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Light rains poured gently and steadily across a beautiful but foggy landscape. The sun was no where to be seen, most likely hidden behind the pale grey  clouds floating lazily in the sky.
Trees stood tall and proud all over the landscape, their branches stretching wide and far, bearing luxurious ever green leaves.

The air was cold and crisp and asides the occasional sounds of birds chirping and winds howling, silence reigned. Cold, eerie, silence.
 A narrow path led up to a cottage. A quaint, old cottage with smoke billowing out of its chimneys. It would take only an observant eye to be able to spot out the quaint cottage right in the middle of the landscape for it seemed to be hidden behind tall, evergreen trees.
Following the path down the quaint cottage, the door to the cottage opens—with a slight creak— to reveal a much warmer room set up like an office with a desk and a chair.
Behind the desk, a young lady is seen sitting on a swivel chair furiously scribbling...or writing, whichever way, on a book with a pencil on an already clustered desk. Papers with similar scribblings were strewn all over the place.
Our Jane Doe didn't seem to notice she was being watched. Her pencil glided over the paper at break neck speed, her soft features were furrowed in concentration while her foot rhythmically tapped on the wooden floor boards. A few stubborn black braids dared to loose free from its hold atop her head falling defiantly across her face.
  Her eyes darted up for a millisecond then returned back to her writings before darting up the second time. This time she noticed she was being watched! Her eyes widened, her lips parted in shock, the pencil which she was once fervently clutching fell out of her now limp fingers.
  Not up to a second later, comprehension dawned on her beautiful features and her lips parted once more, though this time, not in shock but to speak.
“Oh hello, didn't notice I had company.” She chuckled softly to herself before continuing, “I'm Shashie rose, an ardent reader and now a writer! And I'm so glad that you've decided to stop by and give my work a chance. It means a lot, you can't imagine.

Comments, ideas and constructive criticism are very much welcomed, thank you! Let's all please try to avoid hateful and inciting comments. Each work I make is like a little piece of my heart, so keep in mind that you have a little piece of my heart!

This work is purely fictional. Characters, places, events, names etc are products of the writer's imagination and are used in fictitious context.

Any resemblance to actual places, incidents or persons (living or dead) is coincidental.  
The contents of this book do not necessarily portray the writer's own opinions or beliefs.

All rights reserved
No part of this work may be reproduced, stored, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means ( electronic, mechanical or otherwise) without prior permission from the author.

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