CHB- A daughter of Athena

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(Sorry for the cringe LoL)

Name: Riley Han

Nickname: Riri or Lee

Hair: Light Brown

Eye's: Grey

Skin: Tan

Height: 5'1"

Age: 15

Best friend: Annabeth Chase

Crush/Boyfriend: None

Siblings: All children of Athena as half siblings (includes Annabeth Chase.

Godly Parent: Athena

Godly Parent Roman Name: Minerva

Biggest fear: Going back to the orphanage/spiders

Fatal Flaw: Prideful

Weapon: A kitchen bread knife

Hello, my name is Riley Han. I'm 15 years old and I've been at Camp Half-Blood for about two years now, here's the story of how I got here...

I was running. Again. I've been running for almost my whole 13 years of living. From what I know about my past life was, my mom left when I was born, and my dad died when I was six. Then I was taken to an orphanage. I started seeing monsters and I told people, everyone. But nobody believed me, and all the kids just laughed. I was used to getting laughed at though, I had a little ADHD, (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) and really bad Dyslexia. When I was ten, I ran away. I thought I was being smart, maybe the monsters were just in the orphanage? I was wrong. They were everywhere. I started caring around a kitchen knife with me everywhere I went. (that I may have stolen from the orphanage...) So anyway, I was running again. This time, from what looked like some huge pig monster. Come on! I thought silently to myself. I pulled my knife out of my jacket pocket and raised it high over my head. "Hey!" I screamed. It swooped down, (oh ya, did I mention it can fly? It can.) I sliced it on its side and it squealed and flew away. I ran threw some bushes and hid in one. Time passed. I came out from the bush; I didn't see anything. I was tired from the run and from sitting in the same position for a while, so I took off my jacket from my waist and laid it on the ground, as much as I hated lying on the ground, I did it anyway, every night. I slept and had a...dream? I was in a tree, as if I was seeing from a bird's point of view. Underneath me I saw three teenage looking kids. One had blonde curly-ish hair that was in a ponytail. The other two were guys, one with black hair, about 16 maybe, the other had a green t-shirt one, with no pants. A Satyr. I didn't know how I knew that, but I did. They were standing by the tree talking whether to go right or left. The blonde and the satyr were saying to go right, the other guy didn't look so sure. "Come on Percy." The blonde one said, sounding slightly annoyed. The one called Percy sighed, "Fine, I trust you guys, lead on Wise girl." She nodded, but before she could take a step the satyr held up a hand, "Wait. I sense someone watching us." And then he looked directly at me. I woke up with a start, what was that? I'd never seen any of them in my life before. I picked up my jacket and shook out, stifling a scream and dropping it when a spider came tumbling out. I kicked the jacket a few times, and was almost thinking about leaving it, but I knew I might need it later, so I picked it up, shook it out a few times and tide it around my waist. I started running again, away from the orphanage, and away from the creepy flying pig thing. Around midday, I realized I was on my second to last sandwich and my last bottle of water. I gulped down my sandwich and half of my water. I looked in my backpack that used to bi filled with 20 waters and 23 sandwiches, they were gone now and all I had was the empty sandwich bags and plastic water bottles, a navy-blue collared shirt and a kaki skirt, my school uniform. I looked down at my ripped jeans and plain black shirt, wondering if I should change, but I decided not to. I wished I could change my shoes though; I still were my black slippers that I got from my school orphanage. A little while later, I started hearing voices. I wanted to run but I was exhausted, I took my knife out of my backpack and hid in a bush, the voices got closer. "I was sure it was this way." I was startled to recognize the voice from my dream, it was the girl. They were getting closer, I gripped the by knife, I was thinking about staying in the bush till they passed, but then I remembered my dream, and how the satyr had looked directly at me, he could sense me. I wasn't a fan of killing people, only monsters...who were trying to kill me. I flipped my knife upside down and wrapped my jacket around it, I gripped the knife/jacket. I looked through the bush and saw the one with black hair, he had pretty green eyes, and was sort of cute, I was almost sad I was gonna hurt him. He was the closest one though. I took a deep breath and jumped from the bush and whacked him hard with the handle of my knife. He fell backward hard and was about to get back up but I quickly stepped behind him and pointed my knife towards his throat. I took on a confident voice, though I felt none. "Leave me alone. If you let me leave in peace, I-I won't hurt him..." the girl stepped forward, and I rapped my free arm around the guy's throat, letting my jacket fall and pointing my knife at her. She raised her hand in the air, "We're not gonna hurt you, just let Percy go."

