said Dumbledore is a great wizard, but not one to be trusted." Draco said softly, obviously not wanting anyone to hear this extremely unpopular opinion.

"Why'd he send you to Hogwarts then? Your safety here relies on Dumbledore, Draco." I began getting a bit defensive. I didn't know why Draco would lie about this, but I prayed with everything I had that he was. 

"I dunno. Distance, I guess. It's the closest school to home." 

"Okay. Well, I have to go find Dumbledore and make sure Alwyn is going to be alright. Goodnight." I stood up 

"Wait, I'll come with you." Draco stood up as well.

"What? Why?" 

"Can't have you wandering the corridors by yourself at night, being a first year and all." 

As we walked down the winding hallways to Dumbledore's office I was impressed by Draco's ability to keep a conversation going. I half expected to walk the entire distance in silence. 

"What are you two doing out of bed?" A mousy voice came from around the corner.

"It's an emergency, Professor McGonagall" Draco kept his cool "We're going to Dumbledore." 

"Oh is that right?" McGonagall raised a brow quizzically at us "Well, in that case I'll escort you." 

This was where the walking in silence began. 

When we finally made it inside Dumbledore's office, I saw Alwyn sitting happily in his cage and the weight of the situation came crashing down on me. 

"PROFessor Dumbledore!" I screeched. 

Hurriedly, he came around the corner.

"Miss Black, what is it? Are you alright?" 

"Are you going to kill Alwyn" I asked, fighting tears. "Is Alwyn going to be killed?" My voice broke on the last word.

"My dear, my dear. Of course not. Why would you think such a thing?" He asked in a gentle tone.

"I just -"

"Because dragons aren't allowed at Hogwarts." Draco interjected, "They're dangerous." 

"Professor McGonagall, would you escort Mr. Malfoy back to his common room?" Dumbledore said calmly. 

Draco sighed. McGonagall put her hand on his shoulder an he wiggled her off. Walking out ahead of her. 

"You must forgive Draco," Dumbledore began when we were alone "His mind has been filled from a young age with a multitude of untrue things about the world." 

"Oh. His parents?" I asked. I had heard lots of things about his family, the Malfoys and the Blacks had a complicated history. (author's note: NO HISTORY OF BEING RELATED TO EACHOTHER. NONE OF THAT. THANK YOU.) 

"Lucious and Narcissa Malfoy are very.. opinionated wizards. I taught them when they were students here. Brilliant students, both of them." 

"So, Alwyn is going to be alright then?" I said, getting back to my mission. 

"Bill Weasley will be here in the morning to take young Alwyn back to his family." Dumbledore's eyes crinkled when he smiled. 

"Merlin, that's good to hear." I heaved a sigh of relief. 

"You're a lot like your father, you know," Dumbledore began, I was about to ask him which one, but all was revealed when he continued, "Although, I do see more of your uncle in you." 


"You knew my uncle?" I asked. 

"Oh yes, very well. You have his heart. You look just exactly like Sirius, but your heart beats like Regulus." I thought I saw a tear forming in his eye. "And Remus, of course. I've only just met you, but I can only hope you take after him as well."

"You're hoping I don't take after Sirius in the personality department though, right?" I joked.

"On the contrary, Miss Black. I hope, and wholeheartedly believe that you will wind up becoming the perfect combination. Sirius's charm and spirit, Remus's gentle hand and resilience,"

"And Regulus's heart?"

"And Regulus's heart." 

"Elowen? Are you alright?" Dad walked in and bound toward me, pulling me into a tight hug and kissing the top of my head.

"She's fine. She was only misinformed. An upsetting conversation with Mr. Malfoy, it would appear." Dumbledore explained. 

"He told me Alwyn would be killed." I muttered into his arm. He laughed and squeezed me tighter.

"It wouldn't be a true Hogwarts experience without an upsetting conversation with a Malfoy"

"Indeed." Dumbledore laughed back. 

"I'll take her back to her room, Albus. Thank you for clearing things up." 

I didn't let go of Dad's arm the whole way back to the dungeon. This day had been such a rollercoaster of emotions, I felt like a little girl again. 

"How was your first one on one meeting with Dumbledore? Not many students get that, you know." Dad asked as we walked.

"It was good. He's a very kind man. He said I remind him of Uncle Regulus."

Dad slowed his pace, "Oh? In what way?" 

"He said I have his heart. I never met Regulus, so I'm not sure what that means, but he made it sound like a good thing." I paused, "Is it?" 

"Well, yes. Regulus was... a very good person who went through a lot of very difficult things in his life." Dad replied slowly. 

"And his heart?" 

"One of the best I've ever known." 

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