Chapter Seven: I couldn't help but smile

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The rest of the week went by without a hitch, it was just like it was before school. Ginny and I spent the days chasing gnomes in the garden, finger painting, baking, annoying the older kids, and all the rest of the things we always loved. 

Finally, it was Christmas eve. A ton of people came over to the burrow, people who apparently knew me when I was a baby, but I didn't recognize in the slightest. Molly made an absolute feast and we all ate and laughed the evening away. As everything was winding down, I found myself sitting cross legged on the counter top giggling as Fred, George, Harry, and Ron played with the Every-Flavored Beans. 

"This one" George held a bean in the air triumphantly, "Will be chocolate pudding." He dropped the bean into his mouth and a wide grin crept onto his lips. 

"Were you right?" Hermione asked, leaning forward.

"Nope. I just cant tell if this is dirt, or earthworm" He laughed as we all made gagging noises. 

Softly, I heard a song on the piano in the living room playing Silent Night. This was a song the piano at back at home would always be playing at Christmastime. I hoisted myself off the counter and crept into the living room, Ginny followed close behind.

As we rounded the corner I couldn't help but smile.

My dads were laying on the couch, Dad on Poppa's chest while he hummed along and stoked Dad's hair gently. On the other side, Molly was fast asleep with her feet up on Arthur's lap while he read his book.

Poppa looked up at me and smiled, extending his arm out to me. I walked over and curled up at the bottom of the couch, resting my head on their blanketed legs. I watched while Ginny climbed between her own parents, nuzzling into her dad's shoulder and falling asleep, just like her mom. I fought the urge to drift off and tried to take in every detail of this perfect moment. The muffled laughter still coming from the kitchen, the crackling fireplace, Poppa's humming with the sweet songs playing softly on the old piano, the swish of Arthur's turning pages, and the twinkle of the lights draped all over the Christmas tree. This was something I would never forget. 

I woke up still curled up like a kitten on the couch. Dad and Poppa were gone, and I could smell Molly's famous breakfast casserole wafting through the room. I sat up and saw Ginny, still asleep, but sprawled out on the couch with one foot on top of the cushions, and a hand resting on the floor. 

"Ginny!" I squealed, causing her to crash down onto the floor. "It's Christmas!" I laughed. She groaned and opened her eyes, when she realized where she was she began belly laughing like a baby on a swing. I did the same as I fell onto the floor and crawled over to her. 

"It's Christmas!" She giggled. We both laid on the floor and stared at the ceiling while our laughing fit died down. 

"Are we the last ones to wake up?" I asked.

"I have no idea" She replied

As if on queue, Fred and George burst into the room singing Jingle Bells in really bad operatic voices. 

"OoOooOoh what fun it is to ride on a one horse open sleigh HEY" Fred yelled and threw a pillow at us. 

"Fred!" Ginny screeched, throwing it back.

"C'mon! Mum's got our sweaters in the kitchen!" George came over and held out a hand for each of us, we took them and he helped us to our feet. 

We all walked into the kitchen and found our sweaters draped over the chairs at the table. My dads were already wearing theirs. 

I scanned the table and quickly found one inscribed with the letter "E". It was a dusty rose color, and had a cream colored toad on the back, my cute little guy, Tip Toe. 

"Oh I love it!" I picked it up and twirled around, holding it to my chest. "Thank you, thank you, Molly!" I ran over and gave her a hug. 

"Awe! Mum! The broom stick is adorable." Ginny said as she picked up her dark purple sweater and flipped it to show everyone the little broom knit into the back of it. 

Molly had really outdone herself this year. Everyone took turns modeling their brand new sweaters, until we finally sat down for breakfast. 

We all ate quickly, in anticipation. The stacks of gifts under the tree were getting more and more difficult to ignore. My dad's and I had a tradition of one gift from each for each. Money has never been tight for us, but this tradition has always made Christmas more special. Even though I hated it as a kid. 

"Alright, that's that then." Ron said, shoving his last bite into his already full mouth. "Present time?" 

We all hooted and cheered and headed into the living room. 

I waited patiently as gifts were handed out. Ginny got a new pair of trousers, as well as a painting for her room and letters from all of her brothers, including Bill and Charlie who were away at the time. The rest of the gifts blurred together, but I remember that Ron got new quidditch gloves, Fred got a case of Chocolate Frogs, George got rainboots, Percy got a frame to put his grade reports in, and Harry got a new cage for Hedwig, and an old picture of his parents from my dads. 

Finally, it was my turn. I always preferred to wait and go last since I was a guest in this house. Molly and Arthur gave me an emerald green ribbon to wear in my hair at school. Ron, Harry, and Hermione (Who had left a few days prior to spend Christmas with her parents) got me a paper bag of sweets from Honeydukes. Ginny made me a friendship bracelet that matched hers. Fred and George wrote me letters and folded them into origami snakes (all in good humor). Dad got me a beautiful glass perfume bottle filled with a potion he had enchanted to smell like a perfect mixture of him and Poppa, and Poppa got me a gold encrusted diary and a gorgeous new quill. 

"So you can write me letters." He winked. 

Hugs were exchanged and we spent the rest of the day playing boardgames, eating cheese and crackers, watching Fred and George's puppet shows, annoying Percy, and really just soaking in all the Christmas spirit.

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