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I imagined I was a character in some action thriller movie.

Funnily enough, this past few minutes of my life seemed like one. But apparently, this wasn't a movie or a book, this was my reality.

“So, you're trying to tell me is that the BSI is a covert government agency that investigates crimes against the state, like federal crimes?”


“Precisely.” Officer Conway replied. The door at the bottom of the stair well required a finger print and a facial scan inorder to grant access.

“Arms dealing, drug trafficking, you name it.” He placed all five fingers on the rectangular scanner beside the door while another above the door scanned his face. Both scanners flashed green, granting us both access, as the heavy, metal door slid open.

What looked like a small, open room laid behind the door. The layout of the room was minimalist and straight to the point.

“I'm guessing you work for the BSI?”

“Yes, I do. ” He responded. At the far left side of the room was a long table, on it were cutting edge computers.

On the wall above it where television screens displaying video footages of security cameras strategically placed at various locations in town—I recognised a couple of streets.

“What do you need me for? It seems like your agency has everything covered.” I stared blankly at the screens in front of me. Officer Conway remained silent behind me.

“Is that...the front of my house?!” I whirled around to face him, throwing him an incredulous look. “Are you spying on me?”

He too a step closer to me. “Danica, I believe we can help each other if we work together.”

“What do you mean work together? What can I possibly do?” I held his gaze.

“Believe it or not but you play a key role in your father's case and we both have a common goal—to find out who exactly did that to your father.”

This time, I took a step closer to him, still holding his gaze. “There's something you're not telling me. I am tired of people keeping things from me. I know there's more to this.”

“Yes, there is.” He looked away.

“Alright. So tell me, why would a fancy top notch government agency be interested in the murder of a simple town's police officer?”

“Because the case runs deeper.” He crossed to the other end of the room which had a purple sofa on one side and a cluttered desk on the other.

The desk had a coffee machine, two mugs, papers and several take-out boxes strewn all over it.

“What do you mean?” I crossed my arms. “Get to the point.”

With a sigh, Officer Conway poured himself some coffee in a mug. “It turns out your father was carrying out a secret investigation on a criminal network that pulls off organised crime. He did this off the books, of course. Unfortunately, they have people working for them, intels, at ADPD and once they considered him a threat to their activities...”

They eliminated him.

“No...it's not possible.” I backed away till I had my back leaning against the wall. The new piece of information had my head spinning.

“Don't be naive, Danica. Not everyone working at the precinct are saints. I'm sorry. Why do you think my agency had me infiltrate ADPD? To gather more information.”

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