Chapter 2

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A/N: This story won the majority of the votes. I will be updating it on Saturdays.

I threw my keys in the bowl when I got home but this time I wasn't greeted with silence. I heard Kirstie's voice then I heard a stranger. I set my binders down on the coffee table carefully. I slowly walked towards where the stranger and Kirstie were talking.

"So why exactly does a guy who looks like this need a roommate?" The stranger went over to a picture of my parents and me. I came around the corner in plain view but no one seemed to notice. I was looking over my new roommate.

He had his back turned to me. The first thing that caught my attention was his height. His long legs made him tower over me. Then his muscles. I could see his broad shoulders pulling against the fabric of his shirt. His blonde hair was cut like mine, with the sides shaved, but he could actually stick his up. He had his hands shoved in the pockets of his tight jeans.

"He's had a rough time."

"He looks like he might be attractive." I cleared my throat to gain their attention. Kirstie had jumped around to face me but the stranger coolly turned on his heels. I felt my lips part slightly at the sight of him. He was handsome. He had strong features. And his eyes. To say his eyes were blue was like saying the sun was yellow. It was sufficient but not able to capture the fire that ignited. His thin lips pulled at the corners into a smirk. "I stand corrected. He is attractive." I felt my cheeks turn red.

"Scott, this is Mitch Grassi. Mitch, this is Scott Hoying. And I think you two should live together." I looked over his confident posture and noted how his eyes drifted to my collarbone peeking out of the collar of my shirt.


"Mitch!" Kirstie grabbed my hand before I could leave. "He's a good guy. He's just teasing you." Kirstie went to go smack Scott upside the head.

"Ow!" His hand went to rub the back of his head.

"So what do you say?" I looked between a begging Kirstie and an indifferent Scott. What a cocky asshole.

"Fine." Scott got a tour of the rest of the apartment by Kirstie and then she left. I completely ignored Scott as he came to sit on the couch next to me. I focused on my homework.

"What's your major?"

"I don't want to be friends." I looked up at him. I jumped back when I realized how close his face was to mine. Our noses bumped against each other's. He smiled at my shocked reaction.

"I'm not asking to be friends. I'm asking to learn more about my roommate."

"Do you mind backing up?" He moved his face back but his leg was still resting pressed up against mine. "I'm an art major."


"What is that supposed to mean?" His arms folded behind his back in a comfortable position.

"Nothing. I just imagined art majors to be more relaxed....and into spontaneous sex." I was glaring at him but that wasn't covering up the fact that I was blushing at the thought. I found my boyfriend cheating on me yesterday. Yet, I was imagining that spontaneous sex that my new roommate was talking about. I shook my head to rid myself of those thoughts.

"Don't even think about it." I looked back down at my homework. He leaned in towards to me.

"Too late." His warm breath poured over my cool skin, teasing the thought that his lips would bring the same warmth. Scott seemed to be done teasing me and he went to the other end of the couch with the tv remote. I chalked up my thoughts up to me being an emotional wreck and a desperate need to be touched. I felt someone staring at me. I looked up at the blue eyed man.


"How long has it been since you've had sex?" I felt my eyes widen. God, he's forward. I cleared my throat. It suddenly became dry.

"Awhile." It was a one worded, snappy answer.

"So that's why you're acting awkward." He murmured to himself.

"I'm acting awkward because I've just met you." He rolled his eyes. "You're an ass."

"Am I really? We've just met. How would you know?" I groaned as he turned my words on me.

"I should've never let you stay."

"Kick me out then." I didn't see him carrying anything and he hasn't texted anyone to help him so that meant his stuff was already moved in. As much as he has annoyed me in the thirty minutes I knew him, I wasn't mean enough to kick him out without a better cause.

"I won't do it. But I have rules."

"Okay." I knocked his feet off the coffee table so he would pay attention to me.

"No sex. At least not between us. I want a warning before you bring someone back so I can make sure my iPod is charged or I can go to the library. Oh! I have work and school. You can't stay up late making noise. Especially not when we have neighbors trying to sleep." Scott leaned forward.

"Wasn't planning on it. I'm in a multiple apartment complex. But I do have a question." I waited patiently for his question. "What if you bring someone home?"

"I won't." It was another quick answer.

"Why not? You're attractive. You have a nice body." His eyes stayed on mine. I felt like I was smoldering under that gaze.

"I'm not like that."

"That's not like the stories Kirstie told me, Mitchie." I ignored the burning annoyance to yell about that stupid nickname and turned back to finishing my homework. "How old are you?"

"Twenty one. You?"

"Twenty two." The only sounds for a long time were my pencil on paper and whatever Scott was watching on TV. I was honestly ignoring him again. Every now and then he would make comments to me that would go in one ear and out the other. "Are you always going to be this boring?" I acknowledged that because I had finished my assignments.

"I'm not meant to make your life interesting." He shifted his position so he was sitting taller on the couch.

"No. You're meant to make your own interesting. And if I'm bored, that means you must be dying."

"I have a social life. I'm not bored." He frowned.

"How long are you going to keep telling yourself that?" I slammed my binders down on the table.

"You don't know me. Don't try to pretend like you're all high and mighty."

"I'm not. I'm calling you as I perceive you." I groaned again, curling my fingers into a fist. But then I calmed down. I was making it too hard for me to get to know Scott or even the other way around. I was being an ass. Even if I found his attitude insufferable. I grabbed my stuff and stood there for awhile. I would have to get used to him. Might as well do it now.

"I'm sorry."

"He cheated on you." I felt my whole body tense.

"Did Kirstie tell you?"

"No. I figured it out." I turned to look at him. He was staring at me with pity. I hated it; but I have a feeling it was completely involuntary.


"You changed bedrooms. I know because you were heading towards mine. Any picture of you and him is gone. But you forgot to dust so I see the outlines. That fact that you answered my question about sex like that says you haven't been in a relationship in awhile. How long ago did you guys break up?"

"Yesterday." His jaw dropped and he was caught off guard.

"Holy shit. I didn't mean-"

"It's fine." I walked quietly to my room, hiding under the covers. I feel like a complete asshole. Scott didn't deserve to be the outlet of my rage for Ronnie. I had closed my eyes and fallen asleep.

I was knocked into a tired daze as someone pulled the blankets over my cold body before falling back asleep.

I wonder who it was.

And why they didn't come under the covers with me.

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