Sir Dorkington

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Set during episode 2 of season 13, Master of the Mountain.

"And down this hallway, you can find our master bedroom which nobody except for King Vangelis and Princess Vania is allowed to enter," Hailmar told the ninja and Wu while pointing at a set of double doors that were being guarded by two fierce-looking, flying guards with spears in their hands. "But our destination will be on the other side." He turned around and led everyone down a flight of stairs.

The ninja looked around in awe, taking in even the slightest bit of decoration and symbols they could find.

Vangelis had gone into his bedroom with Vania earlier, leaving the group alone with Hailmar.

"Down here," the flying guard pointed down the next hallway they entered together, "you can find our guest rooms which you will be staying in for the night."

Nothing seemed to be out of place in the entire palace. Every potted plant was placed with precision, every window was pointing to a beautiful scenery, every column had its own, personal symbols.

"Each room has a walk-in closet with fresh sheets and blankets, an en-suite with fresh towels, soap, new toothbrushes and toothpastes, and other toiletries, and its own balcony with a gorgeous overview of Shintaro," Hailmar explained. "You will be staying in separate rooms, of course."

His last statement caused both Jay and Nya to look at each other with the same question in mind.

Jay slowly raised his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Walker?" Hailmar said without looking at him.

The Blue Ninja's face scrunched up because of the way Hailmar addressed him but he didn't mention it. "Uh, could we," he pointed between himself and Nya, "maybe share a room?"

Hailmar stopped walking, slightly tensed up, then turned around. "That is out of the question," he answered sternly.

"Why?" Nya asked.

Hailmar's eyes darted over to her. "King's orders," he answered curtly before turning back around and walking again.

The two lovebirds looked at each other, both of them already knowing what they would do later that night.

Nonetheless, they let it go for now and followed Hailmar like the rest of the team.

"The order in which your rooms are is: Cole Brookstone, Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon, Kai Smith, Zane Julien, Nya Smith, and Jay Walker," Hailmar said. Then he stopped and turned around. "Wu Garmadon's room is the last one down the hall," he declared before nodding at all of them. "You may go inside your rooms and look around, become familiar with your surroundings. Our guards will guide you to the dinner hall at seven p.m."

With that, he left the seven people alone in front of their guest rooms.

"Well, that was something," Lloyd mumbled, staring at Hailmar's retreating form.

"He seems... weird," Cole said, humming.

"He reminds me of someone," Kai muttered. "But I can't quite put my finger on it," he frowned.

Nya slowly turned to look at her brother. "Hutchins," she whispered.

Her brother's mouth formed to an 'O' shape, whereas everyone else looked uncomfortable and sad. Hearing that name alone brought back many unpleasant memories.

"Does this mean Vania was adopted as well and is now planning on getting revenge by blowing up this palace and everyone else inside it?"

Everyone's heads whipped over to the Green Ninja who couldn't keep that bitter comment inside. When he realized he had said that out loud, he shrugged, walked over to his guest bedroom door, opened it, and disappeared behind it.

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