Chapter 3

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For JannaAliT

A/N: I actually have the majority of these chapters written so it might be two chapters a week. Hope you guys are okay with that!


"Hey, Mitch. Shut your fucking alarm off if you're not getting up." Scott groggily knocked me out of my sleep. He was leaning against my door. It's been a month since Scott moved in and he is annoying. He's incredibly confident and brings guys home a lot. I don't know what actually happens. Some guys he seems to be friends with while the others are definitely waiting to get in his pants.

I found myself at a loss for words as I looked at him. He was shirtless with thin pajama bottoms. My eyes followed his sharp hip bones until they disappear under the waistband of his pants.

"Mitch, the fucking alarm."

"Sorry." I fumbled with my phone until I shut the alarm off. He rubbed his eyes quickly. I pulled my knees to my chest as he looked over my body.

"You okay?"

"I'm fi-" I cleared my throat as my voice had became a high pitched squeak. "I'm fine." I said it clearly. He rolled his eyes.

"Why the hell is your alarm on?" I checked what the alarm was for. I didn't have class today and I didn't have work. I must have had a scheduling error. I shrugged my response. He came over to flop in the bed next to me. I moved farther away from him.

"Do you mind?"

"What?" My arms wrapped around my knees tighter. I needed him to leave.

"I want to go back to sleep."

"Fall back asleep then." He continued to rest on my bed. His eyes were closed now though.

"Get out of my bed."

"Why? A little excitement in your morning?" I blushed a deep red. I was pushed up against my headboard as he came to loom over me. He pulled my legs away from my chest. He immediately went to kiss my neck. I couldn't stop the breathless gasp. I felt my heartbeat vibrating through my body.

"Scott." It was a desperate gasp as his hand slipped into my boxers.

"You okay there?" I snapped out of my small fantasy to see Scott still laying next to me. One of his eyebrows was raised as he was staring at me. I tried swallowing the lump in my throat.

"I'm fine."

"You're weird. That's what you are." He slid off my bed to go back to his own. He shut the door behind him. I dropped my face in my hands. I've been having those thoughts ever since Scott moved in. I was pathetic. I absolutely hated the fact that he could make me think this way. And I hated his living habits. He would leave his dishes in the sink or leave his dirty clothes in the bathroom. It pissed me off. But I couldn't deny that I wanted to sleep with him.

"I just need to relax. I need to clear my thoughts." I took a deep breath but for as long as I sat there, I couldn't get the fantasy of Scott out of my head. I was desperate and Scott was....delectable? Pretty much. He was built and handsome. And as much as I'd hate to admit, he was kind of charming.

There was things that were annoying. Like Scott liked to play his keyboard loudly and nudge me every time he walked into the living room while I was doing homework. But he brings this one guy home. The guy is obviously a hook up but Scott is completely nice to the man. His hand never drifts too high on the man's thigh and his lips never stay on the other's for more than a few seconds when they were in front of me. I always wonder what Scott whispered in the guy's ear to make him smile. It made me jealous that I was alone. I don't remember the last time I was treated like that.

I don't remember the last time someone touched me. It's been....awhile. Ronnie was such a fucking ass. That stupid-ugh. I just hated him. Him leaving me sent me practically drooling over my new roommate. I could always go out and find someone anonymous. Or take care of myself. This situation was just complicated. I didn't think Scott was going to be a sexual desire. Well, let's say a sexual option. But the way he acts gives my body chills.

I hated him touching me. Even if it was just playfully, Scott's touch made me crave anybody's touch. I just needed some form of release that allowed my body to resist temptation. I closed my eyes as I imagined someone's fingers gliding over my stomach. I tried to imagine someone I didn't see on a daily basis.

"Stop lying to yourself, Mitch. You know it's me." I shivered in pleasure at the thought of him whispering in my ear. The feeling that I was going through was as if Scott's lips were hovering above mine but he never touched me. I squeezed my eyes shut to try and change the person that was exciting my body. I heard his chuckle. "It's hopeless. I'm stuck in your mind. Why don't you get it over with? Go to where the me that isn't clouding your mind is in the living room. Fuck me. Couldn't hurt to try. Or do you just want the image of me to touch you?"

"Yes." I couldn't imagine going up to the real Scott. I told him I wasn't like that. That I didn't want to have sex with him. And I didn't. I just simply wanted to have sex.

I walked into the bathroom after I finished my little fantasy off. I took a nice calming shower and then got dressed in my lazy day clothes. Scott was sitting on the couch watching tv when I went in the living room. I blushed at the thought of what imaginary Scott suggested.

"What's wrong with you?" Scott questioned at my staring. I came to sit down on the couch next to him. He had one of his light blonde eyebrow raised.

"Nothing." We sat in silence for awhile. Scott every now and then would poke my side playfully. He had found out I was ticklish last week when he tried to walk by me in the kitchen and touched my sides. I hit his hands away. "Stop." He kept doing it. "I said stop it." I stumbled off the couch when I began laughing loudly and Scott followed after me. "Scott!"

"Mitch!" He playfully mocked me. He stopped tickling me. "You know, you moan loudly." My smile faltered and I moved to sit up. He had a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "You can't hide anything with these thin walls. Nice try though."

"Who said it was about you?"

"You did. You gave it away just now." I was leaning away by putting my hands on the ground behind me and letting my body dip backwards. He moved closer to me. "Why didn't you come out to ask me? I would have helped." My chest was rising and falling quickly.

"Because maybe I just enjoy the thought of you. I find you annoying."

"And I find you're snobby." He smirked. "So controlling like you don't do anything wrong. But you're not innocent. These hands slid easily over your body just like the thoughts of me slipping in your mind. Don't deny it, Mitch. You want me."

"You're an egotistical asshole." He only smiled.

"At least I'm not touching myself to fantasies of my roommate." My lips turned into a thin line. I hated it. I hated him. "When all you have to do is ask." I realized how close he was with that sentence. His breath was traveling down my neck.

"Scott-" He leaned over to kiss me. His lips were so soft as they moved against mine. My hand went to cup his cheek. We were actually kissing for awhile until he tried to stick his tongue in my mouth. My eyes widened when I pulled away. I looked at his satisfied expression. I smacked him harshly across the cheek. He sighed. I covered my mouth with my hands. I can't believe I did that.

"You're kind of hot when you're angry." My jaw clenched at his teasing. I stood up from the ground.

"Don't fucking touch me." I disappeared in my room to hide for the rest of the day. I heard Scott being his annoying self. I only snuck out to get food. Still. I had to admit.

I did like that kiss.

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