Four Girls in Detention

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I was trying to write the same thing but from different people's points of view. How did I do? LoL

I glared at the snarky little red-headed nerd. How dare she speak to me like that! I was pretty, popular, and her class president! I decided to pay attention to the other two girls. One was blonde, with long bangs that covered the whole right side of her face, and you could only see her left eye, nose, and mouth. She definitely had the face and body shape to be gorgeous, but she seemed shy and quiet, so probably no one noticed her. Wonder how she got in detention for not talking? The other girl, who was sitting in front of me, looked emo but somehow pretty. She was that one girl in every school who looked quiet but could be blunt and sassy at any time. She wore a spiky choker necklace with matching earrings, or at least I think she had two; I could only see one ear, and her messy wavy long black hair was falling down the right side of her freckled face. But all in all, both of them were pretty. This means I should not associate myself with them; they could draw attention away from me. But hey, it's not my fault I can spot beauty.

-Maggie Kane

I couldn't believe I was in detention; my mother was going to kill me. I wanted to be stubborn and say I couldn't do my homework if I were here. But I knew that wouldn't work, so I pulled out my Algebra homework. I tried to focus, but I could practically feel Mrs. Beauty Queen glaring holes through the back of my head. The girl to the left of me put her earbuds in and closed her eyes, putting her feet on the desk in front of her. She had black combat boots, and she was a black and red speared crop top, a short black leather skirt, and black tights with red stripes running down the sides. I wondered if she was in here cause of the dress code. I could hear loud music through her earbud. I'm surprised her ears weren't falling off. I glanced behind me to see a blonde girl; I recognized her from my English class; I think her name is Kathrine or something. She's quiet; I wonder how she could have possibly gotten in here. I shrugged, pushed up my glasses, and tried to do my homework.

-Mary Stand

I looked around silently to see who was all in detention with me. Maggie Kane is the most popular girl in our school. She was beautiful with her layered chocolate-colored hair, long eyelashes; she was what every guy wanted; she had all the looks. But she was also very stuck up and mean; I wasn't surprised she was here. The girl in front of me glanced back, and I recognized her as Mary Stand, she took Biology with me last year, and I think she's in my English class. She's a major geek, a nerd. From how Maggie glared at her, I'm guessing she outsmarted her, and they got into a fight. I remember Mary had a short temper. Are Biology teacher said not to let her red hair catch on fire so quickly, and she got pissed about that? The other girl was Jackie Oval. I only knew her cause my twin brother had a massive crush on her last year. I don't know why; she was Emo and listened to complex rock music almost 24/7. She wore thick black eyeliner and lipstick all the time. She probably didn't even own any colors, unlike Maggie, who wore different colors daily. Today she just had on plain bright red. Yesterday she had on bright blue, and everyone thought it was so cool. I thought she just looked sick.

-Katrina Mark

If I had to use one word to describe detention, it would be 'boring.' There was nothing to do. I suppose I could be doing my homework like the nerdy girl next to me. But I like to do my homework, and only on my couch. I pulled out my earbuds and rested my feet on my desk. I love rock music. The girl next to me pulled on her red braids; she seemed to be trying to figure out an Algebra problem. Easy, math was my best subject. Someone behind me sighed dramatically, and I glanced back to see who it was. Maggie Kane "The Most Popular and Prettiest Girl in the School." It was a wonder she became her class president. Even though people pretend to like her, I hear much gossip that she's just a total jerk. The blonde girl sitting beside her was eying her sideways. I never saw her before; she looked shy. She had on an oversized t-shirt with leggings and vans; no real sense of fashion, I guess. I popped a bubble with the three pieces of gum in my mouth and turned up my music.

-Jackie Oral

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