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"Butttt, why can't I see herr!" She exclaimed, obviously irritated to her father. Who was tired of her and just tired in general.

"Because I said so Eli- Liz." He said. Hey at least he got her name right for once! "But why?!" She asked, clawing on his shirt.

Father was obviously paying no attention, looking to the left, where a couple kids were. As they left, only one remained. "A moment, Liz." He said as he walked away.

Liz watched as he went up to the kid and spoke to her, as she followed him into a room. "Nows my chance!" Liz thought, as she rushed over to Circus Baby.

"Father said I couldn't see you, you won't tell him right?" She asked her new best friend, but as she did. Her new best friends stomach seemed to open, splitting in 2 as a mechanical claw came out.

"Well that's co-: AGH!

Oh god. What the heck where was she, is this Hell?! Why is it so small? And...mechanical... oh god oh no, she was in Circus Baby. Why had her father even made this. Surely he didn't know.

From outside the stomach she heard "Liz? Oh god no Liz! LIZ!" It got louder closer, she tried to shout back, but it just echoed, he couldn't hear her. Nobody could.

"Liz I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed, "I couldn't protect you...I'm sorry! If I wasn't too busy killing that damn kid..." wait, killing? Elizabeth thought.

Murder? Killing? Father continued speaking. Well maybe she could follow in Father's footsteps. Especially with a robotic body, now she just needed to control it...

She fell asleep, and in her sleep. A larger claw came and crushed her.

The Sister Location ChronicalsWhere stories live. Discover now