Chapter 4

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For PentatonixFangirl

I held onto the doorway to the kitchen as I watched Scott make his breakfast. I felt so bad for yesterday. Because when I thought about it, I gave him no reason not to kiss me. And it's not like I didn't go along with it. If he hadn't tried to stick his tongue down my throat I think I would have stayed kissing him for a long time. I looked shyly down on the ground.

"I'm sorry." Scott jumped, slamming his body into counter. He turned to look at me with his hand on his heart.

"You scared me."

"I'm sorry." I repeated. He looked absolutely confused when I tilted my head to look at him. "I didn't mean to slap you. It took me by surprise and I'm sor-"

"I should be apologizing. I don't why I felt the need to kiss you. I just....Well, for the lack of better words, I was horny. And you were there." I picked at the wood of the doorway.

"It wasn't like I was stopping you."

"That didn't give me the right. And what I said afterwards. I'm sorry." I felt like the tension between us seemed to ease. I came into the kitchen to make my breakfast.

"Here. I made you this." He gave me an omelet. I smiled thankfully. I ate at the counter as I watched him.

"What do you do for a living?"

"I'm in a band." I nodded slowly.

"So that's why you're making all that noise." He snorted his laughter.

"It's not noise. It's music." I hummed sarcastically. He rolled his eyes at me. I could tell he was slightly annoyed at me. "So what do you want to do? I mean, after college." I stabbed part of the omelet hard enough to hear the click of my fork against the plate.

"I don't know. I guess I haven't really thought that far."

"Don't you want to make millions of dollars off your paintings?" I took a bite of the omelet and thought about it.

"Not if it doesn't make someone happy." We are in silence. He seemed to be caught off guard by my answer. I don't think he imagined me like this. Suddenly, his phone made a text chime.

"Hey. You want to go to a party tonight?" I didn't have class tomorrow. I didn't have anything tomorrow. My shift at work didn't start until way later in the evening tomorrow.

"I don't see the harm." He smiled. I noticed Scott had a nice smile. And I wanted to see more of it. We waited until it was dark outside to leave. I hid in my room all day until Scott drove us. It felt awkward to be standing in front of a house I didn't know. I didn't know anyone here except Scott. But Scott seemed to know everyone.

"Hey, Lance." Scott didn't a weird bro hug that left both of the two laughing until they hugged warmly. "Who's here tonight?"

"No one of importance. Hell-o." Lance glanced passed Scott at me. "Who's your friend?"

"My roommate is off-limits." I felt myself get a bit irritated.

"Who says I am?" I spoke up. Lance laughed. Scott got a worried expression as Lance slung his arm around my shoulders.

"See? He knows how to have fun." Lance clapped me on the back roughly before leaving Scott and I alone. He turned the music up louder until my heart beat was taken over by the song's beat. Scott put his hand on my arm and his lips near my ear.

"You don't want to be anywhere near Lance. He's my bandmate and I know his nightly routines." Scott had to do this kind of whisper yell to make sure I heard him but others around us could not.

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