"Ya, let Percy go." The guy squeaked. I loosened my hold on him a little.

"You're here to bring me back, well I'm not going, you don't believe me about the monsters...just let me go...please." I added.

"Annabeth, this is a half-blood, we have to take her to camp." Said the satyr.

"No!" I said "I can't go back... Wait, what camp?"

"It's a camp for kids like us, we can all see the monsters." Said Percy, his voice echoing up my arm. I let go, "Sorry." I said stepping back from him. He got up and stood next to Annabeth, and swiped his blood that had been dripping down his right eyebrow, and I felt slightly guilty. "So, you're not here to take me to the orphanage, but you want to take me to your camp?" all three of them nodded. "Fine, you can take me, but if I don't like it...I'm leaving." They looked at each other a little uneasily, but nodded.

"The Aphrodite kids said they saw something, and we're trying to find it right now." Annabeth said. "is it some flying pig thing?" I asked. They all nodded again. "I injured it; it should be out of service...for a while at least." I saw Annabeth open her mouth but before she could say anything I interrupted. "Come on, lets take me to your camp!" as we started walking, I could have sworn I heard Percy mutter something like, "smashed it in the eye.... daughter of Ares......Clarisse."

We got to camp at night, and I was welcomed to sleep on the floor in the Hermes cabin. The next morning, I woke up to the sound of laughter. I quickly got up, grabbed the orange t-shirt that was folded up next to me, and averting my eyes, I walked into the restroom. In the mirror I saw a girl with dirty long blonde hair, a dirt-stained face, and a black marker mustache. Also, cheese wiz in my hair, oh ya, I was so getting them back. I wiped the mustache off and washed my hair, and, without thinking twice, I chopped my hair so it only reached just below the armpit, then I pulled it into a high ponytail, brushed the hair off my clothes. I looked at the t-shirt, and realized there was a little not scribbled on a piece of paper, I read it –

Hey Riley,

Wasn't sure what size you were, hope this works!

(It's an old one of mine)

- Annabeth

I looked at my ripped black t-shirt in the mirror one last time, then pulled on the orange camp t- shirt, and walked out with a new confidence, grabbed my backpack and left the cabin smiling. As soon as I left the cabin, I saw Annabeth and quickly ran up to catch her. She looked at me up and down, then said, "Nice haircut."

"Thanks." I said, thinking about apologizing for yesterday. "Look," I started, "I'm...sorry about yesterday..."

"It's fine!" she said, "I would have done the same. You have nice skill anyway, just don't use it on my boyfriend!" Boyfriend I thought, should've seen that coming. I smiled, "Right! So, what's for breakfast?"


"Wait, I have to sit with the Hermes kids too?!" I asked, remembering the cheese wiz from this morning. Annabeth smiled, "Until your claimed, yes. Since you're not yet"- she stopped and looked above my head, "oh, never mind."

"What?" I asked, realizing everyone else was staring at me, and had started kneeling down. The centaur, called Chiron, called out in a loud clear voice, "Everybody welcome Riley Han, daughter of Athena." Once everyone started eating again, I looked at Annabeth, "Athena? Aren't you Athena?"

She nodded. "That means my half-sister, come on, you should meet the other Athena kids!"

As I sat at table six, I looked around me, at my siblings. Sure, we were only half siblings, but they were still family. I smiled to myself. Maybe, this wouldn't be so bad after all.

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