Chapter 1

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A/N: If you would like this story to have a regular slot in the week, comment 'vote'. The other story is called 'A Year Away From Home'.

This story will have eighteen chapters.

"Ronnie?" I opened the door to my apartment, throwing my keys in the bowl. I stumbled so the contents of my arms spilled on to the ground. I gathered my stuff into a pile. That's when I heard noise coming from my bedroom. I slowly went towards the source. I covered my mouth when I opened the door. "You son of a bitch!" I turned away from my boyfriend on top of another man. I went into the living room.

"Mitch?" I shoved Ronnie away when he tried to grab my arm.

"Don't fucking touch me! You were just inside another man. I can't believe you-" I licked my lips nervously.

"You had to see it coming."

"No! I didn't! I thought you- I thought we were-" I was cut off by my own sob.

"Our relationship got stale, Mitch."

"So that's why you hit me yesterday? Because our relationship was stale."

"I did that because you were being a little bitch! How long has it been since we've had sex? Three months? Four? You starved me into this."

"I starved you from sex? I did?" I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. "You were the one who said you wanted a break."

"That doesn't mean you can't try! It was meant to spice up our sex life." He grabbed my wrists. When I struggled to get away, I accidentally smacked his chin. I let out a small gasp.

"I'm sor-" I let out a small yelp when he smacked me so hard across the face that I fell to the ground.

"You monster!" The man my boyfriend was cheating on me with came to help me up. He was trying to tell me that Ronnie didn't tell him that I was his boyfriend. The man helped me up from the ground. I couldn't stop the tears that were pouring down my cheeks. My cheek had a constant sting.

"Get out." It was a weak whisper.


"I said get the fuck out! Go!" I stood to my feet, gaining a false sense of confidence. I shoved Ronnie towards the door. I didn't even let him put on some clothes as the thin sheet of our bed fell to the ground. "Get out!" I shoved Ronnie out before slamming the door and locking it. I slid down against the solid surface. I heard Ronnie slamming his fist against the door.

"Let me in, Mitch! This is my apartment too."

"No. It's mine. You just moved in."

"You know what?! Fuck you! You're fucking worthless!" I squeezed my eyes shut as one more final punch went to the door.

"I didn't know." I looked up at the innocent man in this. I smiled to him.

"It doesn't matter. Better now than later." I brought my knees to my chest. "You can take a shower. And I can wash your clothes if you want. I'm afraid to open the door until I'm sure he's gone."

"Are you sure I can take a shower?"

"Yeah." The man came to sit next to me. He was wearing pants thankfully. "What's your name?"

"It's Jake. And I'd like to hear your name from you if you don't mind." I smiled at him.

"It's Mitch." He slipped his hand into mine.

"It's nice to meet you, Mitch. I would like to take a shower."

"Of course." I watched him wonder around my apartment until he found my bathroom. As soon as he left, I texted my best friend. She was there in five minutes.

"I knew he was an asshole." Kirstie used her spare key to get in my apartment.

"You introduced me to him."

"Didn't mean I liked him." She came to sit on the ground next to where I was laying on the couch. I looked at the picture of Ronnie and I on the table. His dark shaggy hair was thrown in front of his face as his smile was wide and his brown eyes sparkled. I was laughing into his shoulder. We went to the beach that day. That was our second date.

"He hit me, Kirstie. Today and the day before." Her hand slipped into mine.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought it was an accident. I mean we were arguing and it sort of happened. It caught us both off guard and I....I forgave him. Then he does this. And his mistress is taking a shower in the bathroom, claiming he didn't know anything. I believe him."

"Ronnie fucked you over."

"I know." I groaned, rolling on my back. "How am I supposed to keep up with rent, a part time job, and school? I can't." We sat in silence for awhile. I heard the shower stop. Jake was out of the shower now and probably getting dressed. Kirstie cleared her throat.

"I think I know a guy."

"Is he gay?"

"Yes but-"

"No." I interrupted her. I didn't want another potential asshole that may or may not be attracted to me to be my roommate.

"He's a good guy. And he wouldn't want to hook up. He likes to fuck people he doesn't run into everyday." I turned to lay on my stomach and hide my face in the pillow. "Listen, Mitch. If I could I would move in. But I have Jeremy. I couldn't do that to him." I had my face so I was staring at the back of the couch.

"I understand. Why don't you just call him up? He can check out the place tomorrow. You decide if he's okay. I won't be here."

"Mitch, don't you want know your roommate?"

"I'll meet him if you think he's good enough. I don't want to. I'm going to go to work and come home and relax. If he's here then I'll meet him. If not then he wasn't good enough."

"Thanks, Mitch." I waved to Jake leaving out the door. It wasn't like I was going to punish him. He didn't know.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow. I love you, Mitch. You're my best friend." Kirstie seemed to whisper her sentence. I stood up to give her a hug. Then I flopped back on the couch and turned on the tv.

"I love you too." She went over to the door. Her hand was resting on the doorknob.

"His name is Scott Hoying."

"Sounds like an ass." She chuckled nervously and left.

I'd find out tomorrow.

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