Stay Away From Him

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Lucas POV
As we were walking down the hall I looked at Riley and saw how pretty she looked. I think I kind of like her. But I'm the bad boy of the school and I need to keep it that way so I have to treat her the way I treat everybody else.

Lucas: This is the end of the tour now go away and don't ever talk to me.

Riley: Wait! Why?

I went up to her and pinned her to the lockers.

Lucas: Look I'm the bad boy in this school and I'm not going to change!

Riley: I'm not asking you to change!

Lucas: Ya but I know one day I might change just for you but that can't happen if you stay away from me! So this is your last warning! Stay away!

Riley's POV
What was that all about? What does he mean to stay away and if not he'll change? I decided to forget about it and go to my first period.

When I get to my first period I sit next to blonde hair girl.

Blonde hair girl: Hey, I'm Maya! What's your name?

Riley: Nice to meet you Maya! I'm Riley!

Maya: I know it might sound weird but you are the first person I have talked to today.

Riley: No worries you are the first person I have talked to too. Except this really mean guy named Lucas.

Maya: Oh he's the bad boy of this school. He does everything that can to be bad. I suggest you stay away from him. He's bad news!

Riley: How do you know?

Maya: Well he is bad! He's also a playboy.

For the rest of the day I just kept thinking about Lucas and why he would do so many bad things! It sounds like he has done some bad things. I need to talk to him!

I also wanted to ask if i should continue this book?????

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