Chapter 4

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All common sense and rational thinking was thrown out of my car's window that night. I stayed inside the cramped up space until I saw the familiar streaks of light peaking down the thin layer of clouds laying flatly on the agonizingly peaceful horizon. I've been curled up at the back seat of my car, tears after tears pathetically spilling from my bloodshot eyes from time to time.

Although I knew that there's hell to pay by the second that I step foot in our house, I didn't really care. Not yet, at least. With my psychotic parents, who knows what else they have to offer to torment my life, right?  

My mind had been floating around with Vic's soothing voice from last night. He somehow finally found me, yet, I let the glorious opportunity slip through my flimsy fingers- just like the true idiot that I am. You see, it wasn't that easy for me. There were a large variety of emotions running around both in my mind and in my chest that night. I wasn't able to turn and look at Vic because simply, I am scared. Scared that maybe if I turn and look at him, it could somehow just make things worse. Yeah, he was there at that moment but what would happen next? If I did talked to him, what major good would it bring me? None- that's the answer. If I get myself involved once again, my parents would might as well just end me. That's the harsh truth.

Pushing my limp frame away from the seat's iffy material, I tried my best to stretch my sore muscles without causing too much pain to myself. I had been curled up for far too long for my leg muscles to cramp up. With not much effort to comb my hair with my fingers, I straightened my shirt a little bit and walked out from my car, grabbing all necessary things with me. I definitely need a coffee seeing as it's only six am. Also, since it's a Sunday, it only means that it's church day. My parents would once again drag me with them to church but really, I'm not up for it. I'd just drive back to our house in an hour or so since I am more than sure that they're still be out by that time.

I reached a café in a matter of minutes, choosing a booth that is far away from society- I thought. This is one of those few moment where I silently thank my parents for taking my phone away from me. They were actually foolish enough to take away our only mode of communication whenever I would just disappear on them; not that I've been doing it, really. This is actually the first time that I've attempted to act so "rebellious" towards their selfish ways. Whatever. They should've seen it coming.

I was mindlessly staring at the window of the cozy coffee shop when I heard a tray being laid down on the table. I was about to shoot the waitress a smile and thank her when my face turned pale at the sight of Vic.

"May I?" He asked ever so politely, motioning at the dull, yet comforting seat in front of me. I just blinked at him, not finding the appropriate words to use at the given situation. He smiled at me and welcomed himself to sit, setting a tray down with two cups of coffee on it, one of which has my name written on the white cup.

 Moments were ticking without any of us speaking, silently letting the other speak those unspoken words that had been bugging our troubled minds. Again, just like last night, I was silent. My mind was screaming and continuously nagging for me to just grow a pair and tell him how much I've missed him but words were piling in an insanely high stack in my throat, clogging up the path.

Even though my mind was racing with more and more unuttered thoughts, my eyes were stuck in deep awe because of this guy right in front of me. It has been more than eight months since I last saw him and here I am right now, staring directly at him as if he's some precious and expensive painting in the most well-known museum in the world.

He's staring down at the cup of coffee in between his palms, as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. His slightly curly hair, caressing his delicate cheeks. His all-too familiar nose ring that the faint sunlight accentuates. The end of his lips that gradually twitches up to a gorgeous small smile. Everything about him effortlessly pushed me down into a deeper trance and although I was asking myself to snap out of it, I just can't. I can't peel my gaze off of him because there are so much to take in. He hasn't change that much but somehow, it feels like I have a lot of things that I should catch up on.

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