Chapter 5

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For nutalala

I kept my eyes closed as a loud groan came out of my mouth. My head. I had the worst headache I've ever had. I rubbed my temples to try and ease the sensation. It didn't seemed to work though.

"Here." I opened my eyes. Scott was standing next to the bed with a glass of water and a small round pill in his hands. His pajama bottoms were being held up with his sharp hipbones. I sat up with a small hissed at the pain in my lower back. I took the pill and glass of water from him. "How you feeling?"

"Like shit. What happened last night?" I saw him tense over the top of the glass. I set it on my nightstand, wiping my mouth with my sleeve. But I was met with skin. That's when I realized I wasn't wearing any clothes. I felt myself starting to panic. "Scott, what happened?" I said it more firmly.

"You really don't remember?" Oh god. What if I slept with someone? What if it's someone who left in the morning and now I have some horrible disease? I say disease because I looked around the room and saw no trace of a condom or condom wrapper. I made a small sob.


"Mitch. Relax."

"Don't tell me to fucking relax! I don't know who I slept with!" He held my shoulders tightly.

"It's was me. You slept with me." As soon as he said that, every touch flooded my mind. I blushed a deep red.

"Y-y-you?" My hand went to touch his chest. He sat down on the bed next to me.

"Do you remember?" I nodded. I felt myself lean in toward his lips and he did the same to me. But the alarm on my phone interrupted us. It was my alarm for work.

"Shit!" I scrambled out of the bed quickly to get dressed in my uniform. I didn't say anything more to Scott as I grabbed my stuff and ran out the door. I don't think I could look at him right now. I stumbled into work two minutes before my shift started. Kirstie looked at me as I hastily wrapped my pouch around my waist.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine." I grabbed a pad from the bin and a pen to write with.

"Mitch." She grabbed me before I could leave and motioned for someone that we needed a minute. "What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it." She didn't let me leave.

"Mitch. I'm your best friend. You can tell me anything." I opened to respond but it didn't want to come out. My words were stuck in my throat. I shook my head and left her. I worked my shift quietly. The regular people who I wait on noticed something different about me too. It was when I was getting in my car that Kirstie slammed the door to stop me from getting in.

"What the hell?"

"What's going on?"

"Nothing." She crossed her arms over her chest. I looked around at the other people getting in their cars.

"I'm not doing this here." I tried to get in the car again but she smacked my hand away.

"Fine. I'll ask Scott."

"No you won't!" I snatched her phone away from her hands. She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Did something happen between you two?" I tensed.

"It was an accident." I said it quickly before I was able to shut myself up. She laughed with pure glee.

"Something did happen! What was it?"


"Tell me!" She grabbed my shoulders excitedly. I hugged my own body.

"We had sex. I was drunk and-"

"Well? Do you remember it?" I nodded. She nudged my shoulder lightly. By now, I remembered everything. Every kiss, every touch. Every bite. Every time he made me giggled and bring him closer. "How'd it feel?" I sighed.

"Fucking amazing." I admitted out loud. She laughed at me. "It's been so long since someone touched me like that. And he was drunk. Imagine when he's-no." I felt that my breathing had picked up. I closed my eyes to try and stop myself. "It can't happen again."

"And why not?"

"If I'm with a guy like that I want to-to be in a relationship with him. Scott and I just don't work well together. I couldn't see myself dating him."

"Why do you have to date them, Mitch? For once in your life just hook up with somebody. That's why I asked Scott to move in with you. He'd be good for just sex." I scratched the back of my head.

"I wouldn't want to do that to him." She leaned against my car.

"Listen. Scott is-All you have to do is talk to him, Mitch. He'll do no strings attached." She put her arm around my shoulders.

"How could I do that to someone?"

"Just talk to him." I went to the library after I got done talking to Kirstie. I was pretending to look at the shelves of books while I thought about my situation. I could ask Scott to do something like that but I'd feel horrible. That would be like using him. I wouldn't forgive myself. I turned the pages absentmindedly.

"Hey, Mitch. We need to talk." I opened the door to the apartment. Scott said hi to me but the other sentence was to the guy he was sitting on the couch with. It's the same guy he always brought home. I went in the kitchen but there was a window that allowed me to see into the living room. I watched Scott lean over to whisper in the guy's ear.

"You sure about that?" Scott brushed the man's hair from his eyes.

"Yeah. I'll see you later." The man gave Scott a kiss before leaving out the door. I made myself look busy when Scott came to get a water bottle. "You should get better at eavesdropping. I don't think you heard what I whispered."

"I....I didn't mean to."

"I don't blame you. We were right there." He yawned, stretching his arms above his head. I accidentally let my eyes drift to where his shirt rose. "Well, I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

"Night." I gasped when he kissed my cheek.

"See you tomorrow." I watched him walk away with a confident stride. I ran into my room and slammed the door. I let out a restrained scream. Should I talk to him about it or not?

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