the jay chapter.

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truly apologize for this terrible work <3

dedicated to @penghoonies !

"And I just don't understand what was going through her mind, you know? Like she was just crazy." Here you were describing the details of your day to jay as he walked around the house, doing chores or cooking supper for the both of you. You stuck to him like gum on a shoe, passing him the salt shaker or spoon whenever he needed it as he let you fill his brain with your ranting. He didn't mind. This happened at least once a week. Or at least whenever you had a bad day. He was like your free personal therapist with or without saying a word. His presence or even just knowing that he was listening was enough for you.

"So what did you do?" He would ask the occasional question to assure you he was paying attention and to express his genuine interest in whatever you said from the silliest things to your serious discussions. 

"At first I really wanted to grab her and shake her until she came to her senses but I can't do that. So I couldn't do anything. But! If I could, I swear I would do just that. She's gotta understand that she can't go around doing these things." While finishing up his final side dish, he couldn't help but laugh a little to just himself at your words. Maybe it was your utter seriousness or your silly remarks

he moved to set the table and you ran your mouth nonstop, placing down utensils and plates absentmindedly. jay had already put the food down and sat to eat but you were so busy ranting, you were leaning against the counter. he sighed, put his fork down, and sat you down.

"eat first, hmm?" he put some more side dishes on your plate before continuing to eat from his own.

Still heated up from the rant just moments ago, you nodded and ate in silence. Typically, the silence would be quite comforting in a. but you just had to get this off your chest yet you nodded and ate in silence. If there was one thing you appreciated about being with him was how comforting it was to just exist in the same place with him. not a word was said. and it wasn't even awkward. but you just had to get this off your chest. so your plate quickly finished and was washed before he could get up.

He walked around, you walked around. He went to the fridge, you went to the fridge. He went to bed, you went to bed. But he never once complained about your ongoing ranting nor did he interrupt. But he just couldn't help dozing off every minute or so. Of course, you hadn't noticed yet because to you, some mere 5 minutes had gone by since you started talking. 5 minutes that to Jay, felt more like half an hour. His eyes relax a bit and slowly shut, his body finally relaxing and giving into the bed he laid on only to jolt back up before falling asleep. Now 10 more minutes had gone by and the clock showed it was a little past 1 am. Still fighting the urge to fall asleep, his body got the best of him and he accidentally let out a yawn, cutting you off mid-sentence.

"Sorry. Continue"

You both had work to do in the morning, you knew that. But here he was, lying awake with you and listening to your stories until dark. Willing to stay up until early morning just to hear you talk.

"No no, it's ok. I forgot what came next. Let's sleep." A lie. You knew perfectly well that your drama would go on further before actually ending. You knew every detail of what would happen next but you knew if you continued, he'd be right up with you. Hearing it all even if it cost him his sleep.

"Are you sure? Don't you have any final stories you'd like to tell?" He pulled out the blankets and got himself comfortably situated before looking back at you for a response. He didn't want to complain but he didn't want to be rude. Of course.

"Sleep first? There's always the weekend to talk. Good-"

Even before you could set your phone aside and turn back to him to wish him good night, you could hear his snore and instantly knew he was fast asleep.

"Good night."

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